what makes you want to get up in the morning?

Might sound stupid to some, but budgeting. I use a well-known budgeting site and every morning while I’m having my first few sips of coffee I go through the previous day’s transactions and reconcile my bank accounts and credit cards.

I used to be completely rudderless with my spending and spent many sleepless nights wondering where the money to cover bills was going to come from. Now that I’m very on top of my finances and I account for every transaction I sleep sooo much better and I start out every day feeling secure that all my bills are covered, that if the car doesn’t start I can afford to repair it, that I can spend all the time I want dreaming of a vacation knowing that I’m getting close to being able to afford one, and if we decide to order pizza tonight my credit card definitely has the room.

Starting the day feeling like I’m ahead is huge. I also enjoy my job more because I don’t feel like I’m working just to keep my head above water. My wife and I don’t fight about money anymore. Dunno… for me it just helps to start the day out with proof positive that at least financially, we’re ok.