Ann Linde’s (former Foreign Minister of Sweden) new mission: Advisor to Apple


Former foreign minister Ann Linde (S) has received an assignment as an advisor to the tech giant Apple, according to Altinget.There she will contribute with “analyses and assessments of global trends”.The assignment concerns an advisory body within Apple consisting of people with a background in politics, civil society and business.

The former foreign minister has reported her new assignment to the Karensnämnden, and writes according to Altinget that “there is no conflict of interest” between her new commitment and previous work. However, the board has decided that Ann Linde must have certain restrictions in the assignment.”The restriction means a prohibition against using and/or conveying information about such individual cases, processes and issues that Ann Linde has acquired as a minister and which are not available to a wider circle,” they write in their decision.

Categorized as Apple