Since Europe has twice the population of the US, what aspects might be preventing it from exceeding the US’s innovation?

I would say Europe has a great division industry wise and population wise.

In countries like Portugal, Serbia, Romania or Lithuania, there is not much industry, no high GDP and not much innovation. People from my country, Portugal, usually go abroad to countries like UK, Germany, where more GDP is generated since they have higher industry, pay higher salaries and get the smartest people here as well.

I don’t know US reality but from here looks like infinite money capitalized into tech, while in Europe i see some venture capital companies investing a lot recently, but still the marketing from US for a company that does the same as an European is still better.

Also, i think that adoption by masses is very different. I would say from my American friends that they addopt new ideas very easily and in an exciting way, while Europeans are for me, more conservative 🙂

The sum of this maybe could explain, but I’m curious for the answers