How do women do this


For context I’m a trans guy, pre everything and mostly in the closet. I navigate large parts of my life as a woman. And in some aspects my parents sheltering me so much because of my disability have given me certain privileges of not being harassed (at least as much) by people.

But I’m on my period rn and I take hormonal birth control. Lately it’s given me symptoms like whole body aches, my reproductive organs hurt a lot more despite less actual period. Granted, I am mighty thankful for the symptoms I no longer have.

But how have women gone thousands of years just dealing with this shit? I know there’s always been some kind of medicine. There’s been multiple ancient abortives and such. But just dealing with EVERYTHING ELSE on top of your body just betraying you for two weeks of the month. Jesus. How have y’all not taken over society.

The fact that there are so many people on earth. That women willingly decide to get pregnant despite the risks. (And of course NOT willingly which is even worse). Like I know it’s biological-ish because when I PMS my body practically cries to get pregnant but like MY GOD women give so much. ESPECIALLY BIPOC women but I personally can’t get into that as I am white.

Like if I ever get a girlfriend I’m treating her like an absolute EMPRESS because holy fuck this shit hurts. And I still have to do homework, and of course many women work, take care of children, etc.

If cis men went through this shit we would have so many solutions. And when trans men try to express our needs as men we get called stupid females and helpless little girls. Like. I’m a whole adult!! Dont even get me started on calling women females. I can’t even.

I just. I seith with absolute rage. Womanhood might not be my finish line, but it was my start. Women have done so much for humanity it’s literally mind blowing and I can’t even handle period cramps.