Sep 6, D-Prize Challenge for Social Entrepreneurs to Fight Poverty in Africa


D-Prize Challenge for Social Entrepreneurs to Fight Poverty in Africa

D-Prize Challenges

Expand the categories below to view high-impact products and services in need of greater global distribution.

  • Health

  • Water


  • Livelihoods


  • Public Services

  • Education

  • Custom

    ELigbility Requirements

  • D-Prize is for new organizations. Most of our awardees are first-time entrepreneurs. Most have not yet launched their organization, nor have they raised other funding. We especially encourage those from low-and-middle income countries to apply


  • The Global Competition launches on 2 September 2024

  • Early Submission Deadline: 13 October 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time)

  • Regular Submission Deadline: 3 November 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time)

  • Extension Deadline: 24 November 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time)

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; D-Prize Challenge for Social Entrepreneurs to Fight Poverty in Africa

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