What’s your best revenge story on a coworker you hate?

It all began when my coworker made the grave mistake of borrowing my prized yellow Hi-Lighter without asking. I knew if I was ever going to get it back, I had to think up a plan of revenge.

First, I took out a pad of sticky notes and wrote a long, rambling note that said, “You owe me a Hi-Lighter!” and then I placed it on my coworker’s desk. Then, I snuck into their cubicle in the middle of the night and filled their entire trash bin up with fluffy yellow stuffed chickens.

When they came in the next morning and saw the note and the chickens, their jaw dropped. Then, I took a video of their reaction and spliced it together with a “dun dun dun” sound effect, and posted it on YouTube.

In the meantime, I also placed a sign outside my coworker’s cubicle which said “Yoinked by the Hi-Lighter Bandit”. Other people started putting up copycat signs around the office, and before long, “Hi-Lighter Bandit” was trending on Instagram.

I eventually found my Hi-Lighter in the bottom of a filing cabinet, so I brought it back to my desk with a triumphant flourish. My coworker was suitably humbled and never borrowed anything of mine again.

Of course, the real lesson here is that you should always ask before you borrow somebody’s Hi-Lighter.