Since the technological advancements of our time making it easy to just store what needs to be remembered in our phones through Siri and Google assistant, do you feel like our brains aren’t as inclined to keep information the way it used to be?

Now a days we are always using our devices to remind us of our appointments, birthdays, phone numbers, everything we used to have to store in our brains to remember.

I know there were planners back in the day but even then writing stuff down helped us store memories by use of visual aid. Nowadays we just ask Siri or Google to schedule or remind us of things that we need to remember.

I talk to a bunch of friends who all feel like they have bad memory when it comes to small stuff like where they set their keys down to remembering what they did last week. I was wondering if maybe there is a correlation between the two.

Anybody here have any input on this subject?