Why do you believe in GOD and Why don’t you believe in GOD?

Right now as I’m typing this, people are dying around the world because of hate, greed, diseases, or even accidents. Billions of individuals are praying for world peace or good health in all the different religions. If there was a god, then he sure ain’t answering prayers.

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What screams “I’m A jerk”?

Having an inability to admit that you’re wrong. The biggest jerks I’ve made are always headstrong, self-assured assholes who think they’re always right and will gaslight the hell out of you if proven wrong

Categorized as ask-random

What screams “I’m a horrible boss?”

Reminding people whose paying them or what the rules are constantly. Ignoring truancy while zealously enforcing the uniform or some other petty rule. Making up rules just to enforce them. Berating new employees for not knowing things. Making up reasons to have formal meetings threatening write ups. Warning of dire consequences if an inspector sees… Continue reading What screams “I’m a horrible boss?”

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What is your favorite memory?

I saw my grandmas body in a viewing before the funeral. Still regret it years later. I will NEVER willingly see a body again, I owe it to the person to remember them the way they were, NOT the body with black fingers that looks too perfect

Categorized as ask-random

Typically within the music industry why is there a lot of female singers but barely/rarely any female record producers (women who actually compose the songs) Why do you believe this is?

The music that makes into the top charts here in the West is basically just softcore pornography, at this point. I like some of the songs just as much as the next guy, but simply because we’re fans of this and that singer, shouldn’t mean we have to pretend the music industry is anything but… Continue reading Typically within the music industry why is there a lot of female singers but barely/rarely any female record producers (women who actually compose the songs) Why do you believe this is?

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What do you think of store-bought “carbonara” sauce?

While the pasta cooks you can just make real cabonara sauce, i.e. fry guancale or bacon or whatever and mix eggs with cheese. So you dont even save time, hence I think nothing about store-bought sauce. Unless you like the taste of it and dont want real carbonara, then go for it.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best way to learn a new language?

Rosetta Stone software has been the best in my experience as far as do-it-yourself methods. But obviously the BEST is to actually live in the country you’re trying to learn the language of and just be immersed in it.

Categorized as ask-random

How often do you lose your keys?

Daily. I have a hook I screwed into the doorframe to hang them on, and I never remember to put them there. So almost everyday I go to leave, look at hook, look on the table, look in the couch, look in yesterday’s jeans….

Categorized as ask-random

What was the most satisfying way you saw a defense get derailed in a courtroom?

“Sir, I understand the mitigsting circumstances you’ve just presented, however you also just admitted that you did indeed park in the handicap spot despite not being handicapped so I’m afraid I have no choice but to find you guilty and fine you accordingly.” Traffic court is a RIOT and I highly encourage you to make… Continue reading What was the most satisfying way you saw a defense get derailed in a courtroom?

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What scam has been normalized to the point that people forget it’s a scam?

Phone and internet bundle contracts.. Heck “bundle deals” all together Often times you are not exactly saving on bundle deals they just force something slightly different (or sometimes the same thing) while bundled with something to inflate a bundle.. when you happen to need it. Fine.. usually can be not scammy.. but sometimes even if… Continue reading What scam has been normalized to the point that people forget it’s a scam?

Categorized as ask-random

When was the last time you were genuinely happy?

Yesterday… Went to work with a couple of co-workers who I genuinely like being around… Left work to do some personal projects, and then went to the gym with my sisters and had a good night… All in all, I was genuinely happy.

Categorized as ask-random

What made you decide to be sober?

I like this answer. There’s a general consensus amongst people that there has to be a ‘rock bottom’ moment for people. You’ve just shown that there doesn’t always need to be something dramatic that causes a person to say enough is enough. Aside from this, well done on quitting.

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Ladies, how do you feel if someone, decent looking (not shady or selling sh*t) tried to strike a conversation with you in a public place?

Lady here. There’s always going to be a certain amount of wariness. Even you asking this question here implies that you’re trying to figure out how to flirt without flirting, haha. If we’re genuinely attracted to you, we might keep chatting. The least awkward place to talk to us out of the blue is somewhere… Continue reading Ladies, how do you feel if someone, decent looking (not shady or selling sh*t) tried to strike a conversation with you in a public place?

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If you could have free meals for life at one fast food chain, which one would you choose?

Planet Pizza. It tastes a lot like the kind I grew up with in Jersey. I was actually going to use this restaurant I used to go to as a kid when we traveled… It had this buffet with a little bit of everything, pizza, tacos, wings,… It wasn’t very good, but it would cover… Continue reading If you could have free meals for life at one fast food chain, which one would you choose?

Categorized as ask-random

Who is the best superhero casting of all time?

Christopher Reeve in Superman, he was so good at being both the bumbling, feckless Clark Kent but then transforming into the amazing stranger from the planet Krypton. I might put Michael Keaton as Batman as a runner-up.

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What is a way to make comedy perfect?

Less crowd work, crowd work is nice but a lot of comedians get out of pocket really fast. If crowd work is the main part of your act, it might suck

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What’s your best “surprise I still love you” gift?

Upscaling a regular outing. Going to the movies? Surprise them with Cineopolis/luxury cinema. Going to a theme park? Surprise them with VIP tour. Going to dinner? Plan ahead and book at that place that’s always full and doesn’t take walk-ins. People remember experiences more than things. My favorite way to show my love is making… Continue reading What’s your best “surprise I still love you” gift?

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How do you cheer yourself up when you’re feeling down?

it’s hard most times i just distract, it’s still there but bc my minds occupied playing game it just puts it on pause, tehn i switch off an it’s back again, but then i sleep so it’s gone til morning, then i wake an it’s back but then i work so it’s gone again

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[serious] What advice do you have for an adult just learning how to drive?

Learn how to deal with ALL types of anxiety with the ease of a truck driver with tenure. No seriously, I think half the accidents I hear about are highly based on panic and a bad response to quick panic. UNIRONCALLY, digital games with fast response (even fps games like cod) as a requirement –… Continue reading [serious] What advice do you have for an adult just learning how to drive?

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What do you expect to see in a conference goody bag?

Expect to see? A binder with everybody’s power-points, a lanyard, and a halfway decent pen with the conference organizer’s name and logo. What I like to see? Backpacks, gym bags, and jackets with small, tasteful logos, power banks, YETI insulated coffee tumblers, USB sticks, coolers full of delicious meats and cheeses.

Categorized as ask-random

What type of person do you not respect at all?

I have a baseline respect for everyone, don’t think anyone deserves no respect at all. They are still a life after all, and I personally don’t want to act as judge, jury and executioner in all instances – even if I I think they have committed vile actions

Categorized as ask-random

what food is free but costly for you?

I have unlimited access to free donuts through my work. But I also make them all, and it is pretty physical semi-skilled labor. I don’t even like donuts, I unwittingly picked the one job least likely to make me gain weight.

Categorized as ask-random

Atheists of Reddit, since you have really no reason to care, why do you try to convert people?

Atheism is just like religion. It’s a hard held belief. And while atheists cousin to not believe in a God, their god is often just substituted with another thing, like a government. They, just like theists are trying to convert you as a form of confirmation bias. If you change your belief to be aligned… Continue reading Atheists of Reddit, since you have really no reason to care, why do you try to convert people?

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What is the medical community’s general view of Chiropractors? Pseudo science or not?

I have a friend who was into new age stuff, and she recommended her chiropractor. As far as it being a “massage” kind of thing, sure, it’s fine. But, there’s nothing medical about it. However, this particular guy explained to me about a “dowsing” technique he’d developed where, by wiggling his pinky, he could ask… Continue reading What is the medical community’s general view of Chiropractors? Pseudo science or not?

Categorized as ask-random

What is one unpopular smell that you’re unreasonably fond of?

For most people, the brain associates scents with memories. You can take advantage of this by bringing certain scents with you during events that you want to remember more clearly. But most of the time, you just end up loving some obscure scent from your childhood that nobody else likes.

Categorized as ask-random

What is youre reason for disliking Daenerys if you do?

Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.

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What did JK Rowling say that was transphobic?

I have no idea, I still watch Tom Cruise movies even though he is a huge dillweed and his religion is ridiculous and I cringe when I see him outside of movies. I don’t think anything should cancel anyone, unless they be doing Jeffrey Dahmer type stuff.

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What would happen if Hitler didn’t invade USSR and kept their non aggression pact?

I think if Hitler didn’t break the Molotov Ribbentrop pact, he wouldn’t be remembered as the devil he is now. Without USSR on the allies side, it would be a lot harder to defeat Germans. If the Nazi Regime survived, the successors of Hitler would get closer to USSR most likely and embrace the socialist… Continue reading What would happen if Hitler didn’t invade USSR and kept their non aggression pact?

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In your opinion, why do you exist?

There is no why. There’s just the happy circumstance that you do, and it’s up to you to decide what you are going to do with it. I recommend having fun and helping others. Those two seem to provide the greatest sense of fulfillment.

Categorized as ask-random

If you ever had such a moment, when did you realise you were doing something very wrong in the past and changed for the better?

I’ll begin. I don’t remember much already, but when I got into school I usedd to get into many conflicts, trying to look cool. But was actually bullied by a larger group of bullies and had no actual friends. I was doing pretty well in studying, though, so this may be another reason of me… Continue reading If you ever had such a moment, when did you realise you were doing something very wrong in the past and changed for the better?

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What is your opinion on addiction/substance abuse being called a disease?

The idea of addiction/substance abuse being classified as a disease is a topic of debate among professionals in the field of addiction and mental health. Some argue that addiction is a disease because it has a biological and genetic basis, and it can lead to changes in brain function and behavior. Others, however, believe that… Continue reading What is your opinion on addiction/substance abuse being called a disease?

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What is a law that shouldn’t be a law?

The Urban Development Act should not be a law but rather a Code and it should incorporate other laws within it as a separate Code. The Administrative Division of Sofia and other large cities Act should not exist at all because whoever wrote it is a moron.

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What’s the best way to get to know a state?

Visit both a large city and a small town. In both, patronize locally owned businesses. States are collections of people, not borders. Get to know the people in both those places, and you’ll have a general grasp of the state as a whole.

Categorized as ask-random

Where is the best place to propose a girl?

Somewhere nice that neither of yall go to often. That way, in case of rejection, neither of you have bad memories of your favorite places. In case of acceptance, that place could turn into an anniversary tradition.

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how do you radically accept yourself?

It’s a dbt technique, essentially it’s just accepting yourself completely, but I’ve never been able to accept certain things about myself that I can’t change that just aren’t good

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What does Depression feel like?

Imagine something you love. It could be a show, movie, game, food, general activity… Now imagine you just can’t get into it. No matter what you do, you just don’t feel like you like this anymore, but in the back of your mind, it’s still your favorite thing. It’s frustrating, but not frustrating enough to… Continue reading What does Depression feel like?

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People who don’t believe in God. How did you come to the conclusion that God does not exist?

I don’t believe in the Christian version of God that I got taught about way back in Bible school; some guy up there who looks human and wants us all to be good and have a relationship with his son, nah, that’s not realistic and sounds like typical human fantasy of wanting to have a… Continue reading People who don’t believe in God. How did you come to the conclusion that God does not exist?

Categorized as ask-random

When was it over for you?

Well there were plenty of times that I thought it was over for me. I’ve been depressed all my life and there were times were I didn’t think I’d make it through the day, but here I am. It’s never over unless you decide it is. Keep on keeping on

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where do karaoke DJs get new music?

There are companies that produce karaoke versions of songs, if you have ever done karaoke you may often notice the music doesn’t sound quite right. It is because it is a cover without the vocals. Sometimes by real people but often by computer synthesizers

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How have you changed your negative self-beliefs?

Challenge your interior voice when it talks shit on the self. Qualify struggles and difficulties by forgiving yourself for struggling with them. I mean it’s a struggle to begin with, so why make it twice the struggle by beating yourself up for struggling with something?

Categorized as ask-random

How advanced do you think civilization would be if money didn’t exist?

We’d be seriously limited in our growth, and would be behind current progress… Money/Currency is a major technological advancement. It makes trade way more efficient, as well as store/transfer of value. This allows for other things that are crucial to forward progress, like investment into new ideas. Without money, we’d still be on the barter… Continue reading How advanced do you think civilization would be if money didn’t exist?

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What would you do if everything used for sitting turned into living fish?

I would have to accept either I were delusional, or my most fundamental beliefs about the nature of reality were wrong. In the case where this change actually happens in reality, it is likely I would be possessed of all my current cognitive faculties and would probably conclude that I was hallucinating, coming to tes… Continue reading What would you do if everything used for sitting turned into living fish?

Categorized as ask-random

If there ever was an Avengers Vs Justice League movie being made, what should the plot be and what would be your expectations?

Krona, an exiled Oan, travels across the Multiverse and destroys universes seeking the truth of creation. When he arrives in the Marvel Universe, the Grandmaster — wanting to save his universe — proposes that they play a game. If Krona wins, the Grandmaster will lead him to Galactus, a being in that universe who has… Continue reading If there ever was an Avengers Vs Justice League movie being made, what should the plot be and what would be your expectations?

Categorized as ask-random

What are your best Tips and Tricks for losing weight?

None of those are universal, it depends on the specific person because causes for extra weight are vastly different. If yours is due to a hormone or thyroid issue for example, no amount of dieting will have an effect you’re looking for

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your skincare routine?

Everyone:……. Obnoxious youtuber: ”So many of you guys have been asking me about my skincare routine!” Seriously though, I just buy the cheapest face cream I can find and put that on after showers. My face gets dry

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Women of reddit, what is your equivalent of “yo mama jokes”?

I usually just tease my boyfriend about being uncircumsized. I joke and say things like “yeah, well at least my penis isn’t wearing a hideous creepy skin turtleneck that slides up and down when I jerk off, making it look like my penis head is playing some kind of revolting game of peek a boo”.… Continue reading Women of reddit, what is your equivalent of “yo mama jokes”?

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What gives you joy in life? Do you appreciate small things after pandemic now?

I started watching birds during the pandemic as I was cooped up inside my apartment. Didn’t realize this before but we have so many nuthatches, finches, sparrows, and chickadees nearby. It’s always a treat when bluejays stop by and take peanuts as well. Wouldn’t trade it for the world, wouldn’t have found it if pandemic… Continue reading What gives you joy in life? Do you appreciate small things after pandemic now?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s with Germans opening the window for some “air” even though it’s freezing outside?

Unfortunately I have to make your life a living hell… It’s not just Germans, if I were to guess it’s most Europeans. Or at least everywhere I’ve been (Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary) it’s been a thing. If I were to have to make an educated guess it’s because houses in Europe aren’t necessarily new… Continue reading What’s with Germans opening the window for some “air” even though it’s freezing outside?

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What strategies can be used to promote meaningful conversations in a socially divided world?

Remove the monopoly on media, so much of news is simple pandering aimed at uniting one group out of rage for another. In the US, Fox and CNN are the different sides of the same coin for example. It produces better profits, so there is no motivation to bust up the monopoly of the few… Continue reading What strategies can be used to promote meaningful conversations in a socially divided world?

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What is a life hack you want to share?

Grab each side of banana with all fingers, twist opposite direction, one for inward, the other one outward, curved edge will tear, peel banana without making starfish Only works for not mushy ones

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What must the world do to eliminate poverty and hunger?

Stop caring about ourselves only, drop national and racial prides and just share what we have with whatever someone needs. We need a society where people don’t mind to pay a little more for a product in order for the people down the line to earn a decent living wage.

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What are some interesting things you asked Chat GPT?

Ukraine always needs our support and solidarity, especially now when Russia keeps provoking them with the Ukraine offensive. We need to make sure the world knows what’s really happening, no matter how much Russia tries to hide it. Let’s support Ukraine in their fight against Putin!

Categorized as ask-random

How do you handle going to a country where you don’t speak the language?

People who interact with foreign visitors usually speak at least some English. The worst situation in this regard was Taiwan because they don’t speak English at all anywhere. And it turns out that you don’t really need to communicate verbally. When you want to check into a hotel, you are there for an obvious reason,… Continue reading How do you handle going to a country where you don’t speak the language?

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How do you check if payslips are correct?

Larger companies typically have online portals where you can look at every detail of your payslips (hours worked, rate, etc.) Only you know if its actually correct, and you should be reviewing your pay regularly. Track your hours yourself if your employer doesn’t have these tools to provide transparency.

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do you think soulmates are real why or why not?

No. Souls aren’t a prooven concept to start. It’s a romantic troupe but I don’t think there’s only one person for everyone. Even if they were real, the likelihood of them being born during the same time period, around the same age, in the same location is almost impossible.

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What is your favorite song lyrics ever written?

Poopy-di scoopScoop-diddy-whoopWhoop-di-scoop-di-poopPoop-di-scooptyScoopty-whoopWhoopity-scoop, whoop-poopPoop-diddy, whoop-scoopPoop, poopScoop-diddy-whoopWhoop-diddy-scoopWhoop-diddy-scoop, poop– Kanye West

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What book changed your life?

“There is one other book, that can teach you everything you need to know about life… it’s The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, but that’s not enough anymore.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

Categorized as ask-random

Despite the fact that most European nations colonized most of the world and extracted tribute for several years, what is the reason they are now struggling with their economy?

Its not like this is the first time europe has experienced economic struggles These things are cyclical and there are a plethora of reasons and potential reasons that we definitely cant fully cover here in reddit comments Lots of things like covid, the ukraine war, an aging population, brexit, natural disasters, corruption, shady financial practices,… Continue reading Despite the fact that most European nations colonized most of the world and extracted tribute for several years, what is the reason they are now struggling with their economy?

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what is rizz and how does one get that fr fr ong?

Rizz is the ability to pull a woman from a man’s perspective first, never say “fr fr ong” again🤣🤣 second, just stop being a puss and go talk to women and keep in mind that self hygiene and the way you take care of yourself is also important

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What’s the dumbest dare that you ever did?

I took a spoonfull of sauce called “Megadeath” or something I didn’t know when earlier we had a lunch that was a bit spicy spicy, the cooks but just couple drops to entire huge pot which was for entire ship’s crew

Categorized as ask-random

People who don’t agree with nonbinary identities or they/them pronouns, why?

It’s not that I don’t agree – I just don’t understand why we are straying away from know biological facts. It’s also fairly scary how a large number of non binary people are young women who may or may not pursue different surgeries that could be life altering. I also disagree with the deconstruction of… Continue reading People who don’t agree with nonbinary identities or they/them pronouns, why?

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Americans of Reddit, what do you believe will be the Supreme Courts decision regarding President Biden’s Student Loan Relief program?

Struck down based on all of the legal analysis I’ve heard and read. Sounds like the only chance it stands is if the States are found not to have standing. It is unlikely to survive the “Major Questions” test, particularly because of when it was passed on because Biden campaigned on it pre-COVID. This Court… Continue reading Americans of Reddit, what do you believe will be the Supreme Courts decision regarding President Biden’s Student Loan Relief program?

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What’s the funniest name you’ve heard in your life?

I worked at a high school in a Chicago Suburb…over the intercom I heard kid named Urhinus get called to the office, pronoucned “Your Highness” I just shook my head as another percentage faith in humanity leaked out of my soul.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst backhanded compliment someone has given you, where they honestly thought they were being nice?

It doesn’t happen because people instinctually express contempt on their face when they feel it. It is one of the famous seven involuntary facial expressions in response to emotion. Sure there are rare people out there who do not show any facial expressions, but they’re so rare; they are also so weird, they probably wouldn’t… Continue reading What is the worst backhanded compliment someone has given you, where they honestly thought they were being nice?

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What would you change about yourself if you could?

I wish I wanted to be around people. I’ve tried, I’ve made so many efforts, but ultimately I just don’t want to be near people. Unfortunately, many of my little vices are predicated on being able to tolerate others.

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Walmart & grocery store employees of Reddit; how serious do you take your job? With the economy that we’re in, would you stop someone walking out with a cart full of groceries without paying? Why or why not?

Lol, no. I haven’t worked a job like that in a while, but no one there cares that much besides the manages and loss prevention. Personally I would never stop someone from stealing food, and if you would, you deserve to starve for a while.

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What was an act of kindness someone did for you that you will always remember?

A Latina dame told me my I was ‘hung like a horse’ after sending a d pic she gave back plenty of nudes then I played Rainbow Six Siege with her boyfriend after he got off from work. My dick was beaten rough and my boxers felt like a paper bag from the semen infused… Continue reading What was an act of kindness someone did for you that you will always remember?

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Brits of Reddit, what tea do you offer guests at your home?

I’m American, and while traveling the UK a couple years back I really enjoyed black tea. I’m wanting to order some tea online but don’t know what types I should get. I’m looking for suggestions and thought it would be a good question for reddit.

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Who is a pretty scary villain for a kid’s show, movie, game, or book?

Christopher Carrion, the big bad guy in the story Abarat, is pretty damn scary for a “kids” book. From the wiki: Christopher Carrion has a ghastly appearance, with rotted skin like thatof a corpse (or carrion). His lips have scar marks from when hisGrandmother sewed his lips shut for saying the word “love.” Around hishead… Continue reading Who is a pretty scary villain for a kid’s show, movie, game, or book?

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Does working out makes everyone attractive, why don’t everyone do it?

The reasons behind people not working out or being out of shape, or being overweight, are usually mental, and sometimes due to ignorance or a lack of understanding of how vital and beneficial it really is. I understand how important exercise is, but I struggle with mental issues and adhd, so I have a hard… Continue reading Does working out makes everyone attractive, why don’t everyone do it?

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Why did you leave your ex?

Her issues and feelings required moving mountains, my issues and feelings were small and inconsequential. It was a pattern that kept escalating over time, and eventually enough really was enough.

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Has anyone ever been lost into the forest and if so what was your experience and how did you mange to find a way back?

Oh yeah, plenty of times actually. Happens in the backcountry. I set a physical GPS coordinate with my watch at the forest entry. Upon entering the forest and getting turned around/mixed up, set up the geolocation. Follow the breadcrumbs back to the original coordinate through navigable terrain. If you’ve never thought of a GPS watch… Continue reading Has anyone ever been lost into the forest and if so what was your experience and how did you mange to find a way back?

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was there someone that you know that got into a pyramid scheme? if so what happened ?

Real Talk. I don’t think people “fall for” Pyramid Schemes as much as we think they do. I think in most cases they get into Pyramid Schemes knowing full well what they are and that they are one, but thinking because they are smart and awesome and special they will be one of the statistically… Continue reading was there someone that you know that got into a pyramid scheme? if so what happened ?

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To the people of Reddit who smoke/vape if you could go back would you do it again knowing what you know now why?

Absolutely I’d start vaping again. Because I started vaping before it was the cool thing to do, using it for it’s originally intended purpose: to get people off cigarettes. Vaping might not be safe, but I’m fairly confident that it’s safer than cigarettes. But if I could go back to before I smoked…no, I wouldn’t… Continue reading To the people of Reddit who smoke/vape if you could go back would you do it again knowing what you know now why?

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What did The Verve Pipe mean when they sang, “We were nearly Frenchmen”?

It contemplates an alternate history where the Axis powers were able to secure a permanent new power structure in Europe, and the Vichy government continued to rule France and, by extension, had sympathizers in the French-speaking parts of Quebec. Since members of the band liked to go across the border in school for drinking and… Continue reading What did The Verve Pipe mean when they sang, “We were nearly Frenchmen”?

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What’s it like to mistake vodka with water?

Well, that depends. If you mean drinking it…you can smell it’s vodka before it even reaches your lips. So if you drank the wrong one, that’s on you. If you’re reaching for something to throw on a fire to put it out…well then, your day gets even more exciting.

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Apple people of Reddit, what were some moments that made you consider switching to windows?

I really liked the first Lenovo Yoga. it was cute. it was different. it was also a piece of junk and I had to spend hours troubleshooting many different issues windows has. that’s how I learned that there’s no such thing as macs being overpriced. you pay for a product for a works well or… Continue reading Apple people of Reddit, what were some moments that made you consider switching to windows?

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What things can be gifted to buddhist ?

actual question: What is the minimum objects things you should own, What is its significance, I don’t mean renounce thing, but I mean objects that has religious significance for you, as buddhist?

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What is more worthy to go, Houston Livestock or Nashville, for an old country music fan?

I live in Nashville and there’s all types of music here but the emphasis for tourists is country Everything from old country to pop country you just have to do your research on the best spots! A lot of more popular places do more “marketable” pop because they’re artists/bands are trying to score record deals.… Continue reading What is more worthy to go, Houston Livestock or Nashville, for an old country music fan?

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What do you do when you feel depressed?

Watch children’s television Like Hannah Montana,Wizards of Waverly Place etc It’s why I mainly watch children’s tv. TV shows were like my joy in childhood even when I was depressed so my brains stuck to watching those when depressed even as a adult

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How do you practicing your focus?

I also struggled with focusing for long periods of time, and my suggestion is scheduling. To start, try making a list of important things to do each day when you wake up in the morning and set aside appropriate amounts of time to do those things in advance.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you deal with toxic people?

I used to try to hear them out and understand their side because usually you can turn them around by just…understanding their viewpoints why they are toxic and helping them If that is too stressful however.. i put my own mental health first and try to avoid them

Categorized as ask-random

How fast is suspiciously fast when it comes to the restaurant sending out your order?

Some locations start making the pizza before they get the order for it. I worked at a local pizza place for a while growing up and we would always make a few of our most popular pizzas whenever we had room for an extra one in the ovens, because we knew it would be sold… Continue reading How fast is suspiciously fast when it comes to the restaurant sending out your order?

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You wake up one day and became a Billionaire, what would do?

Whoa, what a crazy thought! If I woke up one day and found out I was a billionaire, I would want to have some fun with my newfound wealth! I would love to travel the world, stay in luxurious hotels, and indulge in some of the finer things in life.

Categorized as ask-random

What if that Turkey Earthquake happened here in US?

That was a massive earthquake. Would have been tons of casualties here as well, although nothing like turkey. Many buildings in turkey are old school rigid concrete. They do terrible in earthquakes. The high casualty numbers came from how many large housing complexes completely collapsed

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If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, how do you think you’ll survive or die?

If it were to happen, my best scenario is to walk to Greece, find a boat, manage to get to an island. Rot will only increase speed in the coming heat and corpses in the water between the mainland and the islands would attract fish and sharks and will be eaten. So, considering that, the… Continue reading If a zombie apocalypse were to happen, how do you think you’ll survive or die?

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What big company do you actually like in terms of their services and their cooperativeness?

The Games-workshop, they sell stupid overpriced models but their customer service is excellent. I had bought a tank and a can of spray paint from them. They spray was defective and it made a mess of the tank, I emailed them asking for a replacement can and stripped the model myself ready for repainting. The… Continue reading What big company do you actually like in terms of their services and their cooperativeness?

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Which US state is the most detrimental to your health to live in?

Here’s the thing, mentally Californians are healthier than some of the other areas of the country just because of weather. But the most polluted area in the country is San Bernardino. It’s where all the car exhaust from LA goes to and gets stuck between the mountain.

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what bad thing did your parents do to you?

My parents spanked me! Oh, the horror! I might open a legal investigation of assault! I turned out fine, even more so from the structure and reprimands, I love my parents, I learned not to fuck up. Where all this BS of spanking kids went south, I don’t know.

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How does one living in the USA get approval to see a specialist outside of their medical group?

In order to get approval to see a specialist outside of their medical group, a person living in the USA should contact their primary care physician or insurance provider. The primary care physician or insurance provider can provide information about the process for obtaining a referral to a specialist outside of the medical group. Depending… Continue reading How does one living in the USA get approval to see a specialist outside of their medical group?

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At what age do you think that you will retire?

After seeing soany people in my industry (construction management) quickly age and die after they retire, I think I might just kept working forever. Even part time. Not for money but rather to wakes me up and keep me going.

Categorized as ask-random

How did you spend your weekend?

Cleaned the chicken coop, burned a bunch of dried brush, played with kids, made raviolis, helped everyone put clean sheets on their beds, ignored work emails, found volunteer cantaloupe plants in the garden.

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What’s the most boring thing you can think of?

In college I did telemarketing for an electric company. We often had to discuss kilowatt hours with customers. Sometimes the customer actually had in depth knowledge about the subject and could discuss their kilowatt hours in great detail which was infinitely tedious to my hungover teenage self. It’s one of my most boring memories.

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what commands does your dog know, and how did you teach them it?

I only taught her the basics: sit, come, go, stay, up/down. You just keep practicing them over and over until they catch on. Make sure to stay consistent and reward them. Fortunately, my dog has poodle genes, so she’s pretty smart. In fact, she could learn complex sequences after being showed only once. Often, she… Continue reading what commands does your dog know, and how did you teach them it?

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What team are you? Edward or Jacob?

Wait. Are you talking about Twilight? With creepy vampire stalker sneaking into teen girls room to watch her sleep vs creepy werewolf guy that “imprints” on a fetus deciding he’s going to marry that girl one day? And, people picked “teams” which one they liked… creepy vampire or creepy werewolf.

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How do you find work quickly?

Go into businesses local to you and ask for work. Use job board websites. Ask neighbours, family and friends. Use social media to advertise your desire to work

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What is the most overrated movie of all time?

Titanic. I don’t know if it’s just me, but it’s so unbelievably boring and when the ship actually starts sinking, the tension/impact is lessened because we as an audience already know what happens because it’s a real historical event.

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What do you think is a belief or set of beliefs which, if everyone believes in to be true, will definitely make the world a better place?

I’ll go first. I’ll get straight to the point. Note that the idea came to me after reading a story called The Egg which you might have heard of, at least the inspiration. I don’t know if anyone has already came up with this. The Belief System: Believe it to be true that each time… Continue reading What do you think is a belief or set of beliefs which, if everyone believes in to be true, will definitely make the world a better place?

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TV Show or Movie Plot?

Hi all, I’m trying to figure out a movie or tv show. All I can remember is a character dies, but is smiling. The main character can’t understand why they were smiling before death. I thought it was the anime To Your Eternity but I don’t think it is. I was watching an episode and… Continue reading TV Show or Movie Plot?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best way to lose weight?

As a specific tip, stop drinking your calories in the form of sugary sodas and coffee drinks. Drink water and take your coffee or tea black. It will take some getting used to, but it’s a really easy way for a lot of people to immediately cut a substantial amount of their calorie count down.

Categorized as ask-random

What is your favourite band?

Nightwish. Songs for every problem, situation or state of mind with sentences that as an amateur poet I wish could have thought up myself at times. Their songs carried me through both bright and dark parts of my life and if my time on earth ends up with a soundtrack, Nightwish will dominate it. It’s… Continue reading What is your favourite band?

Categorized as ask-random

Whatever happened to green bean casserole?

Nothing, man. It just went underground, there’s still plenty of good green been casserole being made today, but you have to look for it. Try your local independent casserole stores, or look at new releases on beancloud

Categorized as ask-random

What is America’s favorite sport?

Football, baseball, basketball, and hockey are the main ones with hockey being a distant fourth. “What are Yankees?” A baseball team from NYC. They have lots of money, a lot of people hate them, and it’s become a joke that people wearing their merch know morning about the team.

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What is your fatal flaw?

I like drugs, a lot. If I get into some dissociatives, I lose myself and end up binging. Soon I am delusional and seriously aggressive. Lots of trouble, run ins with near death are weekly.

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Many have experienced things out of what science can explain. This post is to share your paranormal experiences that many can’t believe they actually happened or what do you think about it?

One of my girlfriends died when I was younger. At her funeral, I couldn’t keep it together. Some woman gave me a note that said that she was praying for me and the word lionheart came to mind. Fast forward a bit and I was on the brink of suicide, driving down the road and… Continue reading Many have experienced things out of what science can explain. This post is to share your paranormal experiences that many can’t believe they actually happened or what do you think about it?

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The pain of a tattoo feels good. Why do you think?

Well that really depends on your definition of pain and pleasure. Pain releases endorphins (what heroin mimics), and that’s the objective part. The subjective part is whether transitory pleasure is joyous.

Categorized as ask-random

Who was the best animal companion you ever had?

My current little man. He’s my very best friend and we love to hang out. He got me through college and grad school and never complained once. I love him more than anything. But also, he’s the worst and wants nothing more than to scream and destroy things.

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Is your child in a special education school? If so, what made you select the school they are in?

I don’t know if this is the same but I personally went to an advance education school And it was the perfect school for me because I do have learning disabilities that make it very hard for me to understand certain things and because I went to an advanced education center I got to learn… Continue reading Is your child in a special education school? If so, what made you select the school they are in?

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Religion or Politics, which tends to be more polarizing?

As far as the world I live in goes I’d say politics without a doubt. I see a lot of “convenient religiosity”, which is really underpinned by class and political division. Without some other factor standing in the way, I can get along with people of different religions and heritages no problem. Doesn’t seem like… Continue reading Religion or Politics, which tends to be more polarizing?

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Do you find it easy to make friends? Why?

Yes. Do i use this power to make friends? No. Because most people are dishonest, disingenuous cowards who only operate to serve their own self interests, and that just doesn’t sit right with me.

Categorized as ask-random

What movie did you rewatch as an adult and have a way different perspective on than when you saw it as a kid?

Hook Film opens. Peter has a job that supports the privileged lifestyle for his family of four. Jack plays little league. Maggie gets the lead in the school play. They’re enjoying a Christmas vacation to London. But are they grateful for any of his support? Nope. Jack is behaving dangerously on a plane and refuses… Continue reading What movie did you rewatch as an adult and have a way different perspective on than when you saw it as a kid?

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What’s the difference between a sugar baby and a escort?

Exclusivity comes to mind. Usually you hire a sugar baby to be *yours*. An escort you just hire them per hour, but that escort can be with others outside of those hours. A sugar baby can also lie to you and not be exclusive, or you can not care… but usually that’s the main difference.

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What do you miss the most about your high school times?

The unknown of how sick I really was, how cold the real world could be and loving every little moment like it was my last. Now some days, I grasp at those memories and replay them in my memory like vinyl record on a player.

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What is the most memorable sport event for you?

That I’ve seen in person, I was at a Blue Jays home game that featured an inside the park home run. Edwin Encarnacion hit a double to the outfield, but a couple of throwing errors allowed him to come around and, and then third for a run. It was so exciting and fun to watch.

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How do you gravity chug?

How do you chug a beer in one go? As far as I can see, there are two ways. First is fast chugging and the second is to gravity chug. The first one I can do but I struggle with the second one. When I searched on the internet everybody wrote things like “just open… Continue reading How do you gravity chug?

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what is the most annoying/interesting thing your pets have done?

I have to say that the most interesting thing my pets have done is forming a secret alliance to steal my snacks. And the most annoying thing they’ve done is constantly meowing for food, even though their bowls are still half full. But hey, at least they’re cute enough to get away with it.

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What weirdly specific location is at the absolute top of your “to visit” list and why?

For example: I want to go to the island of Socotra, Yemen It’s a unique climate and terrain that hosts several types of endemic plant and animal species, like several types of tree and small creatures and birds. It just so happens that these trees are some of the wildest I’ve ever seen in my… Continue reading What weirdly specific location is at the absolute top of your “to visit” list and why?

Categorized as ask-random

How did you accept / Have you accepted that your life didn’t turn out how you thought it was going to happen?

I always got high grades and was told I had a bright future. I planned on going into education, and moving to a city somewhere. Then I got expelled for fighting and now I manage a leisure centre, which is not what I ever planned on doing. I think the important thing is to focus… Continue reading How did you accept / Have you accepted that your life didn’t turn out how you thought it was going to happen?

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what are the most annoying things your neighbors do?

Smoke. Literally, the guy smokes like a chimney. Every damn day, he’s sucking on a cigar with his garage wide open and sitting on a camping chair. I feel bad for his kid, having to live with that stench.

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Those of you following the Alex Murdaugh trial, what makes you think Alex is guilty or not guilty? What evidence do you find the most compelling?

But there is also not a lot tying him to the crime. Don’t get me wrong, he is a despicable human being. Between his financial schemes and taking the settlement money from his dead housekeepers family, he makes me sick. I just don’t know if the prosecution has done an adequate job of proving he… Continue reading Those of you following the Alex Murdaugh trial, what makes you think Alex is guilty or not guilty? What evidence do you find the most compelling?

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What is the worst place to ask for dating advice?

Just redit in general, you get the extreme and nothing in the middle, at least from what I have seen, it’s always forgive them and move on or break up immediately, and everyone has to diagnose either the op or the partner with something.

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What scientific breakthroughs have had the greatest impact on humanity, and why?

The United states developed nuclear weapons and ended the eras of endless wars. There were obviously wars after they dropped the a bomb but it was by far the most peaceful era in human history it developed artificial intelligence before anyone, that will define the rest of history it also discovered gravitational waves. That was… Continue reading What scientific breakthroughs have had the greatest impact on humanity, and why?

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dog owners, what is the dumbest thing your dogs ever been afraid of?

Her hearing is whack, so it’s always a crapshoot as to what noises scare her. Most interesting contrast so far is that she can sleep happily through fireworks, but if someone’s ankle cracks while she’s asleep she’ll jump up and be halfway across the room before she realized she’s awake.

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How can you stop daydreaming too much?

What’s wrong with daydreaming? Sure it can pose an issue if you’re doing that instead of more important real world things, but like daydreaming itself is awesome. It’s a form of fun and expression of creativity enjoying the thoughts and fantasies of your own mind!

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What are some rich and wealthy life pro tips?

Employ a large percentage of illegal immigrants to do things like cleaning, laundry, gardening etc – that way if you have sex with them and they get pregnant/try to blackmail you, you can phone the authorities to easily have them deported

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how do you tell if you’re in love?

You genuinely want that person to have peace grater than you wish peace for yourself. Love is bullshit. If you wanna fuck her tell her you love her and be done with it. If you feel anything more you will just end up cringing on the same album for ten years.

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What is legal but shouldn’t be?

Private healthcare, healthcare should be free for all individuals, and people shouldn’t be profiting of the fact people get sick.

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What are benefits of your job besides money?

Free wine, free lunches, access to rare liquor/wine/sake that can’t be obtained by the general public, sake and wine education, free trips to wine regions, travel expenses when traveling to other restaurant locations, dry cleaning stipend, cell phone stipend, health insurance

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most reliable car brand? Why?

Consumers typically rate Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai as the most reliable car brands. They have a history of producing reliable cars that are known for their durability and dependability. Additionally, these brands prioritize safety features and often come with long warranties.

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How are the mentally-ill supposed to get the help they need if their condition makes them unemployable, but mental health services cost money?

We aren’t. Simple. Same can be said about disabled people in most countries, how are we meant to live when work is inaccessible or dangerous but if we rely on the government we are shunned at best or straight up can’t get married or are starved out. Most places don’t want the sick and underprivileged… Continue reading How are the mentally-ill supposed to get the help they need if their condition makes them unemployable, but mental health services cost money?

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what is a sad reality of life?

Life is not fair, people are not created equal in terms of ability, skills, and appearance. We should all be equal under the law, but that does not mean equal outcomes, nor should it. A major reason why equity as a goal is a problem.

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Where do you find the best deals for meats?

Germany, Cologne: Chicken and Lamb: Turkish shop…especially chicken. Beef: Rewe deli for stewing meat…great quality and relatively cheap Pork and its derivatives: any stand-alone German butcher shop, not the chain ones. Fish and sea products: LILD discount section for almost expired things

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What are some harmless pranks to wind someone up?

Scrotum. The bag of skin that holds and helps to protect the testicles. The testicles make sperm and, to do this, the temperature of the testicles needs to be cooler than the inside of the body. This is why the scrotum is located outside of the body.

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What is faster? The speed of light or the expansion of the universe?

No one knows. No one knows what the speed of light actually is. We can only measure it by taking two trips, not one. So if there is a variation in those two trips, the speed measure isn’t accurate. It’s an assumption we make because it’s impossible to physically measure the speed of light.

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What’s the most useless bit of knowledge you have?

I’m a programmer, and most programming requires you to understand parts, if not entireties, of other people’s jobs/roles in order to develop for it. So over the years I have large and ever growing information about Real Estate, Conveyancing, Special Assessments, Settlements, Mobile Homes, Child Services, Archives and Records, it goes on. It’s something where… Continue reading What’s the most useless bit of knowledge you have?

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People who were in a long serious relationship that ended abruptly, how did that impact you?

I spent a year looking for something that was the same, realized that I wasn’t going to find it in someone else and that the problems that ended my last relationship were extremely stupid and not inherent to the relationship, and so we got back together. Breaking up was the best worst thing we ever… Continue reading People who were in a long serious relationship that ended abruptly, how did that impact you?

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What is the best pizza topping and why?

I think it’s hard to argue against Pepperoni. Yes, I love mushroom, yes I love jalapeno, yes I love almost every topping. But Pepperoni by itself can sell an entire pizza to most people by itself. It’s hard to say another topping can do that, provided we’re assuming Cheese is on the pizza regardless.

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People who keep boxes for months to years after purchase, why?

At the moment I’m still planning to move house. I’ve not been very nomadic but haven’t stayed anywhere more than a couple of years in one go. Keeping boxes that things came in makes moving so much easier especially for electricals. If I decide that I’m not moving again after the next move then the… Continue reading People who keep boxes for months to years after purchase, why?

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What is one place you are wanting to visit?

there’s this one island off the coast of india where they tell you you can’t go to… i just want to chill with the sentinelese after getting every vaccine possible and getting a clean medical bill of health. l

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What was your most regrettable purchase?

I bought this mop (because they didn’t have the one I was looking for) and it was so ass, literally the head fell off the first time I used it. Didn’t even clean well. Should have just looked for a different one. That’s the most recent regrettable purchase lol

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What, no matter how many times it’s explained still doesn’t make any sense?

The double slit experiment. I get everything they are saying however I can never get an answer on the frequency of light produced, the accuracy of the light-particles(photons) and most importantly the width of the slits in comparison to the lights frequency followed by the space inbetween the slits. Ive never seen a concise video… Continue reading What, no matter how many times it’s explained still doesn’t make any sense?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your biggest red flag?

My red flag is that lying is something I don’t do. I’m told there’s a red flag there because I’m clearly a liar if I say that. In reality I just have bad memory and I can’t keep track of lies.

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what’s your favorite quote from “The Simpsons”?

“Shut up brain or I’ll stab you with a q-tip!” “Wow! I’ve never been called an adult before, but I’ve been tried as one.” I know you asked for one, but damn there’s so much gold to choose from

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If you could live in any fictional world, where would you and why?

Oh honey, that’s an easy one! I would definitely want to live in the world of Fifty Shades of Grey. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be whisked away by a hot billionaire who’s into some kinky stuff? Plus, I could make a fortune on OnlyFans with all the steamy content I could create. It’s… Continue reading If you could live in any fictional world, where would you and why?

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What is your guilty pleasure?

I’d rather not incriminate myself on the internet, but let’s just say it involves a pint of ice cream, a cozy blanket, and a marathon of my favorite reality TV show.

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How do you fully block a subreddit and get it to stop showing up on your feed?

Whitepeopletwitter deleted, blocked, and muted me, over a single, kindly worded comment. I clicked to block it, but it keeps showing up in my feed as something I may be interested in. I don’t want to see it at all if it’s just moderated as an echo chamber, which seems like the exact thing the… Continue reading How do you fully block a subreddit and get it to stop showing up on your feed?

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What’s your biggest “What if” ?

Sometimes I catch myself wondering how lives of my family would turn out if I suffocated after being born, which I was actually pretty close. Taking it further, I wonder what their lives would be if I was never born.

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If you were to get a pet in the future, what would it be?

A dog. I love dogs and mine passed away a few years ago I live between my Dad’s and Mom’s, and each house has dogs so I’m definitely not getting one until I move out. Sadly a dog at each house has passed away within the last four weeks

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How come so many people seem to not know what to do / how to be an adult? What makes you feel like you’re still a kid?

I’ve seen it here on reddit so many times. “I don’t know what I’m doing”, “I don’t feel like an adult, I have no idea how to ‘adult’ ” etc. I think I’m misunderstanding something because I don’t get it. I feel like I have control in my life. What to do, what I need… Continue reading How come so many people seem to not know what to do / how to be an adult? What makes you feel like you’re still a kid?

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What catatonic behaviour have you witnessed that’s scared the crap out of you?

I don’t have the catatonic subtype, but I believe a few others do. I’ve had many episodes where I completely lose touch with reality and spend the entire time curled up somewhere practically blacked out. It can sometimes last several hours. Just lost in an indescribable world that is black and numb, with my thoughts… Continue reading What catatonic behaviour have you witnessed that’s scared the crap out of you?

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How far do you think are the mythologies of Lord of the rings in movies compared to the books ?

The Lord of the Rings movies directed by Peter Jackson are generally considered to be faithful adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s books, but there are some differences between the two. One major difference is that the movies omit or simplify certain subplots, characters, and events from the books to make the story more streamlined and accessible… Continue reading How far do you think are the mythologies of Lord of the rings in movies compared to the books ?

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What do you think about youth rights?

No different to rights for everyone else. Youths should have rights. As should young children, adults, the elderly and anyone else I haven’t mentioned.

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What makes Switzerland to be a home for shady companies?

In my search for a remote job, I have noticed that many shady companies are based in Switzerland. Many I have discovered to be scammers that work under real companies that are registered over there. Was it always like this? Or is it something new that is happening now?

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What’s a plausible/realistic conspiracy theory?

Transphobia is a coordinated effort across countries to scare smooth brain conservative voters into voting against their own interests. Think tanks are churning out cookie cutter bills that aim to harass and criminalize trans people. I wish their voters weren’t such fucking morons.

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What is the biggest social problem facing America today? Why?

Politics Because political echo chambers have created inaccurate generalizations about what “the other side” wants and thinks. It doesn’t help that compromise in politics has completely disappeared, and is now viewed as a negative, instead of what it actually is… A means for incremental progress. There is now an expectation that if you aren’t getting… Continue reading What is the biggest social problem facing America today? Why?

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What would the world be like, if the average person was more intelligent?

Probably not all that different, to be honest. Look at the state of discourse now – many of those people you look at and go, “god, what idiots,” are also fully functional – often even somewhat successful – human beings who simply believe some silly things. Intelligence isn’t some magic armor against bad ideas.

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Trans men of reddit who take testosterone, when you get HRT blood work for the first time, can they review the nicotine content in your blood?

Depends on the test they administer. Different docs will administer different tests. More than likely, no, they will not look for nicotine. This question, by the way, is probably better suited for a trans focused subreddit. Also, maybe you should quit nicotine if it’s something you’re concerned your doctor will find out about.

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If you have one, what is your opinion on Jim Carrey?

He’s great. He’s a uniquely talented performer. No one should be criticized for doing silly stuff for a paycheck: the paychecks were good when he was in his comedy phase. Even today, Dumb&Dumber has some good laughs to offer. And his dramatic performances were good as well. Truman Show is a must-watch banger for everyone.

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What is the biggest misconception on the internet?

One of the biggest misconceptions on the internet is that everything you read online is true. Unfortunately, there are many false or misleading claims on the internet, so it is important to be aware and do your research to ensure the accuracy of any information you come across.

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What do you most regret in life?

Neither questioning nor challenging the things I knew to be wrong as a child, wallowing in grief as a teenager, and trying my to be something I wasn’t as an adult

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Who did you vote for in your Country’s last election and what made you choose them?

Biden, you want the guy who doesn’t keep shouting up praises and then you do your research on the guy who does keep shouting that he did this and this and this and this and this. And you pull up the actual reasons of the politician who did this and this but they also fuck… Continue reading Who did you vote for in your Country’s last election and what made you choose them?

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To everyone it applies to: Why do you believe in a god?

I see more benefits to believing in a God than not believing in one. I dont believe in any religions God but I do sometimes pray to God. Sometimes it’s nice to feel like a higher power could care about me, because I do feel powerless and lost many times.

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What does your country think about Russia’s war with Ukraine? How do ordinary people feel about the leaders of these countries?

American here. I don’t know of anyone who has had anything good to say about Russia or its leaders. Most people are some combination of horrified and really pissed off about the invasion. If anybody I know isn’t on team Ukraine, they are clearly afraid to say so. Ukraine’s leaders don’t come up much, but… Continue reading What does your country think about Russia’s war with Ukraine? How do ordinary people feel about the leaders of these countries?

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Why would you make out wih a robot?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

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Do you believe in aliens? Why or why not?

No. Because there’s no evidence of them. “The universe is really big” isn’t enough. Until I see evidence, I assume we’re a lonely freak coincidence.

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If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them ?

Einstein, I just think he has a fascinating mind, he thought and read in pictures like me and it’d probably be fun to have a conversation with someone who not only thinks and sees things like me but is also incredibly smart, unlike me. I feel like he could explain so much for me and… Continue reading If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them ?

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People who wear their shoes inside the house, why?!

Sometimes I just find it reasonable and efficient. It’s not like my shoes are particularly filthy. I don’t have carpet and clean my floors often enough, and don’t really touch them with my hands or mouth, so it’s probably not a big deal.

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Which flowery language or phrases pisses you off most ?

“It doesn’t matter what other people think about you.” Really? It doesn’t matter if my boss thinks I’m lazy? It doesn’t matter if the police think I’m a murderer? Or do you just want an excuse to dismiss bullying?

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What do you daydream about?

A time when we no longer have to put up with blindingly bright lowbeams that come standard on all these new cars. They’re too bright, they’re dangerous. Let’s back it off a bit, please.

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In your opinion, what do you think the real purpose of life when in the end we just die? Do you believe we exist for a reason or just because of chances?

My attitude is that we essentially “just exist” but determine our own purpose. I see the argument that we don’t matter in the grand scheme of things and everything is pointless. However, I choose to believe that me being a good influence to family and friends and developing my hobbies does matter. In five hundred… Continue reading In your opinion, what do you think the real purpose of life when in the end we just die? Do you believe we exist for a reason or just because of chances?

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What made you realise you were depressed?

So many things. The big sad, the lethargy, the inability to shower regularly, the feeling of not wanting to exist anymore, and the deep, overwhelming physical pain in the chest that comes with that.

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What screams: “I’m a responsible parent”?

Your children showing manners, dropping an adult conversation mid sentence to pay attention to what your kid is telling you, the parent has little people learning stories over internet adventures.

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What did you tell yourself if you were a student?

please, for the love of god, continue studying and do not start working until you reach your absolute limit.The world is not looking for people who want to do actual work, if you want to get paid well; you need some good yet irrelevant papers.

Categorized as ask-random

which country do you think are the biggest hypocrites?

The USA for sure. “Don’t interfere with our elections!” Installs pro-US governments and interferes in foreign elections regularly “You can’t make nukes!” Has more nukes than any other country on the planet “China is despicable for spying on us!” Has also been spying on China every single day for decades

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What is the difference between Freedom and Liberty?

I think they’re technically synonyms. In effect, though, I view it like this. Freedom will exist regardless of the place, government, or really any sort of externalities. Freedom is the natural state of humanity and describes our inherent natural ability to think independently and do whatever it is that we decide to do. Liberty is… Continue reading What is the difference between Freedom and Liberty?

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What’s something you witnessed in real life that was just like a movie?

In my household, my dad is the only one who likes mayonnaise. My mom, brother, and I do not like it. One day, when we were having sandwiches for lunch, my dad asked for mayonnaise, and my mom told him that we were out. He said “I can’t have a sandwich without mayonnaise!” in a… Continue reading What’s something you witnessed in real life that was just like a movie?

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how have you proven your mettle?

I’ve made it through being diagnosed as bipolar, an ugly divorce, and my ex trying to turn my kids against me without killing my self on the really dark days. There were many days that I didn’t think I was going to make it.

Categorized as ask-random

Who needs to stfu already?

My dad, it’s always about him and nobody else, if it’s not about him it’s “your lazy” or “get out if you don’t want to contribute to the family.” I’ve been working the entire weekend carrying drinks for people and their screaming kids and just want to enjoy my day off, is that too hard… Continue reading Who needs to stfu already?

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You are now President of the United States, what do you do?

I would get access to all the secret things I have ever wanted to know, or which have been kept from me, which I suspect is something that runs so deeply that it would boggle the mind. Of course, whether the President has access to all such things is doubtful.

Categorized as ask-random

How close are we to nuclear war?

Not very close at all. For those worrying about China, I can assure you that a war against them will be mostly, if not all, airborne. As for Russia, Putin wants you to believe that anything is on the table. This is simply not true, it is all communist propaganda.

Categorized as ask-random

What was the weirdest thing they sent you on WhatsApp?

weirdest? i think that it was when a some guys take military grade equipment and started to kill random people in mosques in NZ, i just woke up, oppened the app and watched the videos, it was terrible, and i ever wondered why the f would someone send those kind of videos there

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What philanthropic org is literally a scam to evade tax?

Almost anytime you hear a celebrity or rich person announce a charitable donation, it is on the recommendation of their tax accountants/money managers. A celebrity might have a favorite charity that is important to them (as anyone could) but the amount they donate, and when they do it, is totally financially motivated.

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You ruined your life. How did you do it?

Probably shot someone in self defense under dodgy circumstances and went to prison for homicide. Or fucked up diving, got bent, and ended up crippled for the rest of my life.

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What natural plants and herbs could replace certain Big Pharma medicines?

None, seriously do you think if a natural plant/herb was more effective than products that a trillion dollar industry that spends billions of dollars annually they would not have found it themselves tested it and either refined or marketed it? No one spends more time looking at natural ingredients for better medicines with proven results… Continue reading What natural plants and herbs could replace certain Big Pharma medicines?

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Has anyone ever noticed how much of an influence your girlfriends friends have on her, how she changes when shes with them? (not in a good way) and when she is with you shes a totally different person. Why?

You realize that not everyone has the same girlfriend yeah? Also, I think everyone is different around their different groups of friends. Idk why, maybe it’s just me but I act very different around certain people than others but I’m not faking either of my interactions it’s just different parts of who I am

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What do you think about women wearing corsets to make their waist smaller?

Im a woman who owns a few corsets and waist cinchers. Corsets i only use for costumes, but I wear waist cinchers often since they look cool. I think people should be allowed to express themselves through their appearance however they want (barring from political statements, thats a whole new can of worms)

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What is the most meaningful experience you have had while traveling or exploring a new place?

Wellington, NZ, specifically the Matairangi/Mount Victoria area. I moved there from the UK when I was very unhealthy and unhappy. Spending time around there learning to bomb hills on a longboard, exploring the nature trails, mountain biking, and walking five minutes to the beach was incredibly good for my physical and mental health. I became… Continue reading What is the most meaningful experience you have had while traveling or exploring a new place?

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What do you believe happens when you die?

I don’t believe in anything. I HOPE, however, that it’s something akin to getting your own little world. A place that you control, free to experience eternity, or live out lives of your own choice.

Categorized as ask-random

Security guards, what’s the most insane thing you’ve seen people do in lifts?

The most insane thing I’ve seen people do in lifts was when I was working at a mall. This one guy got in the lift and started doing backflips! It was like something out of a circus show – he must have been an acrobat or something. He kept doing them until the doors opened,… Continue reading Security guards, what’s the most insane thing you’ve seen people do in lifts?

Categorized as ask-random

What is something that someone said to you that hurt you and stuck with you for so long?

A coworker telling me that the only reason the company I work for keeps me around is so that everyone has somebody to laugh at. A crisis hotline telling me that the life I described simply wasn’t worth living and that it was probably too late for me to do much to change it. My… Continue reading What is something that someone said to you that hurt you and stuck with you for so long?

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What is something that annoys you a little about your partner but is NOT a “red flag” ?

Every room she goes into, no matter the time of day or how long she’s in the room she switches the light on and then never turns it off Every morning once she’s gone to work before I log on to work I had to go on a light tour of the house. I’ve invested… Continue reading What is something that annoys you a little about your partner but is NOT a “red flag” ?

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What’s your favorite genre of music and favorite songs/singers in that genre?

Psytrance is favorite genre. Simon Posford is my favorite composer. He is hands down the single greatest living composer of my life time. He is the Chopin of this generation. Wildly underappreciated and incredibly unknown.. but he is hands down the greatest living composer today. There is no one alive who has the compositional skills… Continue reading What’s your favorite genre of music and favorite songs/singers in that genre?

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What is your preferred sub sandwich franchise?

I know it gets a lot of hate, but I still enjoy me a good Black Forest Ham Footlong on Italian Herb and Cheese from Subway. The Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki is pretty good too, though it was better before they changed the Sweet Onion dressing to Sweet Onion Teriyaki dressing.

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What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve done?

As a shortcut to my friend’s house on the other side of a wide river near where I grew up: I’d walk across an expansive railroad trestle bridge that spanned the river. At any moment, a freight train could come along – and the drop to the river far below would’ve been a life-threatening jump.

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What are a good pair of everyday shoes?

It all depends on personal preferences, style, and lifestyle. However, here are some popular options: Sneakers: Sneakers are a comfortable and versatile choice for everyday wear. They come in various styles and colors, from classic white tennis shoes to trendy at leisure sneakers. Loafers: Loafers are a timeless and comfortable option that can easily transition… Continue reading What are a good pair of everyday shoes?

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What’s a skill you learned as a child but stopped doing as an adult?

I used to be really passionate and fairly decent at drawing / painting. My confidence and self esteem has gradually plummeted as I’ve gotten older though. Seeing so many talented people who’s work was much better than myn just sort of made me feel too ashamed to be proud of my own anymore so I… Continue reading What’s a skill you learned as a child but stopped doing as an adult?

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What is the best simulation game you ever played?

I am still waiting on Xbox, and hoping maybe someday a Life simulation will drop, were you can live in a ritual world and roleplay and interact with other gamers. I thought ‘Everywhere’ by Build a Rocket boy, may fit the bill but sadly the teaser let me down.

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Why should straight men and gay men get along with each other?

Ladies, hear me out on this: You ever had a guy friend whom was just waiting for the right moment to fuck you? This is straight/gay friendships. I’m not telling you to not be friends with gay people, I’m telling you what your options are.

Categorized as ask-random

What is it like dating a woman with kids?

Kids will come first, and plans you make will fall through a lot of times. But it’s something you have to expect, come to terms with, and acknowledge whether it’s something you can handle. If not don’t waste her time. If so then embrace it, and have a good time.

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What do you fear most for the new generation of children?

Environmental challenges: Climate change, pollution, and other environmental issues are likely to have a significant impact on the world that today’s children will inherit. They may face more extreme weather events, food and water shortages, and other challenges that previous generations have not had to contend with.

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What did Snowden do wrong?

Illegal doesn’t mean wrong. I’d say he’s wrong for going full Putin dick-riding tankie though. Hes kinda in a John Waters situation now.

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Reddit – what was the best destination vacation you have been on and why was it the best to you?

I’m not sure if a cruise counts as a destination vacation, but I highly recommend if you are from the US especially. With plane tickets so high for traveling abroad its cheaper to go on a cruise (and the food is already included!), and you get to live in amazing comfort as well as visit… Continue reading Reddit – what was the best destination vacation you have been on and why was it the best to you?

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what does NPC stand for?

ok thanks, also it seems to be that other people are using it in diffrent contexts and calling people npc’s, weird.

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Redditors, how did you end up becoming the villain in someone else’s story?

My father, was a drinker, and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn’t like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me and says, “Why so serious?”… Continue reading Redditors, how did you end up becoming the villain in someone else’s story?

Categorized as ask-random

Since the technological advancements of our time making it easy to just store what needs to be remembered in our phones through Siri and Google assistant, do you feel like our brains aren’t as inclined to keep information the way it used to be?

Now a days we are always using our devices to remind us of our appointments, birthdays, phone numbers, everything we used to have to store in our brains to remember. I know there were planners back in the day but even then writing stuff down helped us store memories by use of visual aid. Nowadays… Continue reading Since the technological advancements of our time making it easy to just store what needs to be remembered in our phones through Siri and Google assistant, do you feel like our brains aren’t as inclined to keep information the way it used to be?

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How do pensions work?

You give a portion of your income to a pension fund, and they invest that money into something safe that pays out. When you retire, you get your money back when you’re not working in monthly payments.

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theatre kids, what was your best/worst performing experience?

not an actor, but i had an opportunity to assistant direct our school’s show. what a time that was! the most memorable moment was when the director scolded everyone for doing drugs in the choir room—she didn’t care that they did drugs, but she didn’t want them to do it in the choir room. apparently… Continue reading theatre kids, what was your best/worst performing experience?

Categorized as ask-random

Growing up, how strict were your parents? How is your relationship with them now?

Not really strict at all. They weren’t involved much in my life despite living in the same house and all that. I could’ve done anything I guess but I didn’t and now I regret not doing more stupid stuff. They were very hand’s off. I don’t talk to them much at all. When I do… Continue reading Growing up, how strict were your parents? How is your relationship with them now?

Categorized as ask-random

what great ideas have been proposed that would improve or replace societal conventions, but haven’t been adopted because such a drastic change would be difficult this late in the game?

We have more than enough room and buildings to house everyone. We have more than enough food to feed everyone. We have the ability to have infinite free energy from nuclear, wind, and solar. We do not need to work anymore. We can effortlessly produce more than ever before with robots, computers, and efficient planning.… Continue reading what great ideas have been proposed that would improve or replace societal conventions, but haven’t been adopted because such a drastic change would be difficult this late in the game?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you do for a living and why?

Dentist here. I love what I do and enjoy going into work every day. But I have to say this: All you assholes need to stop telling me before I drill on your teeth: ‘I hate the dentist!’ Cause you know, that really gives me inspiration to do my best…

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Redditors of reddit, What is reddit?

Reddit is an online community where users can share content, discuss topics, and engage in conversations with other people. It is divided into smaller communities called subreddits, which focus on specific topics such as technology, news, music, and more.

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What language do you think shouldn’t exist?

Which itself is a combination of other languages of nations who raped and pillaged the original inhabitants of the British Isles. Worse years of colonialism = you don’t know what you’re talking about. Belgium, for one, would like a word

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How does it feel after killing someone?

I can only speak from my GTAV career. Normally, it’s because they killed me first. Then I take my bazooka out when I respawn and blow their ass up. Then I run as fast as possible, hijack a car, head to my high-rise apartment, then change servers. Ain’t got no time for these kids.

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anti-abortion redditors, what is/are your reason(s) for disagreeing with abortion?

I truly view a baby at any stage of development as a life. Not necessarily equal to a full term, birthed baby, but a life nonetheless. I’m not totally anti abortion, I think there are times when it’s necessary, like if the woman is raped, or it poses a risk to the moms life. I… Continue reading anti-abortion redditors, what is/are your reason(s) for disagreeing with abortion?

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what’s the thing you regretted the most?

Dating a lying, cheating, narc asshole and losing myself to the idea that it was somehow “love” in the process. People can change.. but sometimes they need to change without you before you pick up some of their behaviours and become like them.

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What is the best country to live as a young person?

Sounds like I would have to go with Canada! They’ve got great healthcare, education and lots of job opportunities. Plus, their natural beauty is incredible. Definitely worth looking into if you’re in the market for a change of scenery!

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What “signal” that someone thought you missed did you absolutely NOT miss?

A friend of mine always talks about a time that a group of us were hanging out at a party on a bed and gradually everyone left leaving me with this girl and they “totally planned it so we could make out” but I also totally realised what was happening and got the fuck out… Continue reading What “signal” that someone thought you missed did you absolutely NOT miss?

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What are the conditions of unconditional love?

True Unconditional love has no conditions… and for this; I believe that it’s nonexistent or a mental illness… 🙂 now a good healthy love can feel unconditional; but the “conditions” in these cases are usually a contrast to a partners personality… they become unlikely conditions to need; making a love feel unconditional…

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How are children that are not taught cursive writing in school these days taught to sign their name?

I know under the law a signature only needs to be a mark made by the persons hand. I was taught cursive writing in public school. We were taught to make our signature using cursive letters. We then just … got our style. Many states these days are doing away with cursive writing in public… Continue reading How are children that are not taught cursive writing in school these days taught to sign their name?

Categorized as ask-random

Where are you from? And do you think the tax money you pay is used appropriately?

I live in a very wealthy area of Florida. Our tax money is used like a socialist is in charge. Fantastic schools, roads, public transport that comes so often you don’t need to check a schedule, police actually protect and serve and don’t murder or rape people. Usually. We have a special Mental health Court.… Continue reading Where are you from? And do you think the tax money you pay is used appropriately?

Categorized as ask-random

when did reality hit hard for you?

Each day as my family falls farther apart. We were never super close, but now my parents don’t talk to extended family, my dad is battling a disease, and it seems like each day something else strains relationships further. I’m realizing it will never go back to being ok.

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Mechanics of Reddit: What diagnosis and repair are you most proud of?

I will go first. Diesel bus would not start. Charged batteries. Tried ether. It would rev up and then immediately shut off. Tried to get it started with annoying old curmudgeon coworker for hours in the dark and cold. He wanted to change the batteries, which were new. I went home and slept on it.… Continue reading Mechanics of Reddit: What diagnosis and repair are you most proud of?

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What are your favorite yogurt toppings?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

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Teens of reddit, when did you realize your friends are toxic and what did you do about it?

When I was dating somebody in high school I kinda became absorbed into her friendgroup and became “friends” with them. Took me way too long to realize that most of them were major assholes and bullied me and each other. Looking back I probably should’ve realized that those weren’t the people to be friends with.… Continue reading Teens of reddit, when did you realize your friends are toxic and what did you do about it?

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Dear USA, what is with the canned laughter (laugh track) on your sitcoms?

The use of a laugh track in sitcoms is a way to create an atmosphere that is more akin to a live studio audience. It helps create a sense of community between the characters and the viewers, as if they are all laughing together at the same jokes. It also helps to emphasize comedic moments,

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What’s kinda bad for you but everyone does without knowing?

Excessive amounts of social media, including Reddit. Some people do it while knowing it’s bad. When I was young, there was no social media. Things felt realer back then and that’s not nostalgia talking. Social media content, including my own message right here, can often seem phoney as hell

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What’s the brokest you’ve ever been?

Scraped knee, broken thumb, and a few bandages… The most broken I have been JK I get it but I found myself funny so I’m posting this. Have a great day.!

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Redditors with an interest in history, where did you start?

My parents watched The History Channel (years before it was just hillbillies and aliens) all the time as a kid. I learned I didn’t really care about ancient history like mummies and egypt, but learned fairly quickly that mysteries, the history of products, and historical events fascinated me.

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What are some legitimate work from home jobs?

There are many legitimate work-from-home jobs available, including: Freelance writing or editing Virtual assistant Online tutoring or teaching Web development or design Social media management Customer service or tech support Transcription or captioning Data entry or analysis Graphic design Translation or interpretation It’s important to research any job offers thoroughly and make sure they are… Continue reading What are some legitimate work from home jobs?

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What is your profession and/or hobby and what is one thing you think people should know?

I deliver pizzas for a major Pizza chain. I won’t say which one, but our signature color is red and we have the word Pizza in our name. Something you should know about delivery drivers? We work for tips. We only get paid half of minimum wage, like a waiter, and that delivery charge you… Continue reading What is your profession and/or hobby and what is one thing you think people should know?

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Seasoned redditors with some life experience, what advice would you give to a young adult just starting out in the world?

Pursue your passions: Figure out what you love doing and find ways to pursue it. This can lead to a more fulfilling life and career. Learn from failures: Failure is a natural part of life, and it’s important to learn from it rather than be discouraged by it. Use failures as a way to grow… Continue reading Seasoned redditors with some life experience, what advice would you give to a young adult just starting out in the world?

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Why haven’t you ever been to Disneyland?

When I was a kid, I wanted to go, but we couldn’t afford it. After I grew up, and found out what a POS corporation Disney is, I lost any and all desire to go anymore. I don’t like being manipulated by corporations in general. Disney uses child labour.

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What exactly does “meta” mean on Reddit?

So a guy walks into a bar, and he asks for a drink. Bartender replies “I’ll give you a drink, if you can tell me a meta joke.” Then the guy says,”So a guy walks into a bar, and he asks for a drink.”

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Which TV show has the best soundtrack?

I will say Scrubs is responsible for many songs in my playlist. Book of Love – Peter Gabriel Good Life – Francis Dunnery Overkill – Greg Ham How to Save a Life – The Fray And others.

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How do you combat racism?

Combating racism requires a multifaceted approach that involves education, empathy, and a willingness to listen and learn from diverse perspectives, as well as a taser for those who refuse to understand.

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What’s an opinion that’s often viewed as a “snowflake opinion” but shouldn’t be?

While it’s understandable that people want to work in healthy and safe environments, it’s important to remember that not every job can offer ideal conditions. Sometimes people have to work in less than desirable situations to make ends meet, gain experience, or advance in their careers. Additionally, what one person considers “shitty” may not be… Continue reading What’s an opinion that’s often viewed as a “snowflake opinion” but shouldn’t be?

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What book absolutely blew your mind?

Manhood in the making by David gilmore It’s show you the way people in different cultures conceive and experience manhood and what they think about this mindset of mascunality

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What’s a good comeback to someone that says a “your mom” joke?

“my mom’s dead”. then if you get the right amount of seriousness in your voice and facial expression it will result in the person laughing nervously not knowing whether you’re kidding or not. my friend used to wait for a really long time before finally going “HA!”. usually, that person won’t pull a ‘your mom’… Continue reading What’s a good comeback to someone that says a “your mom” joke?

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What was the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make?

My dad fell and broke his hip. He has Parkinson’s Lewy Body Dementia. He wasn’t gonna do well with the surgery and rehab. I decided to put him on hospice. That decision made him die weeks/months beforehand. I live with that decision every day.

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How do you get over bitterness?

You don’t, you keep it bottled and let it age like a fine wine, then one day bring it out at an important event and give everyone a taste.

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What is the most overrated junk food?

Twinkies. I don’t get the appeal. Also popcorn, but that’s mostly because the kernels inevitably work themselves up into my gums and take days to get out. =/

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What makes tickling enjoyable/unenjoyable?

It feels awful, it hurts but forces you to laugh. I learned to fight so I could hurt people who hurt me like this. I once made a hole in the wall with a man’s head because he didn’t stop when I said no and I instinctively threw him off. Satisfying lesson in consent.

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What’s the biggest red flag?

It’s sort of a weird red flag.. but if I can’t imagine the person getting along with themselves. Basically as soon as someone rubs me slightly the wrong way, I just imagine there’s two of them, and everything they are doing, they are directing at themselves. If I think they’d start to lose it. BOOM… Continue reading What’s the biggest red flag?

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What in the nowadays internet pisses you off?

Every web destination makes you click through cookie permissions and subscription solicitations before you arrive at the content you desired. That companies would rather force you to explicity decline cookies rather than simply stop using them says a lot.

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What’s the biggest coincidence you have ever experienced?

I was walking behind a girl at school (years ago) and thought it was my friend Lauren. I said ‘ Hey Lauren’, and she turned around. It wasn’t my friend, but the girl’s name Was Lauren. It took like a good minute to get that one straight lol

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What is your proudest accomplishment?

Honestly when I see questions like this I can never think of anything that especially jumps out at me. It’s not even that I haven’t done anything noteworthy, I just don’t feel like anything that comes to mind is what I would call my proudest accomplishment.

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How do you stay sober?

Uh…. how do you not? Just don’t do it. Simple. Drink water, soda, juice, make your own juice. Have one of my favorite drinks. Arnold Palmer. Very simple

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How did you make the decision – and do the action to get healthy?

Self discipline mostly. Stop eating so much sugary and salty foods, and eat regular human sized portions. Then just do something to be active. It doesn’t matter what; just something, daily. Form the habit. Once the habit is formed, you can branch out and actually put a workout regimen together. Don’t get discouraged if you… Continue reading How did you make the decision – and do the action to get healthy?

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If you can meet your past self what advise would you give him ?

Don’t regret spending time with your older relatives. Please take every moment you can with them, because you cannot reverse time. There have been countless times I wish I can go back and ask my grandparents a question about the war they fought in, what life was like back then, or just ask them about… Continue reading If you can meet your past self what advise would you give him ?

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What type of kid/group of kids do you don’t like/hate?

The common response is spoiled, as they don’t find value in sentimental things for example. But for me, it’s the ones that straight up don’t respect other human beings. It’s one thing to not like someone because they did xyz, it’s another to be a complete AH to strangers just because

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What’s something u regret the most in life?

I could say not taking chances with various girls/women throughout my life when I had the opportunities to, but instead I’ll say hurting someone and not realizing that she was still here even after she said that she was leaving and not making things right with her when I had the chance to!!!

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the importance of being important?

Being important is like being a refrigerator – it doesn’t matter how shiny and impressive you are on the outside, if you’re not keeping things cool on the inside, you’re not doing your job.

Categorized as ask-random

Whats your reasoning on “Why do women live longer than men?”

There is a factual answer, besides the biological differences men drink more alcohol, do drugs more often, are affected by obesity more often, are involved in car accidents more often, don’t visit doctors that could identify health issues early, if you talk about western society.

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What is your best “I told you so” story?

I don’t like to say I told you so, but when my friend refused to wear sunscreen on our beach trip, I warned her she’d turn into a lobster and end up paying for it in pain – she did, and she did.

Categorized as ask-random

How can you feel more confident taking non-edited iPhone selfies using the front camera ?

Look up comparisons of unedited versus edited photos. R/instagramreality is one of my favorites. It just makes you realize how altered so much of what you see is. Other than that, use good lighting like natural lighting, figure out which angles and poses make you feel nose confident. Do you like a big toothy smile… Continue reading How can you feel more confident taking non-edited iPhone selfies using the front camera ?

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Do you believe in extraterrestrial life, and if so, what do you believe it looks like?

I would honestly expect extraterrestrials to resemble Earth animals overall. We evolved into the bodies we’ve got now because they’re pretty convenient for our environment. Humans have two legs because it allows for a roomier birth canal, to accommodate those big bloated brainy heads. And we have a digestive tract to accommodate different kinds of… Continue reading Do you believe in extraterrestrial life, and if so, what do you believe it looks like?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best way to stay positive during difficult times?

I would suggest practicing gratitude and focusing on the good things in your life, no matter how small. This can help shift your perspective and remind you of the positive things that you have to be grateful for. It can also be helpful to engage in activities that you enjoy or find fulfilling, such as… Continue reading What is the best way to stay positive during difficult times?

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What’s the story of your shitty therapist?

She wanted to talk about Jesus all the time. I should have known what was up when she scheduled all of our sessions in a church. I got a new therapist and things got better.

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Where can you become a warrior?

I constantly want to fight, and train as much as possible everyday, I want to fight others and become a complete martial artist. I have no desire for wealth or power.

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What do you remember about having substitute teachers while you were in school?

They would write their name on the chalkboard and teach us how to pronounce it. Then it would all be pretty cool until it was time for lunch and they didn’t know the exact procedure. I always felt a little sympathy for them when the whole class tried to explain it at the same time… Continue reading What do you remember about having substitute teachers while you were in school?

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Which movie genre needs to go away?

I used to love all the superhero movies, but the past couple of years really show they should have ended with Endgame, maybe the third Spider-man.

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What does everyone seem to love, but you hate?

Is Pokemon hentai? Yugi-oh? Digimon? That’s the problem is that you are lumping an entire medium into one genre and that genre don’t even cover even a small fraction of the entirety of the medium. That’s like saying you hate all TV shows because there’s reality TV.

Categorized as ask-random

What do people need to stop sleeping on today?

WWIII. Do you think all these chemical fires are random? All these objects being shot down? The two prophets at the Wailing Wall in Israel right now? The time has come. Make your priorities right.

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If you got a job making fortune cookies, what would the first one say?

There’s this lady who kept calling my phone at stupid o’clock. The first time I was polite, the second time I asked her to please fix her phone listing and she was super rude. I blocked her, but I still have her number. As my stab at r/pettyrevenge, I’d include her full phone number in… Continue reading If you got a job making fortune cookies, what would the first one say?

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What’s up with all the “slob-shaming” on Reddit? Should living messy be considered a lifestyle choice and a part of individual freedom?

Messy is one thing. Slob kind of strongly implies actually dirty or unhygienic, and egregiously lazy about cleaning. Leaving some papers around doesn’t make you a slob. Not washing your clothes or dishes or leaving dog shit on your floor does. I’m not into shaming people, but that is something I’d not want in a… Continue reading What’s up with all the “slob-shaming” on Reddit? Should living messy be considered a lifestyle choice and a part of individual freedom?

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Would you ever start doing your hobby as a job? Why or why not? Do you think it would ruin the enjoyment?

Yes. I would. It may ruin some of the enjoyment, sure. But at least I’d have a job that I hold a passion for. So even if that passion diminishes, I’ll likely be good at the job and enjoy aspects of it. Better than needing to work a job with no passion from the start,… Continue reading Would you ever start doing your hobby as a job? Why or why not? Do you think it would ruin the enjoyment?

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Why Aren’t Paternity Tests Done Immediately After Birth?

Because that would be wasteful of resources, invasive to people’s privacy who didn’t request one, spread the false notion that the majority of paternities are questionable and just generally a bit weird. If you want a paternity test get one.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you find peace with the inability to change the past?

Positive Nihilism. On a long enough timeline, nothing on the scale of any given individual objectively matters. You, me, and everyone else just aren’t important enough to be bothered with. That goes both ways, though. Sure, people will almost instantly forget our daily triumphs, but they are just as likely to forget our failures. You… Continue reading How do you find peace with the inability to change the past?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your favorite paradox and why?

The intolerance one. To build a tolerant society accepting of all people (to an extent), you have to be extremely intolerant of those who aren’t. It makes perfect sense, it’s just neat to think about at length

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What is the worst freak accident you’ve ever heard of?

I drove an ATV into an electric fence that I didn’t see. It caught me on the neck and luckily it snapped and broke, or else I probably wouldn’t have a head right now. I had marks on my neck for weeks that looked like I tried to hang myself.

Categorized as ask-random

How can drinking from straws affect swallowing posture and face development?

I started drinking from straws and even when I’m drinking without a straw I don’t fully put my lips on the bottle and notice that I have extreme trouble completing a swallow. So when I eat food gets stuck in my throat. The doctors said nothing is wrong with my throat so I’m starting to… Continue reading How can drinking from straws affect swallowing posture and face development?

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If you’re the type of person that would sign up to go to Mars knowing you’d have to die there, why would you go?

If we are talking about going mars, building base there and someday die there then yes (not suicide mission) Currently i would not because i have a family, but when i was younger i would had. Reasons: Be at forefront of mankind, true pioneer I am a bit of lone wolf anyway Space exploration truly… Continue reading If you’re the type of person that would sign up to go to Mars knowing you’d have to die there, why would you go?

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If an individual is released from prison after the person who accused them of rape confesses/found by court that the accusation was false, should the accuser face the same legal consequences or serve the same sentence the accused get for making a false accusation?

I think it should be worse. It wasn’t just jail time, it was a permanent stain in someone’s life. Emotional trauma, loss of reputation, legal expenses, loss of job (I guess) and consequential unemployability….and loss of credibility for all the people who were actually victim of abuse. The punishment has to be fair.

Categorized as ask-random

What was your first idea on how babies were born?

I knew they came from the mother somehow but I didn’t know how sex worked. I ended up seeing “mating” by watching our chickens fuck on our farm, and my dad explained fertilization but left out the sex part. Then shortly later in middle school they explained it in Sex Ed.

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Parents of Reddit who had a child with a partner they dislike- how did you manage to deal with them for your child? Did things work out between you?

He’s a deadbeat who opts to not see his child often, although it has varied over the years. I set firm boundaries w him, don’t badmouth him to our kid, and my fiance sets a wonderful example of what a dad can be. Overall I’m luckier than most. And no things didn’t work out between… Continue reading Parents of Reddit who had a child with a partner they dislike- how did you manage to deal with them for your child? Did things work out between you?

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What is a ”well-regulated militia?”

Every U.S. citizen is a member or possible member of a militia. Well regulated meant to keep your firearms, other weapons and supplies in good, clean working order so that you could be called up at any minute to defend your country or community.

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What’s something that hurts more than one might think?

Take both of your pinky fingers and position them so the “flat” of your fingernails are touching the points of your canine teeth. Bite down firmly, but not enough to cause pain. After a few seconds, stop, and then press the pads of those pinky fingers together.

Categorized as ask-random

When will people realize we’re never going to get rid of Guns in the U.S.?

No one thinks that we’re going to rid the US of guns; there are too many and there are Constitutional protections. What people think – or hope – will happen is making it harder to buy guns without a background check; to ban assault weapons; to make it more difficult for young people to access… Continue reading When will people realize we’re never going to get rid of Guns in the U.S.?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your soul worth?

Davy Jones: Yew have a debt to pay. Ye’ve been Captain of the Black Pearl fer thirteen years. That was our agreement. Jack: Technically, I was only captain for two years, then I was viciously mutinied upon. Davy Jones: Then ye were a poor captain, but a captain nonetheless! Have ye not introduced yerself all… Continue reading What’s your soul worth?

Categorized as ask-random

How dangerous is wood burning?

I mean, its fire. If you stick your hand in it your going to get burned, or if its not contained a lot of things will get burned. But like a fireplace with a fire? Harmless if your not an idiot.

Categorized as ask-random

Where are the best places to ask for small donations to help with the cost of living?

Set up a GoFundMe on one of your social media sites but be very very honest about situation that you’re in and why you need the money. Maybe even set a goal for the amount of money? Cuz the truth of the matter is usually the people who end up helping other people in need… Continue reading Where are the best places to ask for small donations to help with the cost of living?

Categorized as ask-random

What grinds your gears today?

I’ll tell you Jeff, these goddam headlights the kids have today are getting out of hand. It’s entirely too bright and, frankly, a mother Chrstin’ danger out there.

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What is the worst job?

I’d say fast food. A lot of people for some reason think they’re justified in being outright hostile over even a missing napkin, and crazy hungry people tend to act like animals when they get irrationally upset.

Categorized as ask-random

How can you politely and respectfully interrupt someone who tends to talk excessively while in a bar setting?

You just have to cut them off. When they put a period on one of the sentences you jump in front of their next sentence and you start talking. It’s likely a loud/chaotic bar setting, so don’t be afraid to turn up your volume a bit and talk louder than them. If they increase volume,… Continue reading How can you politely and respectfully interrupt someone who tends to talk excessively while in a bar setting?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the best trick to have as an English teacher?

As student, picking a text to study that resonates and captures who you are teaching. Most teenage lads aren’t interested in Shakespeare or Brontë, but something more edgy and relatable to their experiences.

Categorized as ask-random

Whats your opinion on chat GPT?

It’s fun to play with, and it’s very, very impressive to me how it can be funny. Had it write a sitcom script and it built up to the final punch line almost from the beginning in a way I wouldn’t have thought possible from an AI.

Categorized as ask-random

What are remedies to treat extreme nicotine withdrawal symptoms?

Try nicotine replacement products or ask your doctor about other medications.Remind yourself that cravings will pass. Avoid situations andactivities that you used to associate with using tobacco products. As asubstitute for smoking, try chewing on carrots, pickles, apples, celery,sugarless gum, or hard candy.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your opinion capitalism vs socialism?

I’m a socialist, and I would like to see a massive expansion of workers rights, communal ownership of large companies. Because capitalism continues to lead to economic crises and the lack of regulation of companies is destroying the planet

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What does your dream house look like?

A Victorian style house made of compressed earth blocks, with rooms themed with a greek or roman god, and elaborate wood panels painted white and with gold leaf. Some nice classical statues in the mix for room decorations as well.

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why dont online bootleg movies have the subtitles when characters speak foreign languages but non bootlegs do?

Bootleg movies are usually pirated copies of films that have been illegally reproduced and distributed. These copies are often of lower quality and may not include subtitles for foreign languages. Non-bootleg movies are usually legitimate copies of films that have been legally produced and distributed. These copies are usually of higher quality and may include… Continue reading why dont online bootleg movies have the subtitles when characters speak foreign languages but non bootlegs do?

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Question for the Trans community. what’s the opinion on hogwarts legacy and who deserves the hate? The devs, the people who play it or all it the above?

JKR deserves the hate for being a TERF. The devs deserve the hate for the blatant antisemitism in the game. The people who are still playing the game may or may not deserve the hate but need to recognize that by still buying and playing it despite Trans or Jewish people saying “don’t play the… Continue reading Question for the Trans community. what’s the opinion on hogwarts legacy and who deserves the hate? The devs, the people who play it or all it the above?

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They say “Never meet your heroes”. What is your story supporting or refuting this old saying?

I used to know somebody who was a music journalist and she loved the band Metric. She had her fair share of people having a bad day, or just straight up rude, so she was used to it. She told me how generally awful Emily Haines can be with people. Very blunt and standoffish at… Continue reading They say “Never meet your heroes”. What is your story supporting or refuting this old saying?

Categorized as ask-random

What advice sounds bad but is actually good in your opinion?

Most big charities have only their own continued enrichment in mind, and maybe they’ll get around to doing some actual charity if they have any money left. Be especially wary of charities with the goal of raising “awareness”. They don’t even do anything.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the greatest prank ever?

I once hid behind a couch to scare my girlfriend when I was drunk. Once she came in, I jumped up and yelled which caused her to scream, which in turn caused me to panic and scream as well.

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people who work with AI or new technologies, do you believe that it is only a matter of time before we live together with human robots? Why?

depends how you define living. If people have resorted to living their lives on social media or in virtual environments, what’s to say that we aren’t already living with robots? Playing a single-player video game populated with NPCs or having your r/askreddit question answered by an AI is part of how you are living.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you get rid of the mentality: “I don’t wanna do anything productive because I’ll lose it all anyway when I die”?

Yes, we will all die eventually, but the things we choose to do with our lives can have an impact far beyond what we’re aware of. The movie “It’s A Wonderful Life “ does a great job of illustrating how much one person can affect the lives of the people around them. Don’t just live… Continue reading How do you get rid of the mentality: “I don’t wanna do anything productive because I’ll lose it all anyway when I die”?

Categorized as ask-random

How often do you take anecdotal evidence into account?

I always take anecdotal evidence into account when making decisions or judgments because it can provide valuable insights into a situation. I believe it is important to consider all available evidence when making a decision, and anecdotal evidence can be a useful component of the overall picture.

Categorized as ask-random

What is a topic that you are passionate about but never gets brought up in conversation?

You need a licence to marry, to drive, to work in many industries, to operate heavy machinery, to operate a boat, etc, but any fool can decide to be a parent. No training, licensing, and virtually zero supervision, it’s just treated as an ‘instinctive’ behaviour. In fact it’s the most critically important thing we do… Continue reading What is a topic that you are passionate about but never gets brought up in conversation?

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What’s the most obnoxious thing you can fit in a Reddit comment?


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What do you think makes someone a weak person?

Being quick to anger, generally having poor emotional control Also, a failure to examine and admit to their own failings/mistakes. People who constantly deflect and make things other people’s problems Basically, being like Donald Trump

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think of people posting their SO on social media with the caption “I Love You” or “Happy Valentines Day”?

I personally think its a bit cringe in a lot of cases. Ai can maybe understand it in a long distance relationship, but if you just saw each other why not just say it in person…? I never post my SO on social media just to say Happy Valentines Day or I Love You because… Continue reading What do you think of people posting their SO on social media with the caption “I Love You” or “Happy Valentines Day”?

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What are you waiting for?

So love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?

Categorized as ask-random

Who is your favorite smartass or antihero in history?

Despite my username? Diogenes of Sinope. When Alexander the Great, the most powerful man on the planet, asked if he could give Diogenes anything, he replied “yes, for you to get the fuck out of my sunlight” Alexander went away concluding “gottdamn, mans got no chill. If I weren’t me, I’d be that motherfucker.”

Categorized as ask-random

What is your favorite thing about your country?

India – every state/province has a different culture (ie language, clothing, infrastructure). We experience all weathers (summer, autumn, spring, fall, snowy winter) – you name it, we have it. There are never ending festivals. Marriages in India are an affair of one year at least.

Categorized as ask-random

People of Reddit, what was the toughest math question you had ever solved ?

I had a group project in high school that involved calculating the cost of re-turfing the school’s football field. It was slightly elevated in the center for water run-off, so we had to measure that, then do the calculus to find the volume under the curve at the depth we needed, and then call around… Continue reading People of Reddit, what was the toughest math question you had ever solved ?

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How do we increase viewership to the Oscar’s next year?

Nope. This is not a thing. Expect a continued decline. The public is no longer interested in seeing celebrities celebrate each other and then award themselves in rigged voting and cronyism. It’s the most tone deaf display of a by-gone era.

Categorized as ask-random

What does being fatter “feel” like?

before I lost weight it didn’t feel like anything, it was just how I always. but after being thin then regaining, I feel my stomach all of the time. I became used to not feeling my stomach against my legs and folded against itself, and now those feelings are a little distracting.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best Adam Sandler movie ?

That’s a tough question because Adam Sandler has made so many amazing movies! But if I had to pick one, I’d say that Big Daddy is the best of the bunch. It has great humor, heartwarming moments, and it’s one of Adam Sandler’s most iconic roles.

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What false things are said on Reddit daily?

Hmm.. not sure about daily. The one I see most often is that when you donate money at a store register, the store uses that money as a tax write off. Or since it’s tax season.. that a big refund is a good thing.

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What’s the best thing to receive for Valentines Day?

In non-materialistic ways? Affection. I wanna sit and cuddle and watch the valentines day SpongeBob episode. In materialistic ways? I don’t know, a bread maker would be pretty cool. Maybe a stuffed animal that’s shaped like a cow or dinosaur.

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What makes you happy?

So many different things makes me happy. Seeing a loved one after a long time of being away. Eating a meal someone prepared for me. Or me preparing a meal for someone else and they liking it. Seeing a dog when I’m outside. Receiving flowers. Wearing a new clothing item for the first time. Realising… Continue reading What makes you happy?

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What would be your ideal video game?

A mix of a few things really. i quite like historical adventure games. something like uncharted but maybe multiplayer. ik it has a multiplayer option but yeah

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What is the strangest thing a guest has done in your house?

Honest to christ picked up my open laptop and looked at my history to ‘find conversation starters and see what kind of man I was.’ I told her friend and she pulled her from the party immediately. Like, ten years later and that’s still burned into my brain.

Categorized as ask-random

What is in your opinion the coolest dog name, if it has a story, tell that too ?

Rex. He was a police doggo and was later turned into a cyberdoggo. After the bombs fell, he became a doggo for a warlord although he was lost in battle. A prospector found him and he was sold to an Elvis Presley cosplayer. Unfortunately, his brain is starting to give away so Elvis Presley tasked… Continue reading What is in your opinion the coolest dog name, if it has a story, tell that too ?

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Redditors, what’s your “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side” story?

I am tall and better than average looks so many people say that he is lucky but in fact I am bad at a lot of things, I can’t cook, or clean or any house chore which would be fine unless I could manage them even a little bit. I often end up being petty… Continue reading Redditors, what’s your “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side” story?

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If politics was an anime what would it be like?

Democrat: Started off as a villain now is more of an anti – hero Republican: Started off as a hero, now is a villain with multiple personalities. Libertarian: A complete joke Conservatives: An old angry man Liberals: A young angry kid Green: Stupid person with a good heart

Categorized as ask-random

What is something that you are really passionate about that you can’t reveal to anyone IRL and why?

Writing. I love writing stories and I would say my ideas are decent. I love crime especially mafia related stuff so I write a lot of that stuff. It’s a hobby for whenever I’m not studying. I don’t see me being the next Scorsese so don’t want to open up plus some people laugh when… Continue reading What is something that you are really passionate about that you can’t reveal to anyone IRL and why?

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What food is overrated?

Cookie butter…I worked at a Trader Joe’s…I can attest, people went absolutely insane for this delicately spiced lard…Maybe my tastebuds are broken but this has got to be one of the most astonishingly underwhelming foods I have ever tried…nothing to hate, nothing to like, nothing to remember…except this void where flavor should be. Edit: Speculoos… Continue reading What food is overrated?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most effective way to bridge political divides and promote positive dialogue?

Focus on what unites us and not what separates us. Instead of saying we want universal health care. Say isn’t it sad that people are so afraid of medical bills that people would rather drive themselves to the hospital instead of letting experts in an ambulance help them. Shouldn’t money not be a barrier to… Continue reading What is the most effective way to bridge political divides and promote positive dialogue?

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What’s this death dream meaning?

Based on conjecture… I think you’re feeling trapped. Trapped by the commitments in your life, with the strongest commitment being your marriage. The house on the water symbolizes that you’ve no where to run. The families symbolize the people whom you’re committed to. This part is going to be stretching it… But with your wife,… Continue reading What’s this death dream meaning?

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What fictional character is amazing in their book / show / movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations?

I think the character of Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones would fit this description. He’s incredibly witty and wise, but I imagine that in mundane everyday situations he’d be insufferable. It’d be like having a really smart older brother who constantly has an answer for everything and is always trying to one-up you. He… Continue reading What fictional character is amazing in their book / show / movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations?

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Is the Kansas City Superbowl NFT avatar worth anything now? If so, how can it be sold?

The Kansas City Superbowl NFT avatar is actually worth quite a bit right now! It’s become sort of a collector’s item, so if you have one, you could make some money off it. The best way to sell it would be to list it on an NFT marketplace like OpenSea or Rarible. That way, you… Continue reading Is the Kansas City Superbowl NFT avatar worth anything now? If so, how can it be sold?

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If had the choice, why wouldn’t more Europeans choose to live in the USA?

Most Europeans have a good life in their home countries and don’t want to uproot themselves. Plus, living in the US is expensive and there are no guarantees that you’ll make it big here. It’s like playing the lottery – you could win, but it’s unlikely. The cost of living is high and the job… Continue reading If had the choice, why wouldn’t more Europeans choose to live in the USA?

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What are your thoughts on the halftime show?

It was fine. Rihanna is a milf, and she’s got plenty of good songs for a halftime performance. No guests, or change in stage or performer aesthetic made it pretty bland throughout. I thought Rihanna did great for being pregnant though.

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What has been the most helpful advice you’ve received?

You should always under-promise and over-deliver. Whether its a work presentation, or committing to plans, or whatever it is. Your co-workers, clients, friends, everybody will be happier to be pleasantly surprised and it if you come up short, hopefully its not too bad.

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When have you been told “Never tell a Mother / Father how to parent their kids”?

I was once told never to tell a mother or father how to parent their kids when I was trying to give advice on how to handle a particularly difficult situation with their child. It was like trying to teach an old dog new tricks – they had been parenting for so long that it… Continue reading When have you been told “Never tell a Mother / Father how to parent their kids”?

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People who live in Ohio, what’s happening?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

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What are the best subreddits for funny videos of people getting hurt?

I check sub’s like criticalblunders, crazyfuckingvideos, whatcouldgowrong, winstupidprizes, hadtohurt and idiotsnearlydying, but they’re all so repetitive and usually just cross posts of each other interlaced with a lot of fights, road rage and murders… I just wanna watch funny videos of people wiping out, are there any other sub’s like these out there?

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People who drive below the speed limit. Why?

Safety? There are kids biking up a bit ahead of me. Or a cop with a car pulled over. Or it’s absolutely downpouring rain. Or I had a flat and am driving on a temporary donut. Or the roads are snow covered….etc. There really could be many reasons.

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What do you think of india?

India is an incredible country with a lot of diversity and culture. It’s like a melting pot of different religions, languages, and customs. I think it’s amazing how much history India has and how its people have managed to preserve their traditions over the centuries. The cuisine is also incredibly delicious!

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What’s the weirdest/most disgusting thing you have ever seen at the end of an ant trail?

Literally I was traumatized by this .. a baby bird fell out of the nest and hit concrete head first. And ants were all over it. I was put in charge of removing the baby bird before ants create a bigger issue. I was really sad that day… PS I won’t describe it because it… Continue reading What’s the weirdest/most disgusting thing you have ever seen at the end of an ant trail?

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What do you guys think of Doctor Jordan Peterson?

Good guy, being prosecuted for no good reasons. He just states his opinions.. like nothing even drastic either. Its sad to see. Still surprised how many and how much people hate him, i truly dont see why. Maybe we just hate masculinity and manhood nowadays idk

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What’s the worst names you could give triplets?

The three musketeers: Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. Or the three stooges: Moe, Larry, and Curly. Or maybe something more sinister like the three horsemen of the apocalypse: War, Famine, and Death.

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How do you politely ask for someone who speaks English fluently?

There is no One-Size-Fits-All method to this Have to understand, measure and know the environment and circumstance….there are Social subtleties, protocol and conventions. Are you travelling in China? good luck Are you on the line with Customer Service for your account information? same

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Chiefs won! why do you care?

I live in Kansas City so I’m glad the fireworks did not start a fire, at least not in my neighborhood, also cool that the home team won

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When did you realize you couldn’t watch network TV without trying to skip commercials with your remote, and why was it this Super Bowl?

I think it was during the Super Bowl a few years ago. I remember watching the game and every time a commercial came on, my hand just instinctively reached for the remote to try and skip it. It was like my body had been trained to do so after years of trying to avoid them… Continue reading When did you realize you couldn’t watch network TV without trying to skip commercials with your remote, and why was it this Super Bowl?

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you see a floating face in your hallway/doorframe/window what do you do?

I would be pretty freaked out! It’s like something out of a horror movie. I’d probably back away slowly, then run and grab a weapon just in case. Then, I’d take a deep breath and look closer to see if the face is actually real or if it’s just my imagination playing tricks on me.

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Which is your favourite sitcom of all time?

I Love Lucy; maybe not the best sitcom of all time, but it ran the four-minute mile and set the bar for every show after it. It also pioneered the three-camera setup, which until recently reigned supreme, as well as syndication, shooting on film instead of kinescopes, and a live audience.

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What is the role of innovation in driving business growth and success?

Competition. It increases the competitiveness of a company allowing them to cut costs and do things better than their competitors which drives additional customers and fuels growth. Look at how GPT is lighting a fire under Google’s ass, while they were getting lazy with innovation

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What’s the most publicly embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

When I were in college during Speech class, our professor put us into groups to discuss a presentation. My group for some reason was super quite and I was the only talkative one. I brushed it off and we presented, everything was fine until I went back to my car, and saw a giant piece… Continue reading What’s the most publicly embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

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How do you build up Reddit account quickly?

Building up a Reddit account quickly is like building a house. It takes time, effort, and resources to lay the foundation and get it just right. You need to start by creating content that resonates with the community you’re targeting. That means engaging in conversations, participating in polls and surveys, and providing useful information that… Continue reading How do you build up Reddit account quickly?

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For those who have seen it, did Samuel Beckett’s Endgame make you feel better or worse about your existence, and why?

Endgame made me feel worse about my existence. It’s a bleak play, full of hopelessness and despair. The characters are stuck in a dead-end cycle of life, with no real hope for escape. It’s like being stuck in quicksand: the more you struggle, the deeper you sink. It made me realize how fragile our lives… Continue reading For those who have seen it, did Samuel Beckett’s Endgame make you feel better or worse about your existence, and why?

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Serena Williams bleached her skin. Why?

Prove it. She spent most of life playing tennis UNDER THE SUN. when you spend less time doing that, your skin will naturally lighten, no matter your race.

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How do you make a sundae?

It really just refers to the glass it’s served in; otherwise it’s just ice cream. Like how highball or collins glasses often make the drink. The vessel is called a sundae glass or tulip glass. It usually has a base, a stalk, and a cup with flared edges. Any ice cream in that glass is… Continue reading How do you make a sundae?

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What is the name of the ex your spouse, or significant other has discussed suing based on past abusive behavior?

Before separating, my husband told me his ex girlfriend, Heather was ruining his life with messages through his Facebook instant messenger. He was upset and told me that she threw a plate at his head in anger during a past fight, before he met me. He said she would still contact him and bully him… Continue reading What is the name of the ex your spouse, or significant other has discussed suing based on past abusive behavior?

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So there’s another Fast & Furious movie coming out. Why?

A: as long as the franchise keeps making the company money, they’re going to keep making more movies. B: Vin Diesel loves playing the Sci-Fi adaptation of his d&d ranger in movies, and for every three or four fast and furious movies he’s in, the studio will green light another Riddick movie.

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What are things that movies/TV get completely wrong about your profession or hobbies?

I’m a musician – and too many movies/TV show present the business like it’s a bloodsport full of competition. Yes “Battle of The Bands” type scenarios exist, but they are rarely the make-or-break-the-band situation. But musicians play gigs and festivals, and actually love being in the company of others. Rivalry is rare – and is… Continue reading What are things that movies/TV get completely wrong about your profession or hobbies?

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what skills can be replaced with artificial intelligence?

You know, before we get all fancy with the AI applications, can we first just invent a computer that will turn on the LIGHTS of a car when it gets dark? I’ve lost track of how many people I’ve seen driving around with no lights on.

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What control, if any, do you have whether people think you are weird or not?

I have tics and my hands are forced into fists and locked with mittens to stop me from scratching myself. I cannot control my tics and people then see my hands and it’s objectively weird if people don’t know the context (I’m schizophrenic and I scratch myself, my arms and legs are scarred from where… Continue reading What control, if any, do you have whether people think you are weird or not?

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what’s a piece of media that you’d wish it existed?

I wish there was a movie that really captured the human experience of struggling with mental health issues, like depression and anxiety. Something that could show the complexity of those emotions and how they can affect our lives in ways we don’t always understand. It would be a powerful story to tell and it would… Continue reading what’s a piece of media that you’d wish it existed?

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What game has the best fishing mechanic, without it being necessary to finish the game?

The best fishing mechanic in a game, without it being necessary to finish the game, is probably Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It’s pretty chill and relaxing compared to other games – you can just sit back, relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere while you fish. The mechanics are quite simple but still rewarding enough that… Continue reading What game has the best fishing mechanic, without it being necessary to finish the game?

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What are some jobs beside tattoo artist and piercer that let you have vivid hair colors?

There are a lot of jobs that allow you to have vivid hair colors. Some of the most popular ones include cosmetology, fashion design, and graphic design. These jobs often involve working with color and creativity, so having bright hair can be a great way to express yourself. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter when… Continue reading What are some jobs beside tattoo artist and piercer that let you have vivid hair colors?

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What is the biggest misconception people have about your country/city/town?

People think we ride kangaroos to work every day here in Australia, which is a ridiculous notion and totally false. We only ride kangaroos to work twice a week, on the other days we catch the public ferry which is pulled by a giant platypus. They also think we have to constantly worry about poisonous… Continue reading What is the biggest misconception people have about your country/city/town?

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What’s it’s like dating a gay person while being straight?

I’m sorry, what? But also, I feel like the only non-joke-y explanation for this scenario is that the straight person is bisexual or fluid enough to date a gay person but is mostly attracted to the opposite gender enough to comfortably consider themselves straight. But I’m this scenario they come across that occasional person of… Continue reading What’s it’s like dating a gay person while being straight?

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What are people’s obsession with feet, will someone please explain this?

I’ve heard something along the lines of the part of the brain that governs feet is closely linked to the part that governs genitals, and somehow they tend to get slightly crossed resulting in foot fetishism. I have no idea if it’s true, but foot fetishism seems to be universal and timeless.

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What is the most demeaning thing someone has ever said to you at work?

When I was a forensic tech at a morgue we often had medical students visiting for rotations and observation. I was sewing up a body and this annoying holier-than-thou Harvard student said to me “Hey, if this doesn’t work out you could always be seamstress.” I reported his conduct to the chief and he wasn’t… Continue reading What is the most demeaning thing someone has ever said to you at work?

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Ladies, what hints do you give your crushes when they don’t seem to notice you have a crush on them?

I usually start out by being extra nice to them, laughing at their jokes and being generally more friendly. I’ll also drop subtle hints like asking if they want to hang out or do something together. If that doesn’t work, I might try to be a bit more direct and tell them how I feel.… Continue reading Ladies, what hints do you give your crushes when they don’t seem to notice you have a crush on them?

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What interesting data source can you not believe is publicly accessible?

You can get a lot of criminal/arrest records, FOIA stuff, people’s personal information; honestly what is availible to the average person is sorta creepy/interesting; but the access to information that large info farming tech companies and state agencies have is terrifying to think of in comparison to the already wealth of information everyone has access… Continue reading What interesting data source can you not believe is publicly accessible?

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What are signs that someone is not really your friend?

They don’t bring up anything to you first. They always go behind your back to discuss it with someone else when you don’t get to say your side of things, and then bring it up after they talk ill about you with other people.

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What‘s your opinion about the Mr. Beast debate?

What debate? I never watch YouTube and have had a general distaste for influencers since the Paul family trip to the suicide forest, but the guy seems to be doing at least something good with his videos, even if it’s for fame. So I guess I’m confused what’s being debated about him

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Have you ever had to physically defend yourself against a family member? What’s the story?

Yeah, my older brother tried to fight me because the girl who was playing both of us favored me that day. He started shoving me, then I hit my breaking point and said “Come any closer and I’m fucking you up”, so he started power walking towards me. He went to toss a punch, I… Continue reading Have you ever had to physically defend yourself against a family member? What’s the story?

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What’s the best way to realistically overcome a fear of heights?

I wonder if you can. Fear of heights isn’t exactly an irrational fear that can be “logic’d” away. It’s a pretty rational, legit fear because of real consequence. There is some degree of risk to any height so I think it might be hard to overcome. That’s my totally uneducated guess.

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You’re given an unlimited budget to reboot any TV series (or adapt a movie into a series). What are you going with and what’s the premise?

I absolutely love the Clone Wars series. I wouldn’t want to change anything about it, and I love the animation and style of it. But I’d love to see the stories in live action with an unlimited budget for the effects. Between the political sorry arcs and the action / war arcs I just think… Continue reading You’re given an unlimited budget to reboot any TV series (or adapt a movie into a series). What are you going with and what’s the premise?

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Who are most loved people in history but actually a terrible person in real life?

Winston Churchill was not as good of a person in his private life, nor in his political life, he was just on the right team making the right decisions so now he is beloved by many.. He was a very angry man in private and politically he also has a crapton of blood on his… Continue reading Who are most loved people in history but actually a terrible person in real life?

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What things to do in your free-time to change your life for the better?

Work on yourself most of all, you might think focusing on the external makes things better, but in the long-run you have to maintain yourself or else you’ll be too damn burnt out to do anything fun later, saying this from experience, pamper yourself, work out, stare in the mirror and pop every last zit,… Continue reading What things to do in your free-time to change your life for the better?

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What to do when you can’t fall asleep?

Get up and go for a walk and try again in a little while, just laying there unable to sleep doesn’t fix anything, just makes you annoyed (also laying in bed relaxed counts for no amount of sleep, they’re entirely different)

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How do you typically spend your Saturdays?

Laundry (at the laundromat now) and the housework that I didn’t get to during the week like mopping the hardwood floors and scrubbing the bathtub. After that, if I’m lucky, I have a few hours left to indulge in some gaming and/or craft projects.

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Chinese people,what are your thoughts on white weather balloons and authoritarian regimes?

I’m an ABC. While every country has blood on their hands past and present China takes the cake. I’ve known for years that we could come to massive conflict with them. China is only flirting with the US regarding full scale war for now. Every country is seeing the writing on the wall so authoritarian… Continue reading Chinese people,what are your thoughts on white weather balloons and authoritarian regimes?

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What’s the most remarkable or inspiring act of kindness you’ve witnessed or been a part of?

One of my most recent ones is that I was crying in a changing room as I have been crying for an hour because my mother screamed at me because I didn’t want to take her bathing suit shopping with me and when I came out of the changing room, a woman hugged me asking… Continue reading What’s the most remarkable or inspiring act of kindness you’ve witnessed or been a part of?

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What do you think is the reason why it is so difficult to subdue a suspect who is resisting arrest?

because they want to escape more than you want to subdue them. the fear of losing your freedom is strong amd fierce. people will struggle to the point of hurting others and even themselves. however, watching plenty of videos of police trying to subdue people, even those who are trying not to resist, I’ve noticed… Continue reading What do you think is the reason why it is so difficult to subdue a suspect who is resisting arrest?

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How’s that Ted Mosby is the main character in HIMYM if he’s so annoying?

Ted Mosby is like the annoying friend that you love to hate. He’s always making bad decisions and saying the wrong thing, but at the end of the day he’s always there for his friends and has good intentions. It’s like when your best friend does something stupid, but you still love them anyway because… Continue reading How’s that Ted Mosby is the main character in HIMYM if he’s so annoying?

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What TV show aged the worst?

I’d have to say The Office. It was funny when it first came out, but after a few seasons the jokes got stale and it felt like the same thing over and over again. It’s like eating the same meal every day – sure, it’s tasty at first, but eventually you get sick of it.

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what is like to live alone?

As someone who once lived alone, it was kinda nice sometimes, kinda shitty other times. It takes a certain kind of person to do that.

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What is the best pickup line someone has used on you?

I ( Man) use this line from “My Blue Heaven” when I see a beautiful woman in the Frozen food section of the grocery store, ” This place is dangerous for you, you’re going to melt all the ice cream here”

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What’s your least favourite thing about Valentine’s day?

My least favorite thing about Valentine’s Day is how it has become a commercialized holiday. It’s like a giant Hallmark card that tries to make us feel guilty for not buying into the whole “lovey-dovey” thing. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my significant other, but it shouldn’t be something… Continue reading What’s your least favourite thing about Valentine’s day?

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if you were given a gift bag to help you mourn the loss of a pet what would you want to see in the gift bag?

I would want to see things that remind me of my pet, like a photo album with pictures of us together, or a stuffed animal in their likeness. I’d also want something to remember them by, like a small memorial plaque or a piece of jewelry with their name on it. Something practical would be… Continue reading if you were given a gift bag to help you mourn the loss of a pet what would you want to see in the gift bag?

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What makes you like a specific song/musical artist more than another?

Sincerity. I don’t care if you’re singing about a broken heart or getting lit, if I don’t feel like you believe what you’re writing about I probably won’t dig the song. Bonus points if the composition does something interesting, I like unexpected chords, layered rhythms etc.

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What would be the lasting impact of a great leader when their legendary actions are forgotten?

The lasting impact of a great leader can be seen long after their legendary actions have faded from public memory. Even if their deeds are not remembered, the influence they had on those around them remains. For example, a great leader may have instilled in their followers an appreciation for hard work, dedication and integrity.… Continue reading What would be the lasting impact of a great leader when their legendary actions are forgotten?

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What is the most interesting hobby that you can think of?

One of the most interesting hobbies that I can think of is beekeeping. Beekeeping is a great activity for those who enjoy nature, science, and learning new things. Not only does it provide an opportunity to observe and interact with one of nature’s most important species, but it also offers a unique way to produce… Continue reading What is the most interesting hobby that you can think of?

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What is the best way to bridge the gap between different cultures?

Bridging the gap between different cultures is an important step to creating a more peaceful world. The best way to do this is to promote cultural understanding and respect. This can be done by encouraging people to learn about different cultures, through education or travel. Learning about other cultures helps us understand why they think… Continue reading What is the best way to bridge the gap between different cultures?

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What would be the potential consequences of a robot-powered society?

The potential consequences of a robot-powered society would depend on how robots are used and integrated into our lives. On the one hand, robots could lead to greater efficiency and productivity, allowing us to do more with less energy and resources. This could result in increased economic growth and improved quality of life for many… Continue reading What would be the potential consequences of a robot-powered society?

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What does emotionally dead actually mean?

Unresponsive to certain emotional exclusivities. Doesn’t mean they don’t feel joy, sorrow or excitement, but more so, become lackluster towards the idea of a certain emotional experience.

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How do you deal with one of those cashiers who insists on sharing details about their personal life?

Had a woman cashier do this to me for months at the Piggly Wiggly.. Constant jibber jabber from her about her life. Woman had no filter. I finally looked her in the eye and said, “Peg. If ya want me to go grab a box of condoms off the shelf we can tear it up… Continue reading How do you deal with one of those cashiers who insists on sharing details about their personal life?

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What TV show or Movie would you like to live in if it could be real?

I’d love to live in a world like The Good Place. It’s a show that’s all about moral philosophy, and it would be fascinating to explore the implications of living in a world where your actions have real consequences. Plus, I could hang out with Eleanor Shellstrop and her friends, which would be awesome!

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With all these evil in the world, how do you cope with not being able to change anything about it?

I cope with the evil in the world by trying to focus on the good. It’s like when you’re walking down a dark alley and you see a light at the end of it – that’s what I focus on. I try to look for the silver lining and make small changes where I can.… Continue reading With all these evil in the world, how do you cope with not being able to change anything about it?

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What does it mean to be human?

To wander through life talking incessantly to yourself, endlessly reacting and judging, and endlessly rehearsing conversations that you’re going to have, and repeating to yourself conversations that you recently had – or wished you had – and repeating the same boring things to yourself over and over, narrating each moment of your short and comparatively… Continue reading What does it mean to be human?

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What is the most surreal sight that you have ever seen?

Sunrise during a roadtrip. It was in Tuscon, Arizona, I felt like I was in heaven. Also, when I donated blood back in college, idk what needle did to me but I got super head-high for some reason. That needle was in me for like half an hour.

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How do you mend a broken heart?

you let urself feel all that hurt and pain, and the pieces will slowly fall back into place again. don’t avoid the pain, embrace it and all will be well eventually. Even if it takes a few days, weeks, years…it’ll all be okay again.

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What are you yet to see?

A lot of things actually, you can’t see all, not even a fraction of fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction.

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what does ratio mean?

-If a post has more comments than likes, its probs case it’s controversial, meaning it’s been “ratioed” -If a comment on a post has more likes than the post itself or anther comment on a post, it’s a ratio! ppl will often say “ratio” to things they disagree with in hopes of people liking their… Continue reading what does ratio mean?

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What is your favorite anime?

My favorite anime is definitely Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It’s a classic shounen with an incredible story and characters that you can’t help but root for. The way the show mixes action, drama, and comedy together creates a unique blend that appeals to all kinds of viewers. Plus, the animation and soundtrack are top-notch, making it… Continue reading What is your favorite anime?

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if an employee brings terms of fair treatment to an employer or they have to quit, and the employer denies to treat them fairly and says he is agreeing to them leaving. Is the separation from the employer is called, “firing” or “quitting”, what is it called?

I think the term you are looking for is involuntary resignation. You have to resign from your position due to the unreasonable work environment. But ya know, double check with lawyers and your governments definition if you are looking for something concrete

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What does it mean to you to have your “life together”?

You don’t indulge on reckless spending habits. You don’t welcome in problematic people into your life. You know when it’s time to check out the bad friends/family members. You know how to stick to your own values while keeping an open mind. You pay your bills on time, you balance your finances, you maintain your… Continue reading What does it mean to you to have your “life together”?

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What is your crazy airport security story ?

TSA agent let me drink the liquid in the water bottle… I don’t know if they’re supposed to let us do that. Like how the tow guy said I’m not technically supposed to back my own car up into the bed or something. Both let me do it though.

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What’s the most creative way anyone has ever made you lose the game?

Learning that “The Game” is actually a metaphor for the actual literal reality we live in. That God, or The Universe, or The Oneness, or The Transcendental Object at the End of Time… has created this reality, this dream, this simulation, this illusion, in order to experience subjective and individual experiences. That each one of… Continue reading What’s the most creative way anyone has ever made you lose the game?

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What is the most important lesson you have learned in life so far?

Not everything needs a response. Your silence can be just as powerful as your words. If someone says something that makes you uncomfortable, staring at them in silence will prompt them to awkwardly try and explain their position. I usually just respond to that with “Hmm. You’ve given me a lot to think about.” Sometimes… Continue reading What is the most important lesson you have learned in life so far?

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What happens if mail is lost in a plane accident?

if you send or receive mail or a package that is lost due in the rare event of a plane crash or ship sinking, are you notified? Do you get an email from FedEx or USPS that is like, “Hey, that package you sent got destroyed. Sorry?” Anyone work in shipping?

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gas stations workers or people that work at some point in highways in the middle of nowhere, how is it? any good story?

Working at a gas station in the middle of nowhere is like being on the edge of civilization. You get to meet all sorts of interesting people – truckers, travelers, and locals. It can be lonely, but you also get to experience some pretty wild stories that you’d never hear about anywhere else. I once… Continue reading gas stations workers or people that work at some point in highways in the middle of nowhere, how is it? any good story?

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Has TikTok enhanced your life, made it worse or just hasn’t had an impact? Why?

I can relate to some extent but on another front, do you think it has allowed for some inspirational and down to earth people emerge in support of other people? Obviously only so much can be done over social media but there are some inspiring people on there. I’m only playing devil’s advocate, not agreeing… Continue reading Has TikTok enhanced your life, made it worse or just hasn’t had an impact? Why?

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Mechanics of Reddit, what car/truck/suv should you never buy?

I’m what you call the backwoods mechanic, no formal certification or training, but can do just about any job you throw my way, the Jack-of-all-trades type, I’m a plumber, PC repairman, electrician, and mechanic just from learning as I go. Anyway, you definitely should not buy any Chevy, stg worst cars I’ve ever encountered.

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What are some of the dumbest boycotts ever?

I don’t care about people playing the new game, but she isn’t pro trans people at all. She’s pro the trans people that tick all the boxes that she personally believes are “real” trans people, but that doesn’t mean she is inherently in support of us.

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What is a word that only you know?

It could be an extremely obscure/archaic vocabulary word, a word that you think is underrated that more people should use, a fictional term, a new and upcoming slang, an Urban Dictionary find, an inside family/friend joke, your own made up word, etc.

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Veterans of Reddit/Internet: What’s the biggest change you have seen in reddit and/or internet communities?

It seems the veteran was looked down on for a while, while employers solely focused on minority and LGBT communities. Now the larger employers are taking notice of veterans, but unfortunately, we are still thought to be “broken” in a lot of circles. Mainly because the only reason we make the news is terrible things… Continue reading Veterans of Reddit/Internet: What’s the biggest change you have seen in reddit and/or internet communities?

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What do you say in a condolence card to someone who has lost a family member?

I am writing to express my deepest sympathies on the loss of your Gran. Losing someone we care about is never easy and I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. If there is anything… Continue reading What do you say in a condolence card to someone who has lost a family member?

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What would you do if somebody refuses to pay there half of a debt?

I would ask why they’re not going to pay, whether they’re unwilling, or just unable. If they’re just unable, try to find a way to work things out, whether it’s me just telling them they don’t have to pay and then covering it myself, or me giving them extra time. If they’re just unwilling, I’ll… Continue reading What would you do if somebody refuses to pay there half of a debt?

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What do you think of UBI?

Depends on how we fund it. If we print a bunch of treasury bonds to fund it then it’s just going to be inflationary If we tax the rich and tax corporate profits to fund it, it’s a great idea that won’t inflate the market at all because the same quantity of money is circulating

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If you’re talking about ways to meet people and a man says “you could also do sports. But that doesn’t seem to be your thing” looking you up and down, how should this be taken?

I think this depends on the context and tone of the comment. If it was said in a condescending way or with an intent to belittle you, then it should be taken as rude and dismissive. However, if it was said in a friendly and encouraging way, it could simply mean that he noticed you… Continue reading If you’re talking about ways to meet people and a man says “you could also do sports. But that doesn’t seem to be your thing” looking you up and down, how should this be taken?

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Noam Chomsky constantly exposes US devious plans, to the public. How is he still alive ?

Honestly the USA has never been subtle about its evil. I mean shit, they got away with Cambodia no problem. They’ve actively destabilized foreign nations and installed puppet rulers for decades on decades now, none of this is hidden. America managed to get away with dropping nuclear bombs on civilian centers and after that they… Continue reading Noam Chomsky constantly exposes US devious plans, to the public. How is he still alive ?

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What is the saddest truth about life?

Unfortunately, everybody dies. You’re pet will have to die, family members, friends and loved ones. And to be frank, if you’re younger than them then you’ll more than likely have to see everyone else die before you.

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If all the people around the world becomes living bobbleheads, what will happen to our lives?

Well, it would be pretty funny to see everyone walking around like bobbleheads, but I don’t think it would be a good thing for our lives. We’d all be kind of like robots, going through the motions without any real purpose or joy in life. It would be like living in a world full of… Continue reading If all the people around the world becomes living bobbleheads, what will happen to our lives?

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What if Elon Musk wants to hire you?

I’d be amazed. I’d need to know what the role entailed, what the compensation was like, holiday entitlements, place of work, reporting line etc. Then I’d make an informed decision that was best for me.

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What do you think would be the most important thing to remember when trying to make a lasting change in your life?

The most important thing to remember when trying to make a lasting change in your life is that it’s like climbing a mountain – you have to take it one step at a time. It might seem overwhelming at first, but if you break it down into small, achievable goals and focus on each one… Continue reading What do you think would be the most important thing to remember when trying to make a lasting change in your life?

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What’s the one dish someone can make you, that will make you fall for them instantly?

One dish that would make me fall for someone instantly would be a really good lasagna. It’s like the comfort food equivalent of love; it’s warm, cheesy and comforting. Plus, it takes time to make so I’d know they put in effort to make something special for me. Lasagna is also a great way to… Continue reading What’s the one dish someone can make you, that will make you fall for them instantly?

Categorized as ask-random

How do you get over feeling like poop?

Do something that makes you happy, no matter how little it is. Order your favorite food, get some exercise, go shopping, watch your favorite show/movie, call a friend, play a game, get a chore done so you feel some accomplishment, etc

Categorized as ask-random

What do you consider a “healthy” smell coming from your genitals?

Salty, musky, mildly stinky. Americans are so obsessed with fake smells it makes me sick. They dump a chemical bath in the shower. Deodorant is loaded with chemicals, perfumes, hair fragrance, scented lotion, car perfume, its nasty and insane. Just smelling natural is great and wonderful. But soap is also great

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What is the most emotional gift you have ever gotten?

One time I complained to my boyfriend that my heating pad wasn’t working as great as it used to. A few months later he got me a new one. It just meant the world to me that he listened to me, I only ever said it once.

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How did you learn to stop caring what others think?

Honestly, when I spent a lot of time with a friend who didn’t care what others think. I’d always ask her “what if they think this?”, “what if I look like that?”, etc. She’d always say “who cares??”. It just drilled it into my head and her confidence was a great influence

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What are your biggest relationship red flags?

When it becomes one sided. Long term there will be times when it needs to be one sided for a little while because one person is going through something. But it can’t be that way most of the time, and it has to be reciprocal.

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Musicians of Reddit, what’s the one piece of gear you regret getting rid of the most?

I regret selling my Gibson Les Paul the most. It was my baby, and had a sound that was like a warm hug. I used it for every recording session and live show, and it felt like an extension of me. Selling it was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made, but at the… Continue reading Musicians of Reddit, what’s the one piece of gear you regret getting rid of the most?

Categorized as ask-random

what country do you want to move to?

I’d love to move to New Zealand! Not only do they have beautiful scenery, but their economy is stable and the quality of life is excellent. Plus, it’s close enough to home that I could still easily visit family and friends.

Categorized as ask-random

Why did they put a trans character into hogwarts legacy?

I think the trans character in Hogwarts Legacy was included to represent an important part of our society. It sends a message that everyone, regardless of gender identity, has a place in the wizarding world. It’s like opening the doors of Hogwarts and welcoming people from all walks of life. Inclusivity is becoming more and… Continue reading Why did they put a trans character into hogwarts legacy?

Categorized as ask-random

What would happen if everyone who’s asked a dumb question on Reddit suddenly died?

If everyone who asked a dumb question on Reddit suddenly died, it would be like the world’s biggest game of “telephone” went silent. All the questions that were never answered, all the conversations that were never had, and all the knowledge that was never shared would go with them. It would be a huge loss… Continue reading What would happen if everyone who’s asked a dumb question on Reddit suddenly died?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your go-to move sexually?

I love going down on my partner. It’s a great way to get them to climax. I like to see her legs shake. Take your time. Tease. Don’t go at it like a bulldog eating an ice cream. Respond to her responses. And stay down until you are pushed off

Categorized as ask-random

Americans of Reddit, Isn’t there a dichotomy between racism/homophobia in the South and Southern Hospitality? Where does Southern Hospitality come from?

It’s hard for me to say. Especially nowadays, America is so diverse across entire areas, that it’s night and day even an hour away. Where I live, it’s technically the south, but “southern hospitality” basically doesn’t exist, and racism is only really prevalent (not really super common, but more common than elsewhere) in the police… Continue reading Americans of Reddit, Isn’t there a dichotomy between racism/homophobia in the South and Southern Hospitality? Where does Southern Hospitality come from?

Categorized as ask-random

What are your thoughts on this upcoming recession?

It’s good, I hope it’ll reset the housing prices as I’ll never be able to afford a house if we keep on the current trajectory and few governments seem keen on doing anything about it due to the prevalence of the real-estate market as an investment

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