Men of Reddit, is it a red flag when you date a woman whose dog is really poorly trained ? Why or Why not ?

Some examples of Poorly trained:

  1. She cannot call and get the dog to come at all…

  2. She can’t get the dog to stop barking.

  3. She always explains away the dog biting like ” Well, she nips its not really a bite….she was just startled”

  4. Same as above with the dog being aggressive, growling, hostile stance, you are afraid to be around the animal and it does not matter if she is present or not.

  5. You are fearful for other people, especially kids, being around the dog.

  6. She justifies the dogs awful behavior a million different ways…

  7. She can’t take the dog on walks due to their extreme hostility to other dogs / people, and that is with using a pinch collar. The animal almost jerks the leash out of her hand.