What childhood anime still resonates with you today? And why?

I’ve been having a strange feeling lately. I figured out I am watching seasonal anime that I absolutely don’t care about, and will soon forget about. Wasting my time on mediocre and low-budget works, that have almost 0 impact on me.

At the same time, I remember the days when I watched Fate/Zero (my favorite anime), Steins;Gate, Hunter x Hunter and others that have greatly influenced me, have left me with an over-the-top feeling of satisfaction, and greatly shaped my taste in anime and art in general.

I am looking for other small masterpieces like that, that I have skipped and/or haven’t checked out. I know that everything is not for everyone, but I am asking for you personal opinion and assistance. You could also take a look at my MAL page, but that is not really necessary. Thanks for any recommendations.