Nov 14, Call for Applications: European Cross-Border Grant Programme


Call for Applications: European Cross-Border Grant Programme

This grant and mentoring programme aims to address the shortage of independent journalism by providing grants to investigative journalism projects in Europe and encouraging cross-border collaboration.

This awarded European Cross-Border Grant programme (running since 2009) supports professional journalists who have good ideas for cross-border investigations and for research on European topics. The stories must be relevant to European target groups.

These are projects that have great news value and depth, and at the same time are original, innovative and time-consuming, and would not be realised without financial support. Projects can include cross-border research, networking between colleagues, and established and innovative investigative methods.

Journalismfund Europe supports costs related to journalistic research for all media. This can include travel, translation, access to pay-databases or simply time to research. We do not support fixed costs such as office costs, investments such as cameras or computers or production costs.

Next to a grant, teams can also apply for a mentor to provide assistance with either the focus of the investigation or the

need for competences in a specific skill.

Financial support

For the European Cross-Border grants, Journalismfund Europe receives support from the Open Society Foundations (OSF), Addesium foundation, Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), Fritt Ord, Vereniging Veronica, Porticus, Isocrates Foundation, the King Baudouin Foundation and Limelight Foundations. OSF and Addessium foundation have structurally supported the programme since 2009.

Journalists living in continental Europe (plus Kosovo) are eligible to apply. Which means that this grant is inclusive for all Europeans and not just those who live in the European Union.

How to Apply

For more information and job application details, see; Call for Applications: European Cross-Border Grant Programme

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