People who fat shame others, why? Why you care so much others that you need to bully them?

Fatshaming saved me. If I wasn’t made aware of my own eating habits I would’ve buried it and never looked deeper into the issue. As it turns out I have BED and the only way I found out was by fat jokes.

I took charge of my life after that. I’m not perfect. Still a little chubby, but I’m not as bad. Fatshaming is as old as humanity and it plays a part in helping each other out, does it hurt your feelings? Yeah. It always will to know that you’re living an unhealthy life that otherwise you thought was perfectly normal, but you have to know, otherwise it can go sideways and you may end up with a bad health issue later on.

There are good and bad ways to go about it, but don’t take it personal. Most people mean well, others are assholes, in the end it’s about your perception and how much you really care or not. If you don’t like the fat shaming, it’s likely that you don’t like being fat, if that’s the case then fix it, don’t blame others.