Food Security Cluster/Sector Coordinator at WFP, Rome, Italy


Deadline: 5 March 2023

The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Food Security Cluster/Sector Coordinator in Rome, Italy. The duration of this post is 12 months.

World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide.

Key Job Responsibilities

The Food Security Cluster/Sector Coordinator will perform the following functions:

  • Establish and maintain the Food Security Cluster/Sector:  actively ensure membership and engagement of key partners at national and sub-national level, organize regular cluster meetings, and ensure overall coordination of the food response in an emergency.
  • Establish an inclusive governance structure for the FSC (including co-leadership with national authorities process for the FSC supported by the IMO, with inputs from, and in close consultation with, the cluster partners.
  • Ensure monitoring of the FS response (for both quantitative and qualitative aspects), and report on its implementation
  • Ensure timely, inclusive and regular information sharing and discussion with the cluster partners through various modalities including cluster meetings, email dissemination of cluster products (dashboards, maps, assessments, etc.) and establishment of relevant technical working groups.
  • Facilitate and support needs assessments such as EFSA /CFSAM/SMART/MIRA, etc, and actively promote the analysis and utilization of this information for decision-making
  • Coordinate and promote mainstreaming of cross-cutting and cross-sectoral issues (e.g. gender, age, HIV and AIDS, human rights, disability, environment, early recovery, protection, nutrition) and appropriate participatory and community-based approaches in cluster/inter-cluster needs assessments, analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring
  • Actively promote the application of common standards (e.g. SPHERE standards and CHS), and harmonization of programmatic responses (SOPs on modality of delivery, Minimum Expenditure Basket, minimum assistance package)

Eligibility Criteria

Applicant must have:

  • University degree in food security, agriculture, economics, humanitarian affairs or related field.
  • Minimum 8 years of professional experience in humanitarian response at a mid or senior level.
  • Experience in food security related topics is mandatory and experience with inter-agency coordination is desirable
  • Ability to work and plan at both operational and strategic level;
  • Working knowledge of English and French.

How to Apply

Applicants must submit applications through online process.

For more information, visit WFP.

Categorized as Jobs