Call for LOIs: Allen Discovery Center (ADC) for Neurobiology in Changing Environments
The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group, a division of the Allen Institute, is excited to announce a 2024 Allen Discovery Center (ADC) initiative to support research that will elucidate the molecular, cellular and/or circuitry-level neurobiology governing fundamental biological processes (development, reproduction, etc.) in response to anthropogenic-driven environmental perturbation.
The Allen Discovery Centers are leadership-driven, compass-guided research centers, often created in partnership with major research organizations and universities. Ideally, a Center should be a highly functional, integrated, and creative team with productivity greater than the sum of its parts.
A Center should seek to be a leader in the field, pioneering efforts that engage and drive the larger research community.
The Allen Discovery Center program offers a unique funding level and mechanism, allowing for a larger-scale impact on the field. The Centers embody the commitment to launching and fostering development of entire new fields in biology—with infinite potential to impact human knowledge and health. These Centers are long-term investments, typically providing $10 million for the first four years.
The Centers may be evaluated for a potential second four-year funding phase based on research progress, future research plans, and attainment of $10 million in “matched” or leveraged funding (for a potential total scope of activity of $30 million over eight years). The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation and The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group has a 0% indirect cost policy.
The program seeks to have a lasting impact on the direction of research, aiming to serve as a catalyst upon which future research is founded. This program seeks to enable scientists to take risks with new ideas and approaches, and strongly believes in interdisciplinary approaches that allow scientists to look beyond their own disciplines, and to explore approaches with colleagues in other disciplines in order to bring new perspectives to challenging problems where traditional approaches within a discipline may be ‘stuck.’
The program is especially interested in approaches that are unlikely to receive funding from traditional government sources, including methodological and technological advances that are often necessary complements to scientific advance and often difficult to fund through
traditional sources.
This program encourages and supports researchers including novel methodological, theoretical, and technological elements in their proposals.
Funding Information
Up to one award will be made for up to $10 million in total funding support provided over four years.
Eligibility Requirements
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Call for LOIs: Allen Discovery Center (ADC) for Neurobiology in Changing Environments