Everything to do with pregnancy and childbirth makes me feel faint


I feel you!! I’ve always felt anxious and queasy about anything to do with pregnancy and childbirth. Absolutely hate going to gynaecologist appointments as it makes me extremely uncomfortable and anxious, I sometimes compare it to how others are scared of dentists. And can’t listen to any birth stories, makes me feel faint and nauseous as well. Would like children and would like to carry them though, a bit of a dilemma 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m getting close to wanting to try for children too though, so I’ve thought about how to deal with the whole process a lot lately and here’s what I’ve arrived at:

  • getting a private doula/midwife and having them follow me through the process, so there’s a possibility for a “censored” preparation instead of birth classes where you have no control over what they show you. If that makes sense? So the helper can adjust to your needs so to say.

  • communicating openly with the doctors about my fears, so we can discuss possibilities for childbirth during pregnancy. Worst case scenario I hope to settle on a planned c section if the anxiety about giving birth doesn’t lessen throughout the pregnancy.

  • working out so my body is as strong and prepared as possible

  • crossing my fingers and hoping the pregnancy hormones will kick in and desensitise a bit, at least I’m kind of counting on that 😅

Maybe some of the same preparations could help you too? At least I think it’s important to try and figure out what “triggers” you and then work around it in a way that allows you to go through the experience as comfortably as possible 😊

I feel like things are often worse when you hear about them happening to others than when you have to go through it with your own body, so to say? Like hearing someone telling a story about how they broke a leg is often worse than actually being the one breaking the leg? Anxiety wise at least. So I’m just hoping that translates to pregnancy as well 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Hope you find a solution that works well for you and good luck on your baby making adventures!

(Edited for formatting purposes to avoid wall of text 😅)