How did you find your passion? [Serious]

I had enough experiences when I was a kid, the trick was realizing the things that mattered to me.

In elementary school, I was active in theatre stuff. Science always interested me, too. In high school, I found out I had a knack for computers, and continued doing theatre.

I hit a point in early adulthood where I was focused on job stuff, which was in IT. What I realized is that I missed the creative outlet. For me, I needed the intellectual (like troubleshooting IT problems at work) and the artistic (like acting, and theatrical lighting).

That helped get me balanced in life. A job doesn’t do everything for you, but it should do something for you. You still have to find ways to get your other needs met. Maybe, for you, the needs aren’t “creativity” and “intellectual” but something else.

Giving some thought to the kinds of things you enjoy in life — both personal and professional — can go a long way to helping you see what needs you have.