Does anyone else feel like they are not pretty enough or worthy enough to be daydreaming about love and romance?? Have you ever been proven wrong?


TLDR: Does anyone feel like you’re not the heroine/ main character of your own life so something romantic happening to you is quite impossible? Have you ever been proven wrong?

Now, I don’t know if it’s just a ‘me’ problem. I agree that I do have a bit of self confidence issues and I know I have a lot to work on.

The thing is I’ve been reading romance books and watching romance movies for quite some time now and obviously, I’ve read and watched a lot of scenes were something romantic or lovely happens to the female lead. I’m not talking about heroines having billionaire boyfriends or being gifted a whole ass yatch lol. No.

I’m talking about really simple but genuine things such as, the hero looking at the heroine from across the room and thinking “God I’d do anything for her” or the heroine catching the hero secretly staring at her. Maybe the hero gifts her a book that reminds him of her. These scenes are quite common in romance books and movies and I hope it’s not ‘unrealistic’ or ‘impossible’ to daydream about such things, fantasize about it and create fake scenarios.

Sometimes when I daydream of romance or romantic scenarios, I feel like it’s not at all possible in real life for that to happen to someone like me. I don’t feel like the heroine/main character of my life. I don’t feel pretty enough or worthy enough for someone to be actually interested in me like heroes are interested in the heroines of a book or movie. I catch myself daydreaming about romantic scenarios and suddenly there’s a voice in my head that says, “Ohh come onnn. That happening to you?? Lol no wayyy. You’re not the main character for all of that to happen to you” and I feel cringe and I suddenly stop daydreaming.

My question is, does anyone else feel the same? Has anyone else felt the same but was proven wrong? Did you feel like you were NOT the main romantic lead of your life but then something happened and you felt like you were?