Sex drive


Did your sex drive suddenly change, or was it always like that? If you are content with yourself, and it wasn’t a drastic change from having a sex drive for you, I wouldn’t worry. (If it was a sudden change, check in with your doctor to make sure everything is alright)

Your worth is not based on the amount of sex you provide to other people, you don’t owe sex to anyone. If he loves you for who you are, he wouldn’t require things you don’t feel like doing, wouldn’t pressure or try to change you for him.

He can take care of himself, like everyone else. If you want to do something special for him, maybe take a few photos if you feel like it. It might be aesthetically pleasing for you and boost your confidence. Experiment, and talk about them together. He can enjoy himself and you could be involved in his sex life this way. He can compliment you and tell you what he likes about you and the photos and how much he enjoys that you took them for him.

If that’s not for you, find ways to connect with him emotionally, have deep conversations, tell him what you love and like about him, quality time together, dates, and physical intimacy like cuddling, hugging, scratching his back, kissing(not the sexual one, the emotional one). There are so many better ways to connect to someone you love than just sex. I wish you the best in your relationship, and I hope you find out that the special bond you share is not about just sex, but about the love and connection you have together