Apple Announces More Ads Coming to App Store Starting Next Week


In some ways they kinda do -HOLD to say this isn’t defending Apple just explaining reasons why also annoyed with this-, investors just want to see up and up and up and up and up with no stagnation or decline what-so-ever. Apple now jumping into the ads stuff is partially a symptom of that, as to make sure numbers keeps going up and up on revenue.

It’s why Apple switched from announcing units sold to total revenue when talking to investors.. because of the stupid idea that any stagnation or decline equals doom and gloom “company is dying let’s pull out!”

It’s truly annoying what investors end up causing not only for Apple but others too. I hate that Apple is doing this and certainly judge them for it, but we also have to pay attention to the source of the symptom rather than putting full blame on the symptom. We can try our best to make changes for the better but if we can’t get Apple to not push this, let’s go after the source of the issue next. Stock Market Investors

Categorized as Apple