UPDATING LIVE: UN General Assembly debates US embargo against Cuba


United Nations

Global perspective Human stories

A view of the General Assembly’s 2021 meeting on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by US against Cuba.

Economic Development

The UN General Assembly is expected to vote on its annual resolution later on Thursday in New York which calls on the United States to end its economic and trade embargo against Cuba, first imposed in 1960.

The US imposed the embargo in response to the revolution led by Fidel Castro and subsequent nationalization of property belonging to US citizens under the new Government.

A thaw in diplomatic relations between Cuba and the Obama administration in 2016 led the US to abstain on the resolution for the first time, but the US reverted to opposing the measure in 2017.

09:40 AM

Debate on the resolution began yesterday and continues today at 10 AM New York time, with Cuba and US among the key countries expected to take the floor today.  

Yesterday saw an overwhelming number of Member States underscore the many harmful and long-lasting consequences the decades-long embargo has had on the Caribbean island nation.

Many cited the Secretary-General’s report on the impact on Cuba’s overall human development, with the Assembly calling for the embargo to be lifted every year the resolution has been debated.

Click here to catch up on the discussions from Wednesday, from the UN Meetings Coverage Section

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Action on the draft

At the end of the debate, action is expected to vote on a draft resolution entitled “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.”

This item has been a regular fixture on the Assembly’s agenda, and the body has, in previous years, voted overwhelmingly in favour of an end to the measures.

Last year for instance, 185 Member States voted in favour to 2 against (Israel, United States), with 2 abstentions (Brazil, Ukraine), expressing concern about the adverse effects of such measures on the Cuban people and on Cuban nationals living in other countries.

We will bring you key highlights from the meeting, please follow this page for regular updates…