Stop Blaming Black Women for Black Men’s Actions


This is extremely common in America. You do not get to blame us for Black male crime, Black male violence, or Black men’s personal behavior towards you. Especially not when Americans ignore and condone the violence they inflict on Black women first. Nobody blames white women for white men’s actions. People would never ask Asian women to address Asian male violence. So do not ask Black women to address things we are not responsible for in the first place. Talk to Black men directly or swallow whatever thoughts you have. Americans don’t get to treat Black women like sh*t and then act surprised when that same violence starts to affect them as well. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too. You don’t get to allow Black men’s misogyny towards Black women to slide and then act surprised when that same misogyny starts to affect non-Black women. It’s fine when Black men are harassing and attacking Black women, but it does not feel so good when that same violence affects you, doesn’t it? Black women are not responsible for said violence. Leave. Us. Alone.