Who blew up the Nordstream pipelines?

Initially, I was like ‘yeah – well done Vlad’. His denials cemented that point of view in my mind (he lies about everything – if he told me water was wet, I wouldn’t believe it at this point).

Who has the motivation?

I struggle to see the motivation of Russia (other than a continuation of being complete dicks to everyone nearby).

Ukraine? Putin no longer has the bargaining power to say ‘stop giving them guns’n’bombs and we’ll sell you cheap gas for winter’.

European countries? No longer have to wrestle between principles and economic pressures?

The Americans? Weaken Russia economically for decades to come?

It was a nation state. There’s no-one else who’d have the engineering capacity to do it – no ‘organisation’, no private company would get involved if they had subs.

But I’m wondering now if really was Vlad’s boys…

What’s the collective view on this?