Am I wrong??


This might not directly relate, but I never share my body count with guys or potential partners. There are definitely double standards when it comes to amount of sexual partners. I hate how many guys have asked me too. I hate that a lot guys want a woman who is attractive and good in bed, but “low mileage” and not “ran through.” I deal with hyper sexuality as a symptom of my mental illness, so I’ve made a lot of decisions In the past I regret and some of sexual decisions were rooted in seeking validation cuz my self esteem was low at the time. I was fat as a kid and I never thought anyone would want to be with me(people are cruel to fat people, but I don’t being fat is bad) and those fears kinda stuck with me. Regardless, some woman just really like to have sex, like men do. I also hate some mens weird obsession with purity, it’s honestly kinda pedophilloic in my opinion. One of my personal theories is that men like to slutshame cuz they’re jealous of the fact that it’s easier for girls to get attention and sex. Last point I wanna add is that he might be insecure.