People who don’t agree with nonbinary identities or they/them pronouns, why?

It’s not that I don’t agree – I just don’t understand why we are straying away from know biological facts. It’s also fairly scary how a large number of non binary people are young women who may or may not pursue different surgeries that could be life altering. I also disagree with the deconstruction of gender – there’s a reason why men and women exist and are segregated in certain categories.

Ultimately you can live however you like and do what you prefer to do – who am I to stop that? However, I just don’t want to be looped into that and I do not like the misogynistic implications of it. When we’ve moved away from calling women – women to instead naming them uterus havers, birthing people or chest feeders. These terms completely destroy the years of work feminists have put into being viewed as human beings and simply reduces women to genitalia. It’s disgusting and makes me extremely uncomfortable.