I’m extremely upset after a comment of my brother


So this just happened just an hour ago & it’s honestly not just about this ‘joke’ but mainly. So first of all, I am a natural blonde (Is important for the story) & have two older brothers and maybe some “youngest child” people already know how it can easily happen that your family talk over you or don’t really listen to you. Happens to me all the time, mostly at the dinnertable

Today my parents, my brothers & me were playing a card game. I was playing the “!” card. In the game you are allowed to pick up one card per turn but if you play this card, you can pick up two. You can even pick up one card, play the “!” card & then pick up a second card. So I did exactly that & said that I was done. One of my brothers (H) told me that I still have to pick one card up. I told him that I already did that & explained it but he kept, and now the rest of my family, on insisting that I would have to pick up one more. I started to think that maybe I’ve always been playing it wrong and you can pick up tree cards if you play the “!” card.

A few rounds later someone else plays this card & I say “That’s exactly what I did too but you told me I’d have to pick up even more”. They then went “Oh really? I guess I were wrong” and I got upset because, as I already mentioned, they often don’t really listen to me. If they would’ve actually listened to what I’m saying they would’ve understood but they didn’t & just told me that I’m wrong. Because of how frustrated & angry this makes me feel, I kinda lashed out and directly told them “You do this all the time, you never really listen to what I have to say & just overtalk it or dismiss what I said” The only person that really answered was my mother & she just said that it wasn’t true in a joking/light way. My father & brothers weren’t really listening again

Later in the game my other brother (N) made a comment about the “!” card again and I told him that it wouldn’t have happened if they would’ve just listened. I can’t remember what exactly he said but he basicly disagreed and I told him the same thing again. Then he said: “There is no use to discuss something with a blonde anyway” It made me speechless. He has already made plenty of such “dumb-blonde” jokes in the past & I’ve never been a fan of it but this time it was just too much.

First of all I was right & he was wrong. If they would’ve listened they would’ve known that I already picked up two cards, there isn’t even really something to discuss. As you probably can imagine, I am rather sensitiv about the whole “no one really listens” topic. And with this comment he basicly just said/ implyed that whatever I have to say is not important/ automaticly wrong because I’m just a blonde dumb woman. This makes me feel so worthless & disgusting. And genuienly makes me question how many men (including my brother) will never actually care about what I have to say or just see my opinion as unimportant because I’m a woman, specificly blonde and that makes me dumb. Maybe I’m overeacting a bit but I can’t change the way it makes me feel.

As I said, I was speechless and I got so upset & hurt that my eyes were filling with tears. My mother luckily told him off for saying something disgusting like that but still. He already said it. I just kept quiet for the rest of the game because I was still way to shocked & hurt to mention it again and he would’ve said that I’m just overracting. Sometimes I wish that men could live as a woman for some time to experience what we have to go throught just because we were born as women & that sometimes a “joke” isn’t as funny as you might think it is.

(But karma was working cause I won the game & he lost:)