What is a situation that directly happened to you or that you simply witnessed, in which to this day you can NOT explain?

A face hovering in the dark beside my bed. I saw it because my husband suddenly woke up flailing and freaking out, then he started staring at something next to him so I looked too.

It was like a shadow apparition of a long haired man was kneeling beside the bed watching us sleep, but only his face was visible. It vanished with the rest of the shadows when my husband got up and flipped the light on

There wasn’t anything there to have caused a weird face and it was absolutely a distinct human face. I could recognize him if I ran into him.

My dog also had a moment one night where he stared at the corner the face was in and was growling and barking. He rarely barks, absolutely never barks at humans and has never barked in the house before or after that.