What was your worst travel experience?

Used to work as a lot attendant for a car dealership before I worked full-time, and they sent me on this mission to deliver tires to some dude on Craigslist. They gave me the wrong address, and it was located in a very hilly area, more like mountains, and it was almost impossible to find. By the time I did it was dark, and I couldn’t see anything, and I had to help the dude unload. Turns out the tires were in really bad shape and I felt bad even giving them to the dude, and I got cut open several times with metal bits all through my hands because the tires steel belt was exposed. The whole mission was pointless, ended up lost, pissed, and almost out of battery in my phone, and I got yelled at for not being quick enough. Needless to say I immediately quit after that and found another job, the manager is a total d*ck and doesn’t deserve my help.