Paraplegic people of reddit, what do you think of brain machine interface Neuralink? (capable of restoring mobility of disabled patients)?

There are several ways in which Neuralink’s technology could help paraplegics, including:

Providing a new way to control their limbs: By connecting the brain to a computer or other device, Neuralink's technology could allow paraplegics to control their limbs using their thoughts, rather than needing to use their muscles or other physical movements. This could potentially enable them to perform a wide range of tasks that were previously impossible for them.

Improving their quality of life: By giving paraplegics the ability to move and perform tasks that were previously impossible for them, Neuralink's technology could potentially improve their quality of life by providing them with greater independence and autonomy. This could enable them to participate in activities and hobbies that they previously could not, and it could also improve their mental and emotional well-being.

Enhancing rehabilitation and recovery: By providing a new way to control their limbs, Neuralink's technology could potentially enhance rehabilitation and recovery for paraplegics. By using the technology to perform specific movements and tasks, paraplegics could potentially improve their muscle strength, coordination, and other skills that are essential for mobility.

Overall, Neuralink’s technology has the potential to be a valuable tool for helping paraplegics to regain some or all of their lost