What’s a small decision you made that ended up having a huge impact on your life?

My friends and I were hanging out with a group of girls we met at the beach. When they went to leave, one of them asked to take a picture with all of us. As we were going our separate ways, I remarked to my friends that if any of us wanted to stay in touch with any of those girls, it would be as easy as asking for a copy of the picture. They said you do it. So I did.

We exchanged emails and began talking on AIM. She lived in a town that wasn’t super far away but not one I’d have had any reason to go to if I didn’t know her. I met up with her and some of her other friends a few months later and became much closer friends with one of them. And then two years later through that friend I met a girl I dated for about two a half years.

That gf and I shared a lot of life together. We traveled to Europe, Mexico, and all over the west coast. It was one of the most formative relationships of my young adulthood.

And it never would have happened if I hadn’t asked for a copy of that picture.