What screams “I’m a horrible boss?”

  1. Reminding people whose paying them or what the rules are constantly.

  2. Ignoring truancy while zealously enforcing the uniform or some other petty rule.

  3. Making up rules just to enforce them.

  4. Berating new employees for not knowing things.

  5. Making up reasons to have formal meetings threatening write ups.

  6. Warning of dire consequences if an inspector sees something.

  7. Finding excuses to delay pay.

  8. Arranging the training system intentionally to get new people to trip up.

  9. Encouraging blanket firings.

  10. Blaming employees for their stuff being stolen.

  11. Keeping the best shifts for themselves.

  12. Punitive assignments.

  13. Getting angry when employees won’t go through personal hardships for work.

  14. Absenteeism.

  15. Talking in circles or getting annoyed when underlings ask questions.

And many many more signs of warped priorities.