Aug 22, KUCCPS Online Application Guidelines 2023 How to Apply KUCCPS Online


2023 KUCCPS Online Application Guidelines – How to Apply for KUCCPS Courses Online 2023 – Step by Step Guide! – KUCCPS 2023/24


About KUCPPS and Student’s Application Guide – How to Apply for KUCCPS Courses – KUCCPS College and University Application Guidelines – Updated May 2022

  • The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) co-ordinates the placement of government sponsored students to universities and colleges in Kenya.
  • School principals usually select courses for the students during the last term in school. Some do not and this should be no cause for alarm.
  • KUCCPS announces first revision of courses (KUCCPS 1st Revision of Courses) shortly after the release of KCSE results. Usually within a month or two.
  • We shall update the information here, once the announcement is made. So, follow our updates here every day and you will be notified accordingly.
  • The announcement has not been made and therefore, the current panic and rush to choose courses is unwarranted.
  • After the first revision of courses, students are placed in colleges or universities according to their choices. Those who have not been placed are invited for the second revision of courses that happens a month or two after the first revision.
  • The list of those who were not placed during the first revision is published and you can find your index number on the list if you need to participate in the second revision (KUCCPS 2nd Revision of Courses.)
  • You will not be able to see the following details until the portal opens for applications. Wait for that date and follow our daily updates for the news of opening and closing dates.

    Step One: Accessing the Website

    1. Visit the KUCCPS website on

    Step Two: Accessing the Student’s Portal

    1. Click on the button marked: “Student’s Portal” as shown in the image below.

    Step Three: Accessing the Login button

    1. Click on the button marked: “LOGIN”

    Step Four: Logging in

    1. Enter your KCSE Index Number, Year of KCSE and your password (KCPE Index or Birth Certificate Number).

    2. Click on the button marked: “LOG IN” as shown below.


    Applicant Eligibility

    For a candidate to be eligible to apply for placement, the following conditions will apply:

    i. A Kenyan Citizen governed by Chapter Three of the Constitution of Kenya and the Kenya Citizenship Act Cap 170.

    ii. Sponsorship will be eligible to all applicants provided that the KCSE Candidates of the year preceding the selection and those who have never benefited before are given priority.

    iii. The minimum admission requirement to apply for degree programmes will be C+.

    iv. The minimum admission requirement to apply for a diploma will be C-.

    v. The minimum admission requirement to apply for a craft certificate will be D.

    vi. The minimum admission requirement to apply for an Artisan certificate will be E.

    vii. Applications shall be subjected to minimum subjects requirements from regulators and training institutions where applicable.

    Step Five: Dashboard

    On the dashboard, you will be able to view:

    1. A summary of the available institutions and courses.

    2. The applicant’s weighted cluster points for the 23 clusters (for Degree-qualified applicants only). The PDF with all the clusters can be found under ‘Downloads’


    Where the points read ‘0.000’ the candidate did not sit examinations for a subject that is mandatory for courses in a cluster.

    3. The applicant’s registration details and performance as received from KNEC.

    Step Six: Institutions

    1. To view the institutions available for application, click on the menu link “Institutions”

    2. A list of all institutions will be displayed as shown:

    3. Clicking on any of the institutions will display the programmes they have on offer, that is:

    Step Seven: Programmes on Offer

    1. To view the programmes on offer for application, click on the menu link “Programmes”

    2. All programmes have been grouped into wide fields of interest to assist the applicants choose their most preferred programme.

    3. Clicking on any of the fields lists all programmes classified under it e.g. ‘Business (Diploma)’ returns:

    4. A search-bar has been provided to ease the process if the applicant already knows the programme they would like to apply for:

    5. The applicant only needs to type part of the title e.g. searching for ‘Civil’ returns:

    6. Clicking any of the programmes opens a page detailing the programme information.


    Applicant Choices

    Applicant will be expected to make applications by submitting their preferred choices where a valid choice will constitute a programme code, programme name and the institution name.

    i. Applicants with an overall grade of C+ and above will be allowed to make a maximum of 6 choices for degree programmes where 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) must be similar programmes and 4 for diploma programmes.

    ii. Applicants with an overall grade of C- and above, will be allowed to make a maximum of 8 choices; 4 for diploma and 4 for craft certificate programmes.

    iii. Applicants with an overall grade of D and above, will be allowed to make a maximum of 8 choices; 4 for craft certificate and 4 for artisan certificate programmes.

    iv. Applicants with an overall grade below D, will be allowed to make a maximum of 4 choices from artisan certificate programmes.

    v. An applicant may choose any programmes for which they qualify provided that no choice is repeated.

    Step Eight: Programme Details

    1. The programme page displays either:

    a. The cluster subjects used to calculate weighted cluster points (for Degree programmes)


    b. The Minimum mean grade (for TVET programmes)

    2. The minimum subject requirements (where applicable) are also outlined on this page:

    NOTE: To pursue a course you must have:

    i. Sat for the subjects listed during their KCSE examination.

    ii. Attained the grade listed or higher.

    3. All the institutions that offer the programme will be listed at the bottom of the page, along with previous years’ cut-off points.

    Step Nine: Choosing your Programmes

    1. For Degree applicants, the Weighted Cluster Points are already calculated and displayed per programme on the right-most column.

    2. The previous cut-off points for each programme are listed per institution to guide degree applicants.


    Cut-off points for any year are the weighted cluster points for the last competititvely placed applicant. i.e. Suppose the Bachelor of Arts programme at an institution requires only 10 students but 13 applications are received. The best performing 10 applicants will be picked and the that are 3 left out will be considered for their other choices. However, the weighted points for the last (10th) student will form the cut-off points for the programme at the institution.


    i. The cut-off points are not predetermined and will not be available while applications are ongoing.

    ii. Cut-off points vary by programme, institution and application year.

    iii. Previous years’ cut-off points are provided to guide applicants during the application process.

    TVET applicants only use the minimum grade and subject requirements to gauge their qualification to a programme.

    4. Once the applicant identifies a programme they feel they will compete favourably:

    a. Only the 7-character code is needed for application:

    5. You can write the code down for application later or add the programme to your course basket by clicking the button marked “ADD” next to the course.

    a. For programmes added to the basket the button turns green and the words change to “ADDED”

    b. The saved courses can be accessed by either clicking the menu item marked “Course Basket” or on the icon marked “Basket”

    6. To view your saved courses, you must provide your contact information. a. Ensure the contacts are valid and correct as they will be used to get in touch with you after placement.

    7. Only the courses shortlisted will be displayed here.


    This DOES NOT constitute an application, no course listed here will be considered until an application is made!

    Step Ten: Making an Application

    1. When you are ready to make an application, click on the tab titled; “Application/Revision”

    a. The application instructions will be listed here, read and understand.

    2. Click on “APPLY NOW” to proceed

    3. The applicant will see have access to a form (or two) for the level of programmes they qualify for:

    4. Enter the 7-character programme codes for the programmes that the applicant most prefers.

    Tip: Placement processing follows the applicant’s list procedurally, so order them by order of preference i.e. most preferred as 1a and least preferred as 4.

    a. Submit the application for consideration.

    b. Make a payment through Mpesa with the details provided at this step.


    Do NOT make a payment before getting to this stage, the amount and account are unique to each applicant.


    i. Check the transaction code carefully not to confuse the numbers: ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘5’ with the letters: ‘O’, ‘I’ and ‘S’.

    ii. Retain the Mpesa message, you will need the transaction code every time you make changes.

    10-0: Payment Reversals

    Reversals will be done for erroneous payments in the following ways:

    i. For non-existent accounts, reversals will be made within 14 days.

    ii. Reversals for payments made to wrong but valid accounts e.g. payment made for account 12345678912 instead of 12345678911 must be requested in writing to the Chief Executive Officer.

    10-1: Multiple Categories Applications

    1. The applicant is allowed to apply for more that one level of programmes if they qualify for multiple i.e.: Diploma and Craft Certificate programmes.

    a. You will need to click the “SUBMIT” button at the bottom of the form for the second level.

    b. The applicant must explicitly opt-in to multiple category processing if the applicant wants the second level to be considered. The status is shown via a switch on the top of the page:


    The programmes for the second level will not be considered unless the applicant opts in.

    c. Opt-in


    This means if you miss your first set of applications, you will be considered for the second i.e. you may be placed to one of the Craft courses if you miss all your diploma choices.

    10-2: Changing Application

    An applicant may make as many changes as they want before the deadline. These include:

    1. Opting out of multiple application processing:

    a. The applicant will need to enter their password to verify the change.

    Deleting applications:

    a. Clicking on the “DELETE” button over the application.


    This deletes the entire application and the choices.

    b. Deleting every programme code one at a time.

    10-3: Viewing Your Application

    The applicant may view their application at any time by:

    1. Visiting “Application/Revision” tab and moving to the “APPLICATION HISTORY” page:

    a. The current application will be viewable here, ensure the courses and their order are as you would want them considered.

    2. Visiting “Dashboard” tab:

    a. The active application will be highlighted in blue:

    10-4: Tracking Your Application

    3. The applicant can keep track of the changes made on the application by visiting “Application/Revision” tab and moving to the “APPLICATION LOG” page:

    a. All changes made from the applicant’s account will be listed here


    An applicant may change their contact information at any time by clicking the settings button:

    The following form can then be edited:

    How to Know the University/College That You Have Been Placed by KUCCPS

    KUCCPS admissions list is usually out shortly after the 2nd revision of courses. To find out the university and course or the college and course you have been admitted to, log into your KUCCPS account and the details will be on the dashboard. You will see an image similar to the one below indicating the university/college, course and code. You will then get an sms and email from the university/college several days/weeks later.

    More Tips & Resources;

  • Be sure not to delete the Mpesa message once you have paid or record the details somewhere; you will need the transaction code every time you make changes. If you delete by mistake, you can get your Mpesa statement from Safaricom to retrieve the code.
  • Pay the amount required at at a go. Do not split it e.g. 1000 then 500 or 500 then 500 again etc.
  • Check and counter-check the numbers before submitting the payment. If you put your index number wrongly, it may take a while before there is a reversal of the Mpesa etc.
  • Submit your application early. Do not wait until the last days.
  • For university applicants, note that private universities may ask for higher fees than public universities, even for government sponsored students. Additionally, if you transfer to a different course from the one allocated by KUCCPS, you may be required to the same amount of fees paid by privately sponsored students.

  • KUCCPS Degree Cluster Document – PDF Download
  • KUCCPS Degree Programmes Cutoffs – PDF Download
  • KUCCPS Diploma Requirements and Programmes – PDF Download
  • KUCCPS Diploma Programme Codes – PDF Download
  • KUCCPS Craft Programme Codes – PDF Download
  • KUCCPS Artisan Programmes Codes – PDF Download
  • KUCCPS List of Unplaced Students – Coming Soon After First Revision of Courses – PDF Download 2023 KUCCPS Placement to Universities, Public Tvet Colleges and TTCs For Government Sponsorship

    New Funding Formula to Make Varsity Loans More Expensive

  • How to Join a Teachers Training College in Kenya
  • KUCCPS Portal Now Open for Second Revision of Degree and Tvet Courses – Now Ongoing – June 16th, 2023 to June 27th, 2023.
  • KUCCPS Placement of Students to Universities and TVET Institutions – 1st Revision – May 17th, 2023 to June 7th, 2023.
  • Revealed: How Your Child will be Selected for Varsity Funding
  • UoN only Kenyan University Among World’s Top 2,000
  • All Students who Scored C+ and Above in 2022 KCSE Secure University Slots
  • Placement to Universities, Public Tvet Colleges and TTCs For Government Sponsorship

    The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) wishes to announce that:

  • The online application system for placement to universities and colleges under Government Sponsorship is now open until Thursday, June 2, 2022.
  • All the 2021 KCSE candidates who applied for courses at school and would wish to revise their choices are invited to do so. Those who did not apply at school can also submit their applications within the period.

    What are the minimum requirements?

  • The overall minimum entry requirement for Degree courses is a mean grade of C+.
  • The overall minimum entry requirement for Diploma courses is C- (minus); for Craft Certificate courses is D (plain); and for Artisan Certificate courses is E.

    Who can apply?

  • Application for degree courses is open only to the KCSE examination class of 2021 (applicants with C+ and above).
  • Form Four Leavers who sat the KCSE examination between the years 2000 and 2021 and have never been placed by KUCCPS are eligible to apply for courses at all levels except Degree. (i.e. they can only apply for courses offered in the TVET colleges)
  • Form Four Leavers who sat for KCSE between the years 2000 and 2021 and scored C (plain) and above are eligible to apply for placement to Primary Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs).
  • Application to Primary TTCs is also open to Kenyans who have done other courses but wish to train to become teachers, those with foreign qualifications and non-Kenyan citizens.

    Application Guidelines

  • All applications must be submitted online through the KUCCPS Student’s Portal,
  • Application guidelines, available programmes, minimum subject requirements and applicants’ weighted cluster points (cluster weights) are available on the portal.

    How to Apply

    1. Visit the KUCCPS website and click Student’s Portal tab.

    2. On the portal, click the Login tab.

    3. To log in, enter your KCSE Index Number, your KCSE year and your password. (Your password is your KCPE index number OR your birth certificate number.)

    4. Once logged in, view the available courses, universities and TVET colleges on the Programmes and Institutions tabs. When you find the courses you want and qualify for, add them to the Basket or note down their programme codes.

    5. To apply, click Application/Revision and key in the programme codes in the provided form in the order or priority. (If you enter a code for a course you don’t qualify for, the system will reject it and you will have to enter a code for another course. Repeat this until all codes are accepted).

    6. Once the system has accepted all your programme codes, Submit.

    7. To complete your submission, follow the payment procedures that will appear on your screen.

    8. For detailed guidelines, download and read the Student’s Guide available on the portal under Downloads. See –

  • KUCCPS Application Guidelines
  • Application Support

    Applicants who may need support are advised to KUUCPS officers stationed in the Huduma Centres located in Nairobi (GPO), Mombasa, Kisumu, Nyeri, Garissa, Kitui, Eldoret, Kakamega, Meru, Kitale, Thika, Isiolo, Narok, Laikipia and Nakuru, or any other Huduma Centre countrywide.

    Advisory on Fraudulent Sites

    Applicants are advised to beware of potentially fraudulent social media pages and websites providing false and misleading information about the placement process. To verify information about the placement process, check the mainstream media, KUCCPS website and the KUCCPS social media pages shown below:

    Facebook: @the.placement.service | Twitter: @KUCCPS_Official (with a blue tick).


  • KUCCPS Applications 2022 for Colleges and Universities Now Open for 2021 KCSE Candidates and Previous Years’ KCSE for College Applicants – Apply by 2nd June 2022
  • About KUCPPS, Application Dates 2022 and Step by Step KUCCPS College and University Application Guidelines 2022 (May/June/July 2022) for 2021 KCSE Candidates (University) and Previous Years (College) – Click Here!
  • KUCCPS Admits Learners for Training as Teachers
  • Why Grade ‘A’ Students Miss Out on Their Dream Courses – KUCCPS Course Application Tips 2022
  • 2021 KCSE Candidates to Join University in June 2022
  • Expect ‘Easy’ KCPE, KCSE Exams, George Magoha Tells Candidates (2021 KCSE Done in March 2022)
  • KCSE 2020 Candidates to Know Varsity and College Placements on Tuesday – August 17th 2021.
  • KUCCPS Third and Final Revision of Choices for Placement to Universities and Colleges – KUCCPS Applications – 3rd Revision of Courses 13th July to 17th July – Apply Today! Click Here!
  • KUCCPS List of Unplaced Students – List of Students Who Need to Do 2nd Revision June/July 2021 – PDF Download
  • Second Revision of Choices for Placement to Universities and Colleges – KUCCPS Applications – 2nd Revision of Courses 22nd June to 5th July – Apply Today! Click Here!
  • Thousands Miss Preferred Courses in Varsity Postings – June 2021
  • University Students Who Missed Dream Courses to Make Fresh Pick – June 2021
  • Alarm as 32,000 Students With C+ and Above Shun University Places
  • George Magoha to Release Varsity Placement Guidelines Today – KUCCPS Applications Open Today (24th May 2021) and Close on 11th June 2021 – Click Here!
  • Alphabetical List of KUCCPS Degree Courses 2021 – Click Here!
  • Alphabetical List of KUCCPS Diploma Courses 2021 – Click Here!
  • Alphabetical List of KUCCPS Certificate Courses 2021 – Click Here!
  • KUCCPS Applications – High Demand Courses + Capacity + Cluster Points (Choose Your Courses Wisely)!
  • KUCCPS Online Application 2021/2022 for 2020/2021 KCSE Candidates. Follow Our Updates Daily to Know KUCCPS Application Dates 2021 for University and College Applications, Opening Dates for The Portal, Closing Dates, 1st Revision of Courses, 2nd Revision, Cut-Off Points, Cluster Points, Tips etc.
  • KUCCPS List of Unplaced Students – Coming Soon After First Revision of Courses – PDF Download
  • KUCCPS portal now open for 2021 university and college applications; closing date of 1st revision of courses is 11th June 2021. Closing date for 2nd revision of courses – 5th July.

    Virtual Career Forums for Form Four Leavers, Students and Teachers

    The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has organised various career forums targeting Form Four Leavers, Secondary School Career Teachers and Secondary School Students.

    The aim of these forums is to:

    Undertake sensitisation on available degree, diploma, craft and artisan programmes, career paths and government sponsorship to universities and colleges. Create awareness on the process through which students are selected for government sponsorship to universities and colleges.

    Sensitise secondary school students on subject selection; the role of KUCCPS in assisting them to join their desired university, college and course; and Explain the application process for government sponsorship to university/college, among others.

    The event details are shown below.

  • Secondary School Career Teachers – Friday, 21st May 2021 at 9.30am – Meeting ID: 946 3806 3326 Passcode: 362940 (Meeting link –
  • Secondary School Students – Saturday, 22nd May 2021 at 10.00am – Meeting ID: 978 5106 5247 Passcode: 583977 (Meeting link –

    – Participation is free of charge. Do not miss!

    KUCCPS Application for Placement to Universities and Colleges for 2020/2021 KCSE Candidates

  • Are you scheduled to sit the KCSE examination in March 2021? Or are you a school principal or a parent/guardian? Application for placement to artisan, craft, diploma and degree courses under government sponsorship for the 2021/2022 academic year has commenced in secondary schools / KCSE examination centres countrywide (school application)
  • The online application system is open and will close on March 31, 2021. Here is what you need to know about the school application.

    1. What is Centre/School Application?

  • This is the first opportunity given to KCSE examination candidates to select, list and submit the courses that they wish to pursue after their secondary education at degree, diploma, craft and artisan level. The application is done in secondary schools/examination centres that have registered KCSE candidates.

    2. Who is eligible to apply?

  • All candidates quality for placement to universities or colleges irrespective of their KCSE examination results (grades A to E). Candidates have an opportunity to choose their preferred courses as shown below:
  • Degree courses choices: 1(a), 1(b), 1(C), 2, 3 and 4
  • Diploma course choices: 1, 2, 3 and 4
  • Craft course choices: 1, 2, 3 and 4
  • Artisan course choices: 1, 2, 3 and 4

    3. How does the school application happen?

  • School principals are required to guide Form Four students in listing the courses they wish to pursue at all levels (degree, diploma, craft and artisan).
  • The students are required to list the courses in the order of preference at all the levels.
  • The principal/teacher then logs on to the KUCCPS portal (, enters and submits the choices following the guidelines provided in the Principal’s Manual, which is available on the portal as a download.
  • While submitting the choices, the principal/career teacher is also required to submit the placement fee collected from the candidates as one bulk payment.

    Note: All secondary schools with KCSE examination candidates have been provided with access credentials to the KUCCPS portal (

    4. What are the advantages of school application?

    Applying for placement at school (as opposed to after school) has numerous advantages to students:

  • Teachers are available to provide career guidance to the students.
  • Applying at school benefits students who live in remote areas or lack the necessary facilities such as the Internet at home. A majority of secondary schools have access to the facilities.
  • In the past, many KCSE candidates performed well but failed to apply for placement to university and/or college resulting in them failing to be placed to courses of their choice. Applying at school before the KCSE examination ensures this does not happen.
  • Students applying at school get an early exposure to courses and careers and tend to make better choices later at the application revision stage.
  • Applying at school costs sh.500, hence is cheaper compared to submitting choices during the revision of choices, which costs sh.1,500 per applicant.

    5. What is the procedure for submitting students’ choices through the portal for the first time?

    Once all the students have submitted their choices, the principal should follow the procedure outlined below.

  • Go to your browser and enter the URL or click Principals Portal on the KUCCPS website.
  • If the school does not have an account in the KUCCPS portal, create one through the ‘New Account’ link. Fill in the relevant verification details and submit.
  • Log in with the registered credentials, i.e. a username (Tsc No. /ID. No. /PP. No.) and a password.
  • Go to the ‘Applications’ tab.
  • Click ‘Application Template’. This will download an Excel workbook for you to populate.
  • After you have filled the template, click on ‘Upload Form’ and submit.
  • For more detailed guidelines. download and read the Principals Manual from the Placement Service website – or cell 0723954927/ 020 5137400 for guidance.

    6. How much does one pay?

  • An application fee of ksh. 500 shall be charged per student.

    7. How do I make payment?

    Candidates should submit the application fee to the school, which will in turn make the payments in bulk on behalf of the student. The money is payable to:

  • KUCCPS Pay bill Number: 820201
  • Account number: 8 digit center code
  • Amount: 5OO x number of students

    8. How does one confirm whether the application was submitted successfully?

    • The principal can generate an application report after successfully submitting the application. The application report should then be shared with the students and parents/guardians.

    9. How can students confirm if their teacher submitted their choices?

  • KCSE candidates who have listed their preferred courses and paid the required Ksh500 should check with their principal to ensure that their application has been submitted. They can verify using an application report generated from the system after submission of the choices or they can contact KUCCPS for assistance.

    10. What is the role of a parent/guardian in the school/centre application process?

  • A parent or guardian of a KCSE candidate should advise and guide the student in choosing the right course and thereafter follow up with the school to ensure the student’s choices have been submitted successfully to KUCCPS.

    11. What is the role of a teacher?

  • Offering career guidance to the students and assisting them to select courses that fit their career dreams and am aligned to their KCSE subjects. They should also ensure that their candidates’ choices are submitted to KUCCPS before the deadline.

    12. What is the role of a KCSE candidate?

  • Listing the courses they wish to do in university/college by taking into account their interests, personalities, KCSE subjects and projected KCSE result. They should not be swayed by peer pressure but should carefully consider their options and seek guidance from their teachers and parents.

    13. Where can I get more information on different career paths?

  • The Placement Service has published The Essential Career Guide: Making an Informed Choice, a hand-book for students seeking to prepare adequately for the world of work. It provides insights to course selection, career opportunities, subject requirements and funding opportunities, among others. The book is available in all the major bookshops at the cost of Ksh. 350. You can also buy it directly from KUCCPS or the Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB.) which is the official distributor. A digital copy is available online through

    More Details

  • For more information and application details, see; KUCCPS Application for Placement to Universities and Colleges for 2020/2021 KCSE Candidates

    [email protected]


    ✆ WhatsApp +254723040015

    ☎ Tel. +254723040015

    [email protected]

    KUCCPS 2nd Revision of Courses 2023 – June 16th to June 27th ✅ KUCCPS Applications 2023! KUCCPS Admissions List 2023! – Click Here! Go to and fill in the relevant fields then log in.

    Update your contacts if prompted;

    KUCCPS 2020 Intake Application Guidelines

    1. To apply, login to the KUCCPS Student’s Portal using your KCSE Index Number and KCSE Year. Use your Birth Certificate Number/KCPE Index Number as the Password.

    2. All programmes have minimum subject requirements. You will only be able to apply for a course whose minimum requirements you meet, but the selection will be determined by the overall performance and the available capacity.

    3. You may view the available programmes and their requirements by clicking the Programmes tab in the portal. You can also search for courses by institution, using the Institutions tab.

    4. As you select the programmes, you may move the ones that interest you into the Course Basket. This will enable you to work with a shorter list when preparing your final list of courses to apply for.

    5. Once you have settled on your preferred courses, you will only be required to enter the Programme Codes.

    6. To apply, use the Application/Revision tab to enter the Programme Codes.

    7. After confirming that the Programme Codes entered are for the courses you would like to apply for, please submit and follow the application fee payment instructions.

    8. An application processing fee is charged as follows:

    – Students applying for the first time – Ksh. 1,500

    – Students revising their choices submitted in school – Ksh. 1,000.

    9. The placement processing fee should be paid after you have selected courses.

    10. You are advised to keep your transaction code safely. It will be required before you make any subsequent changes to your application.

    11. How to Pay for KUCCPS Application Fee;

    – Go to your Lipa Na M-PESA Menu

    – Select Pay Bill

    – Enter Business Number 820201

    – For the Account Number, enter your KCSE Year and KCSE Index Number (no space)

    – Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send.


    KUCCPS Admission List 2019/2020 – KUCCPS Admission Letters! University/College Admission Letters! Follow the links below for KUCCPS University & College Admissions This Year 2019! Admission List Out Now. Check Daily for Updates!

    Log into Your KUCCPS Account Now to Find Out the Course and University or College that You Have Been Admitted to!

    KUCCPS Inter-Institution Transfer Application for the 2019/2020 Placement Cycle

    The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service has opened the online application system for inter-institutional transfer (IIT) applications.

    The application is open for KCSE candidates who have been successfully placed in various universities and TVET institutions but wish to transfer to other institutions.

    The portal for inter-institution application will close on July 1, 2019 at 4:00 pm.

    Application Procedure

  • All applications for inter-institution transfers MUST be submitted online through the Student’s Portal ( The entire process is automated and printing the filled application form will no longer be necessary.
  • Detailed guidelines for the IIT application are available on the portal.
  • The IIT processing fee should be paid only after the applicant has successfully completed the necessary steps in the application process following the instructions provided in the portal. Do not make any prior payment.
  • Applicants are cautioned against sending money to any individual purporting to be in a position to assist them. The Placement Service does not require applicants to send money to any mobile phone numbers.
  • Transfer processing fee shall be paid to the KUCCPS MPESA Pay Bill No.820201.
  • Please read and follow all instructions provided. For further assistance, contact the Placement Service through the numbers 020 5137400, 0723 954 927 and 0734 879 662. You may also email us to [email protected] or visit our Facebook page The.Placement.Service and Twitter Handle @KUCCPS_Official.

  • Top 2018 KCSE students pick medicine and engineering
  • Not Satisfied with Your Course or University or College – Read – KUCCPS Inter-Institution Transfer Details
  • Education CS Prof. George Magoha Releases the 2019/2020 Placement Report – April 15th 2019

    Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha has today released the placement report for the 2019/2020 cycle.

    During the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) stakeholder forum held at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Nairobi, Prof. Magoha also launched a new career guidance book authored by KUCCPS.

    The placement report contains details of how the 2018 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination candidates and those from previous years have been placed to different universities and colleges.

    In the 2018 KCSE examination, 90,755 students scored a mean grade of C+ and above, hence were eligible for placement to universities as Government-sponsored students.

    Following the successful completion of the placement process, 89,486 have been placed to Degree courses of their choice in public and private universities, under Government sponsorship.

    In addition, another 98,393 applicants have been placed to various polytechnics and technical training institutions countrywide, so far.

    There will be continuous placement of students to TVET institutions throughout the year.

    The Placement Service has started sending out text messages to the placed students informing them of their courses and institutions, free of charge.

    In addition, the students are advised to log in to their portals to view their placement status.

    The KUCCPS career book – The Essential Career Guide: Making an Informed Choice – is a guide for students, teachers, parents and guardians on career opportunities, pathways to career progression, subject requirements for specific career fields and subject selection, among other career tips.

    It is highly recommended for use in schools and other learning institutions.

    KUCCPS 2nd Revision of Courses in Now Open! Apply by 22nd March 2019

    KUCCPS Second Revision of Choices for 2019/2020 Placement

    Second Revision of Choices for the 2019/2020 Placement to Universities and Colleges

    Following the School Application and the First Revision of Degree, Diploma, Certificate and Artisan choices for the 2019/2020 placement process, the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) has finished the first round of processing the applications.

    Out of the 90,744 2018 KCSE candidates eligible for placement to Degree courses, 22,957 did not get any of their choices on a competitive basis.

    The index numbers of these candidates are listed here. (List of students who need to undertake the 2nd revision of courses)

    The Placement Service therefore wishes to invite the unsuccessful candidates for the Second Revision of choices, which will be done online from March 15, 2019 to March 22, 2019.

    The candidates will choose from programmes that have not filled their capacities after the First Revision, which have also been published on the Student’s Portal.

    Candidates whose index numbers do not appear on the list of unplaced students on the website have already provisionally secured one of their choices and will be informed after the conclusion of the placement process.

    Previous years’ candidates who have not had a chance to access training and are interested in applying for Diploma, Certificate and Artisan Courses may do so during this Second Revision.

    Support in Huduma Centres

    Candidates who may need application support are advised to visit the KUCCPS desk in any of the following Huduma Centres: Nairobi (Makadara and GPO), Eldoret, Meru, Nyeri, Kisumu, Kakamega, Nakuru, Kitui, Garissa and Mombasa.

    For more information, visit the Placement Service website or email [email protected]. Our customer care lines are 0723954927, 0734879662 and 0205137400.

    Online Application for the 2019/2020 Placement to Universities and Colleges

    The online application portal is now open for the 2019/2020 placement to institutions of higher learning.

    Application Guidelines

    1. To apply, login to the Student’s Portal – – using your KCSE Index Number and KCSE Year. Use your Birth Certificate Number/KCPE Index Number as the Password.

    2. All programmes have minimum subject requirements. You will only be able to apply for a course whose minimum requirements you meet, but the selection will be determined by the overall performance and the available capacity.

    3. You may view the available programmes and their requirements by clicking the Programmes tab in the portal. You can also search for courses by institution, using the Institutions tab.

    4. As you select the programmes, you may move the ones that interest you into the Course Basket. This will enable you to work with a shorter list when preparing your final list of courses to apply for.

    5. Once you have settled on your preferred courses, you will only be required to enter the Programme Codes.

    6. To apply, use the Application/Revision tab to enter the Programme Codes.

    7. After confirming that the Programme Codes entered are for the courses you would like to apply for, please submit and follow the application fee payment instructions.

    8. An application processing fee is charged as follows:

  • Students applying for the first time – Ksh 1,500
  • Students revising their choices submitted in school – Ksh1,000

    9. The placement processing fee should be paid after you have selected courses.

    10. You are advised to keep your transaction code safely. It will be required before you make any subsequent changes to your application.

    How to Pay

    1. Go to your Lipa na M-PESA Menu

    2. Select Pay Bill

    3. Enter Business Number 820201

    4. For the Account Number, enter your KCSE Year and KCSE Index Number (no space)

    5. Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send.

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  • Why C+ May no Longer be Direct Varsity Ticket!
  • KUCCPS Online Application Guidelines – How to Apply for KUCCPS Courses Online – Step by Step Guide!
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  • RUFORUM MasterCard Foundation Undergraduate & Masters Scholarships for Young Africans (110 Fully Funded Scholarships in Kenya and 110 Fully Funded Scholarships in Uganda – All Africans Eligible) – Apply by 31st March, 2019
  • ✆ WhatsApp +254723040015

    ☎ Tel. +254723040015

    [email protected]


    KUCCPS applications are be done online by all applicants – first time applicants or those who wish to revise their choices.

    There are no manual applications.

    KUCCPS advertises the dates for 1st and 2nd revision of courses.

    The procedure is as outlined below;

    KUCCPS Online Applications

    Applicant Eligibility

    For a candidate to be eligible to apply for placement, the following conditions will apply:

  • A Kenyan Citizen governed by Chapter III of the Constitution of Kenya and the Kenya Citizenship Act Cap 172 of 2011
  • Application will only be eligible to the KCSE candidates attaining the cut-off marks indicated by KUCCPS from time to time.

    Applicant Choices;

  • Candidates are allowed to make a total of 6 choices for either degree or diploma programmes.
  • 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) must be similar programmes while Choices 2, 3 and, 4 can be any other programmes.
  • Candidates with disabilities will download and fill the Disability application form and return the dully filled form to the Placement Service.

    Application Requirements;

    All applicants will require the following for KUCCPS Application and Student Portal Log-in;

  • KCSE Index Number
  • KCPE Index Number or
  • Birth Certificate Number
  • An email address (you can open one for free)
  • A telephone number
  • Enough money in your Mpesa to pay for revision.

    The revision charge is Ksh. 1,000 for those candidates who had applied in School and Ksh. 1,500 for those who had not applied in school.

    Procedure for Online application of Programmes Choices.

    Step 1:

    Access from your computer then click on First Revision to proceed. (Or Second Revision during the 2nd Revision)

    Note: Your Password is confidential and MUST never be made known to another person.

    Step 2:

    The student should input their index number, the year they sat for KCSE examination and their birth certificate number according to the information given to KNEC.

    In case the birth certificate number was not provided during registration the student should use their KCPE index number as the password.

    Step 2:

    The student should input their index number, the year they sat for KCSE examination and their birth certificate number according to the information given to KNEC.

    In case the birth certificate number was not provided during registration the student should use their KCPE index number as the password.

    Step 3: Accessing Available Programmes

  • Click on Courses/Programmes.
  • Access Courses / Programmes within a particular grouping by clicking the group name e.g. Engineering. Click on the particular programme that you want to pursue i.e. if it is Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering), click on it. The following page shows the cluster subject requirements for a particular course, similar programmes and their codes that will be used on the application and a key for the abbreviated institution. Step 4: Application Fee Payment

    a) Pay the required amount through your mobile phone by Mpesa following the instructions below:

  • Go to M-PESA on your phone.
  • Select Pay Bill option.
  • Enter Business no. 820201.
  • Enter KCSE Examination year followed by 11 Digit INDEX NO e.g.201801234567891 as your account number.
  • Enter the Amount.
  • Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send.

    b) You will receive a payment confirmation message from Mpesa. The confirmation message received from MPESA should not be deleted as it the transaction ID number will be used to confirm the changes every time one makes a change / update on the system.

    Step 5: Application/Revision of Courses/Programmes

    Use the link titled APPLICATION/REVISION to complete your application/revision as follows:

    a) Enter the Programme codes for the revised programme choices that you recorded on the column labeled “New Programme Code” and Tick “ select to change/revise” column programmes you want to change / Revise.

    b) The choices you have made will be displayed below if the changes / revision was saved successfully (without errors). If you find errors indicated in red, correct and save again. Step 6: Log Out / Sign Out

    You MUST Log out when you have finalized with application. This is necessary so as to keep your application information safe.

    1.5 KUCCPS Support

    For further assistance, an applicant may visit the KUCCPS offices at 1st Ngong Avenue, ACK Garden, Community, during the application period.

    Enquires may also be made by sending an email through [email protected] or Call either 0723-954-927 or 0734-879- 662 between 8 am and 5 pm during the application period.


  • There will be NO MANUAL REVISION using physical application forms. KUCCPS application must be done online following the procedure given above.
  • All payments for application MUST be made through MPESA as explained in step 4 of the procedure. Any other mode of payment will NOT BE ACCEPTED.

    Training Opportunities in TVET Institutions

    Are you a KCSE holder who has not yet enrolled into a TVET college? Did you miss the last placement to diploma, certificate and artisan courses?

    The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is once again inviting you to apply for a TVET course of your choice in National Polytechnics, Technical Training Institutes or other Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions.

    The online application system will open from Thursday, October 15, 2020 to Thursday, November 5, 2020 for the TVET Continuous Placement to Diploma, Certificate and Artisan courses.

    The minimum requirements are:

  • Mean Grade of D – (minus) and below for Artisan Certificate Courses
  • Mean Grade of D (plain) and above for Craft Certificate Courses; and
  • Mean Grade of C – (Minus) and above for Diploma Courses.

    Eligible Candidates

    All KCSE certificate holders who have not benefited from Government sponsorship before are eligible to apply where they meet the minimum requirements, whichever year one did the KCSE examination.

    How to Apply

  • All applications must be done online through the Student’s Portal accessible via the Placement Service website
  • The application procedure, available TVET courses and their requirements, a list of Government institutions sponsored under the Ministry of Education and other relevant information are available on the Student’s portal.
  • Application support will be provided through the Huduma Centres in Nairobi (GPO and Makadara), Mombasa, Kisumu, Nyeri, Garissa, Kitui, Eldoret, Kakamega, Meru and Nakuru, subject to social distancing and hygiene measures put in place in the respective Huduma Centres.
  • In addition, the Placement Service will continuously provide support through its official digital platforms.

    For more information, visit the Placement Service website or call 020 5137400, 0723954927 or 0734879662.

  • For your placement results, log in your KUCCPS Account at –

  • Top 2019 KCSE Students Troop to Medicine, Engineering
  • KUCCPS transfer of courses will be announced at a later date. This will enable those dissatisfied with their placement to change course and or institution. Follow this page daily for updates.

    KUCCPS 2020/21 Applications – High Demand Courses

  • KUCCPS Applications 2nd Revision 2020/2021 – Now Open –

    List of Candidates Who Need to Participate in the 2nd Revision – List of Index Numbers – Click Here!

    Announcement: Second Revision of Choices for 2020/2021 Placement

    The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service wishes to announce that the online application system will open for the Second Revision of degree, diploma and certificate choices from Thursday, April 2, 2020 to Wednesday, April 15, 2020.

    The Second Revision will be open for all the applicants who, on competitive selection after the First Revision of Choices, have not secured any of their choices for placement to universities and colleges.

    The KCSE index numbers of these applicants are listed – see links above. We urge principals of the secondary schools whose former students’ index numbers are listed on the website to inform the affected applicants to revise their choices.

    In addition, students who did not apply through their schools and missed the First Revision of Choices may use this opportunity to submit their applications.

    The applicants will be required to select new choices from the degree, diploma and craft/artisan certificate courses with unfilled capacities, which are also listed on the website, and submit afresh.

    Applicants whose index numbers are not in the list on the website have already provisionally secured one of their choices, hence are not required to reapply. The outcome of their applications will be given after the conclusion of the placement processing.

    Application Guidelines

  • Applications must be submitted through the KUCCPS Student’s Portal.
  • Applications may also be submitted through the Placement Service App, KUCCPS STUDENTS, which is available for download on Play Store.
  • More information including detailed application guidelines, institutions, available programmes, minimum subject requirements and previous cut-off points are available on the Portal.

    Application Support

  • In light of the Government guidelines meant to stem the spread of the coronavirus, applicants are advised to observe social distancing, avoid gatherings and follow the directives regularly issued by the Ministry of Health.
  • Due to these Government guidelines, the Placement Service offices and Huduma Centre desks are closed to the public. The application process is, however, fully automated and applicants who need support to access their accounts should contact the Placement Service Customer Care through:
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Facebook: @The.Placement.Service
  • Twitter: @KUCCPS_Official

    The Placement Service staff will be reachable for support through the above contacts weekdays from 8am to 5pm.

    The placement application process is automated and applications can be submitted online from any location through mobile phones, tablets and computers connected to the Internet. Applicants are advised to observe the deadline as late applications will not be accepted.

    For more details and application, see; Announcement: Second Revision of Choices for 2020/2021 Placement

    (No payment is required during the 2nd revision of courses if you had paid during the 1st revision. You use the same Mpesa code to submit your 2nd revision application. Get Mpesa statement for the dates that you paid if you can no longer trace the message.)

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  • Log into Your KUCCPS Account to Find Out the Course and University or College that You Have Been Admitted to!

    Online Application for the 2020/2021 Placement to Universities and Colleges

    The online application portal will open soon for the 2020/2021 placement to institutions of higher learning.

    Application Guidelines

    1. To apply, login to the Student’s Portal – – using your KCSE Index Number and KCSE Year. Use your Birth Certificate Number/KCPE Index Number as the Password.

    2. All programmes have minimum subject requirements. You will only be able to apply for a course whose minimum requirements you meet, but the selection will be determined by the overall performance and the available capacity.

    3. You may view the available programmes and their requirements by clicking the Programmes tab in the portal. You can also search for courses by institution, using the Institutions tab.

    4. As you select the programmes, you may move the ones that interest you into the Course Basket. This will enable you to work with a shorter list when preparing your final list of courses to apply for.

    5. Once you have settled on your preferred courses, you will only be required to enter the Programme Codes.

    6. To apply, use the Application/Revision tab to enter the Programme Codes.

    7. After confirming that the Programme Codes entered are for the courses you would like to apply for, please submit and follow the application fee payment instructions.

    8. An application processing fee is charged as follows:

  • Students applying for the first time – Ksh 1,500
  • Students revising their choices submitted in school – Ksh1,000

    9. The placement processing fee should be paid after you have selected courses.

    10. You are advised to keep your transaction code safely. It will be required before you make any subsequent changes to your application.

    How to Pay

    1. Go to your Lipa na M-PESA Menu

    2. Select Pay Bill

    3. Enter Business Number 820201

    4. For the Account Number, enter your KCSE Year and KCSE Index Number (no space)

    5. Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send.

  • KUCCPS Online Application Guidelines – How to Apply for KUCCPS Courses Online – Step by Step Guide!
  • Clerical Vacancies in Kenya for Recent Form 4 Leavers – No Experience Needed!
  • ✆ WhatsApp +254723040015

    ☎ Tel. +254723040015

    [email protected]

    KUCCPS Admission List 2020/2021 for University and College Students – 2019 KCSE Candidates and Previous Years – To be Posted Here When Out!

    KUCCPS Admission List 2020/2021 – KUCCPS Admission Letters 2020 Out Soon! University/College Admission Letters! Follow the links below for KUCCPS University & College Admissions This Year 2020 for 2019 KCSE Candidates! Admission List Out Soon. Check Here Daily for Updates of KUCCPS University and College Admissions 2020!

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Candidates 2025 KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2025 K.c.s.e. Candidates 2025 KUCCPSintake 2025 Kupps Cut Point for Boys 2025 Kupps Cut Point for Girls 2025 KUucps Release New Entry Points 2025 KUups Application Dateline for 2025 2025 Laikipia University Cluster Points 2025 Latest News KUCCPS 2025 Least Marketable Courses in Kenya 2025 List of KUCCPS Cluster Points for Different Courses 2025 List of Recognized Colleges in Kenya 2025 List of Short Courses in Kenya 2025 List of Technical Colleges in Kenya 2025 M-pesa Users to Reverse Wrong Transactions on Sms 2025 Maasai Mara University Cluster Points 2025 Machakos University Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2025 Management University of Africa Cluster Points 2025 Marist International University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2025 Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2025 Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2025 2025 Marketable Courses in Kenya 2025 Marketable Courses in Kenya 2025 2025 Marketable Courses in the World 2025 Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya(2025) 2025 Marketable Engineering Courses in Kenya 2025 Maseno University Cluster Points – Msu – Cluster Points 2025 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Cluster Points – MMUst – Cluster Points 2025 Medical Courses With D+ 2025 Medical Laboratory Course in Kenya 2025 Medical Laboratory Science in Kenya 2025 Meru University of Science and Technology Cluster Points 2025 MKU Courses 2025 2025 MKU Diploma Courses and Requirements 2025 MKU May Intake Courses 2025 MMU Accounting 2025 MMU Cyberjaya Address 2025 MMU Cyberjaya Course 2025 MMU Diploma Fees 2025 MMU Foundation 2025 MMU Intake 2025 2025 MMU Melaka Course 2025 MMUst KUCCPS 2025 Moi University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2025 Moi University School of Nursing 2025 Most Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Marketable Courses in Africa 2025 Most Marketable Courses in Kenyan Universities 2025 Most Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 2025 Most Marketable Short Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Marketable Technical Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Mount Kenya University 2025 Mount Kenya University Cluster Points 2025 Mpesa Agents-how to Reverse Money 2025 Mpesa Paybill Reversal 2025 Mpesa Reversal 456 2025 Mpesa Reversal Text 2025 Mpesa Reversal Time 2025 Multimedia University Career 2025 Multimedia University Courses 2025 Multimedia University Diploma 2025 Multimedia University Diploma in Mass Communication 2025 Multimedia University Melaka 2025 Multimedia University Melaka Address 2025 Multimedia University of Kenya Certificate Courses 2025 Multimedia University of Kenya Cluster Points 2025 Murang’a University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2025 Muvuti Boys High 2025 My Cluster Points 2025 My KCSE Cluster Points 2025 Nairobi Aviation College Nairobi City, Kenya 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Application Form 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fee Structure Pdf 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fees Structure 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Hostels 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute January Intake 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Prospectus 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute September Intake 2025 Nairobi University Certificate Courses 2025 Nairobi University Courses and Cluster Points 2025 Nenap KUCCPS Scholarships in Trades 2025 2025 Ngo Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2025 2025 Pan Africa Christian University Cluster Points 2025 Pioneer International University Cluster Points 2025 Presbyterian University of East Africa Cluster Points 2025 Private Colleges in Nairobi 2025 Private University Constituent Cluster Pointss 2025 Procedure for Universty Application Under Kups 2025 Public Colleges Admission 2025 Public Colleges in Kenya 2025 Pwani University Cluster Points – Pu – Cluster Points 2025 Regina Pacis University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2025 Registered Colleges in Kenya by Higher Ministry of Education 2025 Revision of Courses 2025 Riara University Cluster Points 2025 Rongo University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2025 Safaricom Announces How to Reverse M-pesa Transactions by Sms 2025 Safaricom Casual Jobs 2025 Safaricom Jobs for 2025 Form 4 Leavers With D+ 2025 Scott Theological Cluster Points Cluster Points 2025 Short Courses in Kenya 2025 2025 Short Courses in Kenya Institute of Management 2025 Short Marketable Courses in Kenya 2025 Show Me Index of Unplaced Students 2025 South Eastern Kenya University Cluster Points 2025 St. Paul’s University Cluster Points 2025 Strathmore University Cluster Points 2025 Student’s Portal – Login 2025 Taita Taveta University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2025 Tangaza University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2025 Technical University of Kenya Cluster Points – Tuk – Cluster Points 2025 Technical University of Kenya Diploma Courses 2025 Technical University of Mombasa Cluster Points – Tum – Cluster Points 2025 The East African University Cluster Points 2025 Top 10 Hardest Courses in the World 2025 Top 10 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Careers 2025 Top 20 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Top Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Top Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Top Ten Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Tum Cluster Points 2025 Umma University Cluster Points 2025 United States International University Cluster Points 2025 Universities&courses Selection Date 2025 University and College Intake 2025 University Course Codes in Kenya 2025 University Intake in Kenya 2025 University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Cluster Points 2025 University of Eldoret Cluster Points 2025 University of Kabianga Cluster Points 2025 University of Nairobi Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2025 University Placements 2025 University Placements KUCCPS 2025 University Revision Release Date 2025 University/college Intake 2025 Unmarketable Courses in Kenya 2025 Unversity Placement KUCCPS 2025 Uzima University Cluster Points – Cu 2025 Website of KUCCPS 2025 What Is the Maximum Mpesa Balance? 2025 When Are KASNEB Results Being Released 2025 When to Start First Rivision of Courses 2025 When to Start First Rivision of Courses KUCCPS 2025 Which Courses Can You Do With a D in a College 2025 Worst Courses in Kenya 2025 www KUCCPS Ac Ke Courses 2025 www.kuccps 2025 www.kuccps 2025 2025 2025 2025 Cluster Points 2025 Courses 2025 Latest News 2025 Latest News KUCCPS Latest News 2025 Revision of Courses 2025 Portal 2025 2025kcse Grade for University Entry 2025KUCCPS Cluster Points 2nd Revision KUCCPS 2nd Revision KUCCPS 2023 2nd Revision KUCCPS 2023 2nd Revision KUCCPS 2024 2nd Revision KUCCPS 2025 2nd Revision of Courses a a a KUCCPS a a a KUCCPS 2023 a a a KUCCPS 2023 a a a KUCCPS 2024 a a a KUCCPS 2025 A Course for a D+ Student in Kenya A Good Course to Take With a D Minus A Minus Courses in Kenya A Minus Courses in Kenya 2023 A Minus Courses in Kenya 2023 A Minus Courses in Kenya 2024 A Minus Courses in Kenya 2025 A Suitable Course for a Person With Grade D+ About University 2023 Placement and Intake About University 2023 Placement and Intake About University 2024 Placement and Intake About University 2025 Placement and Intake Accounting Cluster Points Accounting Cluster Points 2023 Accounting Cluster Points 2023 Accounting Cluster Points 2024 Accounting Cluster Points 2025 Admission Letters KUCCPS 2023 September Intake Admission Letters KUCCPS 2023 September Intake Admission Letters KUCCPS 2024 September Intake Admission Letters KUCCPS 2025 September Intake Admission Letters KUCCPS September Intake 2023 Admission Letters KUCCPS September Intake 2023 Admission Letters KUCCPS September Intake 2024 Admission Letters KUCCPS September Intake 2025 Admission Lists | the Technical University of Kenya Admission Lists | the Technical University of Kenya 2023 Admission Lists | the Technical University of Kenya 2023 Admission Lists | the Technical University of Kenya 2024 Admission Lists | the Technical University of Kenya 2025 Admissions List 2023 KUCCPS Applications Admissions List 2023 KUCCPS Applications Admissions List 2024 KUCCPS Applications Admissions List 2025 KUCCPS Applications Adventist University Cluster Points Adventist University Cluster Points 2023 Adventist University Cluster Points 2023 Adventist University Cluster Points 2024 Adventist University Cluster Points 2025 Adventist University of Africa, Adventist University of Africa, 2023 Adventist University of Africa, 2023 Adventist University of Africa, 2024 Adventist University of Africa, 2025 Africa International University Cluster Points Africa International University Cluster Points 2023 Africa International University Cluster Points 2023 Africa International University Cluster Points 2024 Africa International University Cluster Points 2025 Africa Nazarene University Cluster Points Africa Nazarene University Cluster Points 2023 Africa Nazarene University Cluster Points 2023 Africa Nazarene University Cluster Points 2024 Africa Nazarene University Cluster Points 2025 After Paying the KUCCPS Student Fee What Do You Do??? Aga Khan University Cluster Points Aga Khan University Cluster Points 2023 Aga Khan University Cluster Points 2023 Aga Khan University Cluster Points 2024 Aga Khan University Cluster Points 2025 Amount Required to Be Paid for KUCCPS Amount Required to Be Paid for KUCCPS 2023 Amount Required to Be Paid for KUCCPS 2023 Amount Required to Be Paid for KUCCPS 2024 Amount Required to Be Paid for KUCCPS 2025 Aplly in the KUCCPS Application Date of 2023 Candidates by KUCCPS Application Date of 2023 Candidates by KUCCPS Application Date of 2024 Candidates by KUCCPS Application Date of 2025 Candidates by KUCCPS Application Date of Candidates by KUCCPS 2023 Application Date of Candidates by KUCCPS 2023 Application Date of Candidates by KUCCPS 2024 Application Date of Candidates by KUCCPS 2025 Apply for a Certificate Course in Medical Laboratory With Kcse Mean Grade of D+ Are C Students Allowed to Join University 2023 Are C Students Allowed to Join University 2025 Are KUCCPS finished with Selection of Colleges Are KUCCPS finished with Selection of Schools Are KUCCPS finished with Selection of Universities Are KUCCPS finished with the Selection of Colleges Are KUCCPS finished with the Selection of Schools Are KUCCPS finished with the Selection of Universities Are Students Who Got D Minus Going to University Atd KASNEB Requirements Atd KASNEB Requirements 2023 Atd KASNEB Requirements 2023 Atd KASNEB Requirements 2024 Atd KASNEB Requirements 2025 Available vacancies in Kuccps B Courses in Kenya B Courses in Kenya 2023 B Courses in Kenya 2023 B Courses in Kenya 2024 B Courses in Kenya 2025 B Minus Courses in Kenya B Minus Courses in Kenya 2023 B Minus Courses in Kenya 2023 B Minus Courses in Kenya 2024 B Minus Courses in Kenya 2025 B+ Courses in Kenya B+ Courses in Kenya 2023 B+ Courses in Kenya 2023 B+ Courses in Kenya 2024 B+ Courses in Kenya 2025 B-is How Many Cluster Points Bcomm Cluster Points Best and Marketable Courses to Do With a C Plain, C- and D, D+ or D or E Best and Marketable Courses to Do With a C Plain, C- and D, D+ or D- in Kenya Best Causes Available in Kenya Colleges Best Certificate Courses to Study in Kenya With Kcse Grade D- and E Best Colleges for a Person With Grade D+ Best Colleges in Kenya Best Colleges in Kenya 2023 Best Colleges in Kenya 2023 Best Colleges in Kenya 2024 Best Colleges in Kenya 2025 Best Colleges in Nairobi Best Colleges in Nairobi 2023 Best Colleges in Nairobi 2023 Best Colleges in Nairobi 2024 Best Colleges in Nairobi 2025 Best Computer Colleges in Kenya Best Computer Colleges in Kenya 2023 Best Computer Colleges in Kenya 2023 Best Computer Colleges in Kenya 2024 Best Computer Colleges in Kenya 2025 Best Corse to Do With D+ in KMTC Best Course That Grade D Plain Can Do in Kenya Best Course to Do With a D+ Best Course to Do With a D+ 2023 Best Course to Do With a D+ 2023 Best Course to Do With a D+ 2024 Best Course to Do With a D+ 2025 Best Courses for Grade D- Best Courses for Grade D- 2023 Best Courses for Grade D- 2023 Best Courses for Grade D- 2024 Best Courses for Grade D- 2025 Best Courses in Kenya and Their Cut Off Points Best Courses to Do Certificate in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Do Certificate in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Do Certificate in Kenya 2024 Best Courses to Do Certificate in Kenya 2025 Best Courses to Do Degree in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Do Degree in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Do Degree in Kenya 2024 Best Courses to Do Degree in Kenya 2025 Best Courses to Do Diploma in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Do Diploma in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Do Diploma in Kenya 2024 Best Courses to Do Diploma in Kenya 2025 Best Courses to Do in Kenya Best Courses to Do in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Do in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Do in Kenya 2024 Best Courses to Do in Kenya 2025 Best Courses to Do in Kenya in 2023 if You Scored a D+ in Kcse Best Courses to Do in Kenya in 2023 if You Scored a D+ in Kcse Best Courses to Do in Kenya in 2024 if You Scored a D+ in Kcse Best Courses to Do in Kenya in 2025 if You Scored a D+ in Kcse Best Courses to Pursue in Kenya Best Courses to Pursue in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Pursue in Kenya 2023 Best Courses to Pursue in Kenya 2024 Best Courses to Pursue in Kenya 2025 Best CPA Colleges in Kenya Best D Courses Offered in Kenyan Colleges Best Degree Courses in Kenya Best Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Degree Courses in Kenya 2024 Best Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Best Degrees in Kenya Best Degrees in Kenya 2023 Best Degrees in Kenya 2023 Best Degrees in Kenya 2024 Best Degrees in Kenya 2025 Best Diploma and Certificate Courses to Do in Kenya With a D,d+ … Best Diploma and Certificate Courses to Do in Kenya With a D- Best Diploma and Certificate Courses to Do in Kenya With a D- Minus. Best Diploma Courses in Kenya Best Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Diploma Courses in Kenya 2024 Best Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Best Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya Best Paying Certificate Courses in Kenya Best Paying Certificate Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Paying Certificate Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Paying Certificate Courses in Kenya 2024 Best Paying Certificate Courses in Kenya 2025 Best Paying Degree Courses in Kenya Best Paying Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Paying Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Paying Degree Courses in Kenya 2024 Best Paying Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Best Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya Best Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2024 Best Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Best Paying Technical Courses in Kenya Best Paying Technical Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Paying Technical Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Paying Technical Courses in Kenya 2024 Best Paying Technical Courses in Kenya 2025 Best Performed Subject in Kcse 2023 Best Performed Subject in Kcse 2023 Best Performed Subject in Kcse 2024 Best Performed Subject in Kcse 2025 Best Schools in Luuka Ple Results 2023 Best Schools in Luuka Ple Results 2023 Best Schools in Luuka Ple Results 2024 Best Schools in Luuka Ple Results 2025 Best Short Courses to Take in Kenya Best Short Courses to Take in Kenya 2023 Best Short Courses to Take in Kenya 2023 Best Short Courses to Take in Kenya 2024 Best Short Courses to Take in Kenya 2025 Best Technical Courses in Kenya Best Technical Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Technical Courses in Kenya 2023 Best Technical Courses in Kenya 2024 Best Technical Courses in Kenya 2025 Breaking News Kenya KUCCPS Breaking News KUCCPS Breaking News KUCCPS 2023 Breaking News KUCCPS 2023 Breaking News KUCCPS 2024 Breaking News KUCCPS 2025 Bridging Courses in Kenya Bridging Courses in Kenya 2023 Bridging Courses in Kenya 2023 Bridging Courses in Kenya 2024 Bridging Courses in Kenya 2025 Bsc.cluster Cutoff-kibabii Uni. C Courses in Kenya C Courses in Kenya 2023 C Courses in Kenya 2023 C Courses in Kenya 2024 C Courses in Kenya 2025 C Courses in Kenyatta University C Courses in MKU C Courses in Mku C Courses in MKU 2023 C Courses in MKU 2023 C Courses in MKU 2024 C Courses in MKU 2025 C Courses in Multimedia University C Courses in Multimedia University 2023 C Courses in Multimedia University 2023 C Courses in Multimedia University 2024 C Courses in Multimedia University 2025 C Minus Courses in Kenya C Minus Courses in Kenya 2023 C Minus Courses in Kenya 2023 C Minus Courses in Kenya 2024 C Minus Courses in Kenya 2025 C Minus Grade Courses in Kenya C Minus Marketable Courses C+ Courses in Kenya C+ Courses in Kenya 2023 C+ Courses in Kenya 2023 C+ Courses in Kenya 2024 C+ Courses in Kenya 2025 C+ Courses in Kenyatta University C+ Courses in MKU C+ Courses in Mku C+ Courses in MKU 2023 C+ Courses in MKU 2023 C+ Courses in MKU 2024 C+ Courses in MKU 2025 C+ Courses in Multimedia University C+ Courses in Multimedia University 2023 C+ Courses in Multimedia University 2023 C+ Courses in Multimedia University 2024 C+ Courses in Multimedia University 2025 C+ Has How Many Points in Kcse C- Courses in Kenya 2023 C- Courses in Kenya 2023 C- Courses in Kenya 2024 C- Courses in Kenya 2025 C- Courses in Kenyatta University C- Courses in MKU C- Courses in Mku C- Courses in MKU 2023 C- Courses in MKU 2023 C- Courses in MKU 2024 C- Courses in MKU 2025 C- Courses in Multimedia University C- Courses in Multimedia University 2023 C- Courses in Multimedia University 2023 C- Courses in Multimedia University 2024 C- Courses in Multimedia University 2025 C- Courses Offered in Kenya C- Grade in College C- Grade in College 2023 C- Grade in College 2023 C- Grade in College 2024 C- Grade in College 2025 C- Is How Many Poits Whet It Comes to Knec C- Is How Many Poits Whet It Comes to KUCCPS Calling Letter Calling Letter KUCCPS Can a D+ Grade in Kcse Be Converted Can Anyone With Mean Grade of D+ Joint Medical? Can C Plain Join University S Government Sponsered Student Can C Plain Join University S Government Sponsered Student 2023 Can C Plain Join University S Government Sponsered Student 2023 Can C Plain Join University S Government Sponsered Student 2024 Can C Plain Join University S Government Sponsered Student 2025 Can I Do a Coarse in Medicine With a D+ Can I Do a Coarse in Medicine With a D+ 2023 Can I Do a Coarse in Medicine With a D+ 2023 Can I Do a Coarse in Medicine With a D+ 2024 Can I Do a Coarse in Medicine With a D+ 2025 Can I Do Laboratory With a D Minus Can I Go to Multimedia University With D+ Can I Join Kenya Polytech Uni College With a D Can Still C+ Qualify for Campus 2023 Candidates Can Still C+ Qualify for Campus 2023 Candidates Can Still C+ Qualify for Campus 2025 Candidates Can You Apply Through KUCCPS if You Had Already Applied but Did Not Join Can You Shuffle the Applied Schools Under KUCCPS Carriers Offered in Egerton University Carriers Offered in Jkuat University Carriers Offered in Kenyatta University Carriers Offered in KU University Carriers Offered in Nairobi University Catholic University of Eastern Africa – Cuea – Cluster Points Catholic University of Eastern Africa – Cuea – Cluster Points 2023 Catholic University of Eastern Africa – Cuea – Cluster Points 2023 Catholic University of Eastern Africa – Cuea – Cluster Points 2024 Catholic University of Eastern Africa – Cuea – Cluster Points 2025 Catoff Point for 2023 Courses Catoff Point for 2023 Courses Catoff Point for 2024 Courses Catoff Point for 2025 Courses Cerficate Courses University of Kenya Certificate Course in Medical Laboratory Technology Certificate Course in Medical Laboratory Technology 2023 Certificate Course in Medical Laboratory Technology 2023 Certificate Course in Medical Laboratory Technology 2024 Certificate Course in Medical Laboratory Technology 2025 Certificate Courses Certificate Courses 2023 Certificate Courses 2023 KUCCPS Certificate Courses 2023 Certificate Courses 2023 KUCCPS Certificate Courses 2024 Certificate Courses 2024 KUCCPS Certificate Courses 2025 Certificate Courses 2025 KUCCPS Certificate Courses in Kenya Certificate Courses in Kenya 2023 Certificate Courses in Kenya 2023 Certificate Courses in Kenya 2024 Certificate Courses in Kenya 2025 Certificate Courses in Kenya Medical Training College Certificate Courses in Kenya Medical Training College 2023 Certificate Courses in Kenya Medical Training College 2023 Certificate Courses in Kenya Medical Training College 2024 Certificate Courses in Kenya Medical Training College 2025 Certificate Courses in Kenyatta University Certificate Courses in Kenyatta University 2023 Certificate Courses in Kenyatta University 2023 Certificate Courses in Kenyatta University 2024 Certificate Courses in Kenyatta University 2025 Certificate Courses Offer for Mean Grae of D- Certificate Courses Offered at Kenyatta University Main Campus Certificate Courses Offered at Kenyatta University Main Campus 2023 Certificate Courses Offered at Kenyatta University Main Campus 2023 Certificate Courses Offered at Kenyatta University Main Campus 2024 Certificate Courses Offered at Kenyatta University Main Campus 2025 Certificate Courses Offered by KUCCPS Certificate Courses Offered by KUCCPS 2023 Certificate Courses Offered by KUCCPS 2023 Certificate Courses Offered by KUCCPS 2024 Certificate Courses Offered by KUCCPS 2025 Certificate Courses Offered in Jomo Kenyatta University Certificate Courses Offered in Jomo Kenyatta University 2023 Certificate Courses Offered in Jomo Kenyatta University 2023 Certificate Courses Offered in Jomo Kenyatta University 2024 Certificate Courses Offered in Jomo Kenyatta University 2025 Certificate Courses Sponsored by KUCCPS Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills KASNEB Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills KASNEB 2023 Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills KASNEB 2023 Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills KASNEB 2024 Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills KASNEB 2025 Certificate in Clinical Medicine and Surgery in Kenya Certificate in Clinical Medicine Kmtc Certificate in Laboratory Technology Certificate in Laboratory Technology 2023 Certificate in Laboratory Technology 2023 Certificate in Laboratory Technology 2024 Certificate in Laboratory Technology 2025 Certificate in Mass Communication Multimedia University Certificate in Mass Communication Multimedia University 2023 Certificate in Mass Communication Multimedia University 2023 Certificate in Mass Communication Multimedia University 2024 Certificate in Mass Communication Multimedia University 2025 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science 2023 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science 2023 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science 2024 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science 2025 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology 2023 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology 2023 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology 2024 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology 2025 Certificate in Pharmacy Kenya Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology 2023 Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology 2023 Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology 2024 Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology 2025 Charges of KUCCPS Application Cheapest Course to Study in Kenya Chuka University 2025 Intake Chuka University Cluster Points – Cu – Cluster Points Chuka University Cluster Points – Cu – Cluster Points 2023 Chuka University Cluster Points – Cu – Cluster Points 2023 Chuka University Cluster Points – Cu – Cluster Points 2024 Chuka University Cluster Points – Cu – Cluster Points 2025 Cifa KASNEB Cifa KASNEB 2023 Cifa KASNEB 2023 Cifa KASNEB 2024 Cifa KASNEB 2025 Cluster Point for Each Coursse in Kenyan Universities Cluster Points Cluster Points 2023 Cluster Points 2023 Cluster Points 2024 Cluster Points 2025 Cluster Points Calcultor 2023 Cluster Points Calcultor 2023 Cluster Points Calcultor 2024 Cluster Points Calcultor 2025 Cluster Points for Aviation Cluster Points for Bcomm Cluster Points for Computer Science Cluster Points for Computer Science 2023 Cluster Points for Computer Science 2023 Cluster Points for Computer Science 2024 Cluster Points for Computer Science 2025 Cluster Points for Courses at JKUAT Cluster Points for Different Courses in Kenya Cluster Points for Different Universities Cluster Points for Different Universities 2023 Cluster Points for Different Universities 2023 Cluster Points for Different Universities 2024 Cluster Points for Different Universities 2025 Cluster Points for Differerence Courses From Difference Universities Cluster Points for Kenyatta University Cluster Points for Kenyatta University 2023 Cluster Points for Kenyatta University 2023 Cluster Points for Kenyatta University 2024 Cluster Points for Kenyatta University 2025 Cluster Points for Pharmacy Cluster Points for Piloting Cluster Points Needed for Law Cluster Points Needed for Law 2023 Cluster Points Needed for Law 2023 Cluster Points Needed for Law 2024 Cluster Points Needed for Law 2025 Cluster Subjects for Bcom Clusters for Courses Offered at Kenyan Universities Collages That Offer a Grad of D (Plain) College Courses to Do With a D+ College Courses to Do With a D+ 2023 College Courses to Do With a D+ 2023 College Courses to Do With a D+ 2024 College Courses to Do With a D+ 2025 College’s in Kenya That Offer’s D Plain Courses College’s in Nairobi That Offer’s D Plain Courses Colleges in Kenya Colleges in Kenya 2023 Colleges in Kenya 2023 Colleges in Kenya 2024 Colleges in Kenya 2025 Colleges in Kenya Offering Nursing Colleges in Kenya Offering Nursing 2023 Colleges in Kenya Offering Nursing 2023 Colleges in Kenya Offering Nursing 2024 Colleges in Kenya Offering Nursing 2025 Colleges in Nairobi Colleges in Nairobi 2023 Colleges in Nairobi 2023 Colleges in Nairobi 2024 Colleges in Nairobi 2025 Colleges in Nairobi Town Colleges in Nairobi Town 2023 Colleges in Nairobi Town 2023 Colleges in Nairobi Town 2024 Colleges in Nairobi Town 2025 Colleges Offering Course in Nursing Colleges Offering Information Technology Courses in Kenya Colleges Offering Information Technology Courses in Kenya 2023 Colleges Offering Information Technology Courses in Kenya 2023 Colleges Offering Information Technology Courses in Kenya 2024 Colleges Offering Information Technology Courses in Kenya 2025 Colleges Offering Medical Laboratory Technology in Kenya Colleges Offering Medical Laboratory Technology in Kenya 2023 Colleges Offering Medical Laboratory Technology in Kenya 2023 Colleges Offering Medical Laboratory Technology in Kenya 2024 Colleges Offering Medical Laboratory Technology in Kenya 2025 Colleges Which Offer Certificate in Medical Lab Colleges Which Offer Certificate in Medical Lab 2023 Colleges Which Offer Certificate in Medical Lab 2023 Colleges Which Offer Certificate in Medical Lab 2024 Colleges Which Offer Certificate in Medical Lab 2025 Competitive Degree Courses in Kenya Competitive Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Competitive Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Competitive Degree Courses in Kenya 2024 Competitive Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Confirmation if My KUCCPS Application Was Successful Confirmation if My KUCCPS Applucation Was Successful Cooperative University 2025 Intake Cooperative University Intake 2023 Cooperative University Intake 2025 Cooperative University of Kenya – Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points Cooperative University of Kenya – Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2023 Cooperative University of Kenya – Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2023 Cooperative University of Kenya – Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2024 Cooperative University of Kenya – Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2025 Corses I Can Do With D Corses Offerd to Students Who Scored D- in Kneck Course Revesion 2023 Course Revesion 2023 Course Revesion 2024 Course Revesion 2025 Courses and Cluster Points at Jkuat Courses and Cluster Points at Jkuat 2023 Courses and Cluster Points at Jkuat 2023 Courses and Cluster Points at Jkuat 2024 Courses and Cluster Points at Jkuat 2025 Courses and Their Cut Off Points Courses Applied in Kenya by Grade D- Courses at Jkuat and Cluster Point Courses for 2023 KCSE Courses for 2023 KCSE Courses for 2024 KCSE Courses for 2025 KCSE Courses for D+ in Kenya Courses for KCSE 2023 Courses for KCSE 2023 Courses for KCSE 2024 Courses for KCSE 2025 Courses for Kcse C Plain Courses in Kenya Courses for Kcse C+ Courses in Kenya Courses for Kcse C- Courses in Kenya Courses for Kcse D Plain Courses in Kenya Courses for Kcse D+ Courses in Kenya Courses for Kcse D- Courses in Kenya Courses for Kcse E Plain Courses in Kenya Courses in Kenya Polytechnic Courses in Kenya Polytechnic 2023 Courses in Kenya Polytechnic 2023 Courses in Kenya Polytechnic 2024 Courses in Kenya Polytechnic 2025 Courses in That D+ Can Apply Courses Offered in Kenyatta University and Their Cluster Points Courses Offered in Kenyatta University and Their Cluster Points 2023 Courses Offered in Kenyatta University and Their Cluster Points 2023 Courses Offered in Kenyatta University and Their Cluster Points 2024 Courses Offered in Kenyatta University and Their Cluster Points 2025 Courses Offered in Moi University and Their Cluster Points Courses Offered in Moi University and Their Cluster Points 2023 Courses Offered in Moi University and Their Cluster Points 2023 Courses Offered in Moi University and Their Cluster Points 2024 Courses Offered in Moi University and Their Cluster Points 2025 Courses Offered in Multimedia University of Kenya Courses Offered in Multimedia University of Kenya 2023 Courses Offered in Multimedia University of Kenya 2023 Courses Offered in Multimedia University of Kenya 2024 Courses Offered in Multimedia University of Kenya 2025 Courses Offered With a Minimmum Gread Pf D- Courses Offered With a Minimmum Gread Pf D- 2023 Courses Offered With a Minimmum Gread Pf D- 2023 Courses Offered With a Minimmum Gread Pf D- 2024 Courses Offered With a Minimmum Gread Pf D- 2025 Courses Take With Grade of D- Courses Take With Grade of D- 2023 Courses Take With Grade of D- 2023 Courses Take With Grade of D- 2024 Courses Take With Grade of D- 2025 Courses Taken With a Mean Grade of D Courses Taken With a Mean Grade of D 2023 Courses Taken With a Mean Grade of D 2023 Courses Taken With a Mean Grade of D 2024 Courses Taken With a Mean Grade of D 2025 Courses That a Person of D- and Above Can Take Courses That a Person of D- and Above Can Take 2023 Courses That a Person of D- and Above Can Take 2023 Courses That a Person of D- and Above Can Take 2024 Courses That a Person of D- and Above Can Take 2025 Courses That Can Be Done Under Certificate Courses That Can Be Done With a D Plain Courses That I Can Do With a D Minus Courses That One Can Engage in With D- Courses to Do With a C- Courses to Do With a D+ Courses to Do With a D+ 2023 Courses to Do With a D+ 2023 Courses to Do With a D+ 2024 Courses to Do With a D+ 2025 Courses with Unfilled Capacities Courses with Unfilled Capacity Couses Under D+ CPA Colleges in Mombasa CPA Colleges in Nairobi CPA Course in KCA University CPA Course in Kenya CPA Course Requirements CPA Government College in Satellite Kawangware Cpa KASNEB Cpa KASNEB 2023 Cpa KASNEB 2023 Cpa KASNEB 2024 Cpa KASNEB 2025 Cuccps 2023 Admission Points Cuccps 2023 Admission Points Cuccps 2024 Admission Points Cuccps 2025 Admission Points Cuccps student net Cuosre of D Plain Ni Kitale Poly Current University Cruster Point in Kenya Cut Off Point for Degree Courses Cut Off Points for KU Top Best Courses Cut Off Points 2023 Cut Off Points 2023 Cut Off Points 2024 Cut Off Points 2025 Cutoff Points University D Courses D Courses in Kenya D Courses in Kenya 2023 D Courses in Kenya 2023 D Courses in Kenya 2024 D Courses in Kenya 2025 D Courses in Kenyan Universities D Courses in Kenyan Universities 2023 D Courses in Kenyan Universities 2023 D Courses in Kenyan Universities 2024 D Courses in Kenyan Universities 2025 D Courses in Kenyatta University D Courses in MKU D Courses in Mku D Courses in MKU 2023 D Courses in MKU 2023 D Courses in MKU 2024 D Courses in MKU 2025 D Courses in Multimedia University D Courses in Multimedia University 2023 D Courses in Multimedia University 2023 D Courses in Multimedia University 2024 D Courses in Multimedia University 2025 D Diploma Courses D Minimum Courses in Kenya D Minus Careers in Kenya D Minus Courses D Minus Courses 2023 D Minus Courses 2023 D Minus Courses 2024 D Minus Courses 2025 D Minus Courses in Kenya D Minus Courses in Kenya 2023 D Minus Courses in Kenya 2023 D Minus Courses in Kenya 2024 D Minus Courses in Kenya 2025 D Minus Courses Offered in Kenya D Minus Courses Offered in Kenya 2023 D Minus Courses Offered in Kenya 2023 D Minus Courses Offered in Kenya 2024 D Minus Courses 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Technology 2023 Intake KUCCPS Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology 2025 Intake KUCCPS JKUAT – Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 2023 Intake KUCCPS JKUAT – Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 2025 Intake KUCCPS JOOUST 2023 Intake KUCCPS JOOUST 2025 Intake KUCCPS Karatina University 2023 Intake KUCCPS Karatina University 2025 Intake KUCCPS Kenya KUCCPS Kenya 2023 KUCCPS Kenya 2023 KUCCPS Kenya 2024 KUCCPS Kenya 2025 KUCCPS Kenyatta University 2023 Intake KUCCPS Kenyatta University 2025 Intake KUCCPS Kibabii University 2023 Intake KUCCPS Kibabii University 2025 Intake KUCCPS Kirinyaga University 2023 Intake KUCCPS Kirinyaga University 2025 Intake KUCCPS Kisii University 2023 Intake KUCCPS Kisii University 2025 Intake KUCCPS KMTC Intake 2023 KUCCPS KMTC Intake 2023 KUCCPS KMTC Intake 2024 KUCCPS KMTC Intake 2025 KUCCPS KU 2023 Intake KUCCPS KU 2025 Intake KUCCPS Laikipia University 2023 Intake KUCCPS Laikipia University 2025 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2025 Kuccps Online Application for Universities and Colleges KUCCPS Payment Procedure 2023 KUCCPS Payment Procedure 2023 KUCCPS Payment Procedure 2024 KUCCPS Payment Procedure 2025 KUCCPS Placement Kuccps Placement KUCCPS Placement 2023 KUCCPS Placement 2023 KUCCPS Placement 2024 KUCCPS Placement 2025 KUCCPS Placement News KUCCPS Portal KUCCPS Portal 2023 KUCCPS Portal 2023 KUCCPS Portal 2024 KUCCPS Portal 2025 KUCCPS Procedure 2023 KUCCPS Procedure 2023 KUCCPS Procedure 2024 KUCCPS Procedure 2025 KUCCPS Programmes KUCCPS Programmes 2023 KUCCPS Programmes 2023 KUCCPS Programmes 2024 KUCCPS Programmes 2025 KUCCPS Pwani University 2023 Intake KUCCPS Pwani University 2025 Intake KUCCPS Refund or Transfer of a Transaction KUCCPS Refund or Transfer of a Transaction 2023 KUCCPS Refund or Transfer of a Transaction 2023 KUCCPS Refund or Transfer of a Transaction 2024 KUCCPS Refund or Transfer of a Transaction 2025 KUCCPS Revision KUCCPS Revision of Courses KUCCPS Revision of Courses 2023 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KUCCPS University of Nairobi 2023 Intake KUCCPS University of Nairobi 2025 Intake KUCCPS University Placement KUCCPS University Placement 2023 Second Revision KUCCPS University Placement 2023 Second Revision KUCCPS University Placement 2024 Second Revision KUCCPS University Placement 2025 Second Revision KUCCPS University Placements 2025 KUCCPS University Portal for 2023 KCSE Candidates KUCCPS University Portal for 2023 KCSE Candidates KUCCPS University Portal for 2024 KCSE Candidates KUCCPS University Portal for 2025 KCSE Candidates KUCCPS University Portal for KCSE Candidates 2023 KUCCPS University Portal for KCSE Candidates 2023 KUCCPS University Portal for KCSE Candidates 2024 KUCCPS University Portal for KCSE Candidates 2025 KUCCPS University Selection KUCCPS Unplaced Candidates KUCCPS UON 2023 Intake KUCCPS UON 2025 Intake KUCCPS Web KUCCPS Website KUCCPS Website 2023 KUCCPS Website 2023 KUCCPS Website 2024 KUCCPS Website 2025 KUCCPS Website Now Open for Applications KUCCPS When 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Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application for 2023 K.C.S.E. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application for 2023 K.c.s.e. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application for 2023 K.C.S.E. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application for 2024 K.c.s.e. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application for 2024 K.C.S.E. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application for 2025 K.c.s.e. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application for 2025 K.C.S.E. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application for K.c.s.e. Candidates 2023 KUCCPS: Placement Application for K.c.s.e. Candidates 2023 KUCCPS: Placement Application for K.c.s.e. Candidates 2024 KUCCPS: Placement Application for K.c.s.e. Candidates 2025 KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2023 K.c.s.e. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2023 K.C.S.E. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2023 K.c.s.e. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2023 K.C.S.E. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2024 K.c.s.e. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2024 K.C.S.E. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2025 K.c.s.e. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application of 2025 K.C.S.E. Candidates KUCCPS: Placement Application of K.c.s.e. Candidates 2023 KUCCPS: Placement Application of K.c.s.e. Candidates 2023 KUCCPS: Placement Application of K.c.s.e. Candidates 2024 KUCCPS: Placement Application of K.c.s.e. Candidates 2025 KUCCPSintake KUCCPSintake 2023 KUCCPSintake 2023 KUCCPSintake 2024 KUCCPSintake 2025 Kuccups Kuccuups College Sponsorship KUcps Courses Entry Points Kupps Cut Point for Boys 2023 Kupps Cut Point for Boys 2023 Kupps Cut Point for Boys 2024 Kupps Cut Point for Boys 2025 Kupps Cut Point for Girls 2023 Kupps Cut Point for Girls 2023 Kupps Cut Point for Girls 2024 Kupps Cut Point for Girls 2025 Kuppss Revision Courses Year 2023 Kuppss Revision Courses Year 2023 Kuppss Revision Courses Year 2025 Laikipia University 2025 Intake Laikipia University Cluster Points Laikipia University Cluster Points 2023 Laikipia University Cluster Points 2023 Laikipia University Cluster Points 2024 Laikipia University Cluster Points 2025 Latest News KUCCPS Latest News KUCCPS 2023 Latest News KUCCPS 2023 Latest News KUCCPS 2024 Latest News KUCCPS 2025 Latest Updates of KUCCPS Latest Updates on KUCCPS Least Marketable Courses in Kenya Least Marketable Courses in Kenya 2023 Least Marketable Courses in Kenya 2023 Least Marketable Courses in Kenya 2024 Least Marketable Courses in Kenya 2025 List of Jobs Available for Form Four Leavers With a D+, D and D- Best and Marketable Courses to Do With a C Plain List of KUCCPS Cluster Points for Different Courses List of KUCCPS Cluster Points for Different Courses 2023 List of KUCCPS Cluster Points for Different Courses 2023 List of KUCCPS Cluster Points for Different Courses 2024 List of KUCCPS Cluster Points for Different Courses 2025 List of Placed Students in KUCCPS List of Recognized Colleges in Kenya List of Recognized Colleges in Kenya 2023 List of Recognized Colleges in Kenya 2023 List of Recognized Colleges in Kenya 2024 List of Recognized Colleges in Kenya 2025 List of Short Courses in Kenya List of Short Courses in Kenya 2023 List of Short Courses in Kenya 2023 List of Short Courses in Kenya 2024 List of Short Courses in Kenya 2025 List of Technical Colleges in Kenya List of Technical Colleges in Kenya 2023 List of Technical Colleges in Kenya 2023 List of Technical Colleges in Kenya 2024 List of Technical Colleges in Kenya 2025 List of Universities and Colleges in Kenya Login to KUCCPS M-pesa Users to Reverse Wrong Transactions on Sms M-pesa Users to Reverse Wrong Transactions on Sms 2023 M-pesa Users to Reverse Wrong Transactions on Sms 2023 M-pesa Users to Reverse Wrong Transactions on Sms 2024 M-pesa Users to Reverse Wrong Transactions on Sms 2025 Maasai Mara University 2025 Intake Maasai Mara University Cluster Points Maasai Mara University Cluster Points 2023 Maasai Mara University Cluster Points 2023 Maasai Mara University Cluster Points 2024 Maasai Mara University Cluster Points 2025 Machakos University 2025 Intake Machakos University Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points Machakos University Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2023 Machakos University Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2023 Machakos University Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2024 Machakos University Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2025 Management University of Africa Cluster Points Management University of Africa Cluster Points 2023 Management University of Africa Cluster Points 2023 Management University of Africa Cluster Points 2024 Management University of Africa Cluster Points 2025 Marist International University Cluster Points – Cuea – Marist International University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2023 Marist International University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2023 Marist International University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2024 Marist International University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2025 Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2024 Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2025 Marketable Courses in Kenya Marketable Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Courses in Kenya 2024 Marketable Courses in Kenya 2025 Marketable Courses in the World Marketable Courses in the World 2023 Marketable Courses in the World 2023 Marketable Courses in the World 2024 Marketable Courses in the World 2025 Marketable D Courses in Kenya Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2024 Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya() 2023 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya() 2023 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya() 2024 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya() 2025 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya(2023) Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya(2023) Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya(2024) Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya(2025) Marketable Engineering Courses in Kenya Marketable Engineering Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Engineering Courses in Kenya 2023 Marketable Engineering Courses in Kenya 2024 Marketable Engineering Courses in Kenya 2025 Maseno University 2025 Intake Maseno University Cluster Points – Msu – Cluster Points Maseno University Cluster Points – Msu – Cluster Points 2023 Maseno University Cluster Points – Msu – Cluster Points 2023 Maseno University Cluster Points – Msu – Cluster Points 2024 Maseno University Cluster Points – Msu – Cluster Points 2025 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology 2025 Intake Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Cluster Points – MMUst – Cluster Points Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Cluster Points – Mmust – Cluster Points Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Cluster Points – MMUst – Cluster Points 2023 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Cluster Points – MMUst – Cluster Points 2023 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Cluster Points – MMUst – Cluster Points 2024 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Cluster Points – MMUst – Cluster Points 2025 Medical Courses With B Medical Courses With B Kcse Medical Courses With B+ Medical Courses With B+ Kcse Medical Courses With B- Medical Courses With B- Kcse Medical Courses With C Medical Courses With C Kcse Medical Courses With C+ Medical Courses With C+ Kcse Medical Courses With C- Medical Courses With C- Kcse Medical Courses With D Medical Courses With D Kcse Medical Courses With D+ Medical Courses With D+ 2023 Medical Courses With D+ 2023 Medical Courses With D+ 2024 Medical Courses With D+ 2025 Medical Courses With D+ Kcse Medical Courses With D- Medical Courses With D- Kcse Medical Courses With E Medical Courses With E Kcse Medical Laboratory Course in Kenya Medical Laboratory Course in Kenya 2023 Medical Laboratory Course in Kenya 2023 Medical Laboratory Course in Kenya 2024 Medical Laboratory Course in Kenya 2025 Medical Laboratory Science in Kenya Medical Laboratory Science in Kenya 2023 Medical Laboratory Science in Kenya 2023 Medical Laboratory Science in Kenya 2024 Medical Laboratory Science in Kenya 2025 Meru University of Science and Technology 2025 Intake Meru University of Science and Technology Cluster Points Meru University of Science and Technology Cluster Points 2023 Meru University of Science and Technology Cluster Points 2023 Meru University of Science and Technology Cluster Points 2024 Meru University of Science and Technology Cluster Points 2025 Ministry of Education Mku Certificate Courses MKU Courses 2023 Mku Courses 2023 Mku Courses 2023 MKU Courses 2023 MKU Courses 2024 Mku Courses 2024 MKU Courses 2025 Mku Courses 2025 MKU Diploma Courses and Requirements Mku Diploma Courses and Requirements MKU Diploma Courses and Requirements 2023 MKU Diploma Courses and Requirements 2023 MKU Diploma Courses and Requirements 2024 MKU Diploma Courses and Requirements 2025 MKU May Intake Courses Mku May Intake Courses MKU May Intake Courses 2023 MKU May Intake Courses 2023 MKU May Intake Courses 2024 MKU May Intake Courses 2025 MMU Accounting Mmu Accounting MMU Accounting 2023 MMU Accounting 2023 MMU Accounting 2024 MMU Accounting 2025 MMU Cyberjaya Address Mmu Cyberjaya Address MMU Cyberjaya Address 2023 MMU Cyberjaya Address 2023 MMU Cyberjaya Address 2024 MMU Cyberjaya Address 2025 MMU Cyberjaya Course Mmu Cyberjaya Course MMU Cyberjaya Course 2023 MMU Cyberjaya Course 2023 MMU Cyberjaya Course 2024 MMU Cyberjaya Course 2025 MMU Diploma Fees Mmu Diploma Fees MMU Diploma Fees 2023 MMU Diploma Fees 2023 MMU Diploma Fees 2024 MMU Diploma Fees 2025 MMU Foundation Mmu Foundation MMU Foundation 2023 MMU Foundation 2023 MMU Foundation 2024 MMU Foundation 2025 MMU Intake 2023 Mmu Intake 2023 Mmu Intake 2023 MMU Intake 2023 MMU Intake 2024 Mmu Intake 2024 MMU Intake 2025 Mmu Intake 2025 MMU Melaka Course Mmu Melaka Course MMU Melaka Course 2023 MMU Melaka Course 2023 MMU Melaka Course 2024 MMU Melaka Course 2025 MMUst KUCCPS Mmust KUCCPS MMUst KUCCPS 2023 MMUst KUCCPS 2023 MMUst KUCCPS 2024 MMUst KUCCPS 2025 Moi University 2025 Intake Moi University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points Moi University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2023 Moi University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2023 Moi University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2024 Moi University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2025 Moi University School of Nursing Moi University School of Nursing 2023 Moi University School of Nursing 2023 Moi University School of Nursing 2024 Moi University School of Nursing 2025 Most Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya Most Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2024 Most Marketable Certificate Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Marketable Courses in Africa Most Marketable Courses in Africa 2023 Most Marketable Courses in Africa 2023 Most Marketable Courses in Africa 2024 Most Marketable Courses in Africa 2025 Most Marketable Courses in Kenyan Universities Most Marketable Courses in Kenyan Universities 2023 Most Marketable Courses in Kenyan Universities 2023 Most Marketable Courses in Kenyan Universities 2024 Most Marketable Courses in Kenyan Universities 2025 Most Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya Most Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2024 Most Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Most Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2024 Most Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Marketable Short Courses in Kenya Most Marketable Short Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Short Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Short Courses in Kenya 2024 Most Marketable Short Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Marketable Technical Courses in Kenya Most Marketable Technical Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Technical Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Marketable Technical Courses in Kenya 2024 Most Marketable Technical Courses in Kenya 2025 Most Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya Most Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Most Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2024 Most Paying Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Mount Kenya University Mount Kenya University 2023 Mount Kenya University 2023 Mount Kenya University 2024 Mount Kenya University 2025 Mount Kenya University Cluster Points Mount Kenya University Cluster Points 2023 Mount Kenya University Cluster Points 2023 Mount Kenya University Cluster Points 2024 Mount Kenya University Cluster Points 2025 Mpesa Agents-how to Reverse Money Mpesa Agents-how to Reverse Money 2023 Mpesa Agents-how to Reverse Money 2023 Mpesa Agents-how to Reverse Money 2024 Mpesa Agents-how to Reverse Money 2025 Mpesa How to Pay Money KUCCPS Mpesa Paybill Reversal Mpesa Paybill Reversal 2023 Mpesa Paybill Reversal 2023 Mpesa Paybill Reversal 2024 Mpesa Paybill Reversal 2025 Mpesa Reversal 456 Mpesa Reversal 456 2023 Mpesa Reversal 456 2023 Mpesa Reversal 456 2024 Mpesa Reversal 456 2025 Mpesa Reversal Text Mpesa Reversal Text 2023 Mpesa Reversal Text 2023 Mpesa Reversal Text 2024 Mpesa Reversal Text 2025 Mpesa Reversal Time Mpesa Reversal Time 2023 Mpesa Reversal Time 2023 Mpesa Reversal Time 2024 Mpesa Reversal Time 2025 Multimedia University Career Multimedia University Career 2023 Multimedia University Career 2023 Multimedia University Career 2024 Multimedia University Career 2025 Multimedia University Courses Multimedia University Courses 2023 Multimedia University Courses 2023 Multimedia University Courses 2024 Multimedia University Courses 2025 Multimedia University Diploma Multimedia University Diploma 2023 Multimedia University Diploma 2023 Multimedia University Diploma 2024 Multimedia University Diploma 2025 Multimedia University Diploma in Mass Communication Multimedia University Diploma in Mass Communication 2023 Multimedia University Diploma in Mass Communication 2023 Multimedia University Diploma in Mass Communication 2024 Multimedia University Diploma in Mass Communication 2025 Multimedia University Melaka Multimedia University Melaka 2023 Multimedia University Melaka 2023 Multimedia University Melaka 2024 Multimedia University Melaka 2025 Multimedia University Melaka Address Multimedia University Melaka Address 2023 Multimedia University Melaka Address 2023 Multimedia University Melaka Address 2024 Multimedia University Melaka Address 2025 Multimedia University of Kenya 2025 Intake Multimedia University of Kenya Certificate Courses Multimedia University of Kenya Certificate Courses 2023 Multimedia University of Kenya Certificate Courses 2023 Multimedia University of Kenya Certificate Courses 2024 Multimedia University of Kenya Certificate Courses 2025 Multimedia University of Kenya Cluster Points Multimedia University of Kenya Cluster Points 2023 Multimedia University of Kenya Cluster Points 2023 Multimedia University of Kenya Cluster Points 2024 Multimedia University of Kenya Cluster Points 2025 Muran’ga University 2025 Intake Murang’a University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points Murang’a University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2023 Murang’a University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2023 Murang’a University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2024 Murang’a University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2025 Muvuti Boys High Muvuti Boys High 2023 Muvuti Boys High 2023 Muvuti Boys High 2024 Muvuti Boys High 2025 My Cluster Points My Cluster Points 2023 My Cluster Points 2023 My Cluster Points 2024 My Cluster Points 2025 My KCSE Cluster Points My Kcse Cluster Points My KCSE Cluster Points 2023 My KCSE Cluster Points 2023 My KCSE Cluster Points 2024 My KCSE Cluster Points 2025 My KUCCPS Admission My KUCCPS Admission Letter My KUCCPS Admission Letters My KUCCPS Results Nairobi Aviation College Nairobi City, Kenya Nairobi Aviation College Nairobi City, Kenya 2023 Nairobi Aviation College Nairobi City, Kenya 2023 Nairobi Aviation College Nairobi City, Kenya 2024 Nairobi Aviation College Nairobi City, Kenya 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Nairobi Technical Training Institute 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute 2024 Nairobi Technical Training Institute 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Application Form Nairobi Technical Training Institute Application Form 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Application Form 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Application Form 2024 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Application Form 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fee Structure Pdf Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fee Structure Pdf 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fee Structure Pdf 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fee Structure Pdf 2024 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fee Structure Pdf 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fees Structure Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fees Structure 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fees Structure 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fees Structure 2024 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Fees Structure 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Hostels Nairobi Technical Training Institute Hostels 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Hostels 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Hostels 2024 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Hostels 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute January Intake Nairobi Technical Training Institute January Intake 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute January Intake 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute January Intake 2024 Nairobi Technical Training Institute January Intake 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Prospectus Nairobi Technical Training Institute Prospectus 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Prospectus 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Prospectus 2024 Nairobi Technical Training Institute Prospectus 2025 Nairobi Technical Training Institute September Intake Nairobi Technical Training Institute September Intake 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute September Intake 2023 Nairobi Technical Training Institute September Intake 2024 Nairobi Technical Training Institute September Intake 2025 Nairobi University Certificate Courses Nairobi University Certificate Courses 2023 Nairobi University Certificate Courses 2023 Nairobi University Certificate Courses 2024 Nairobi University Certificate Courses 2025 Nairobi University Courses and Cluster Points Nairobi University Courses and Cluster Points 2023 Nairobi University Courses and Cluster Points 2023 Nairobi University Courses and Cluster Points 2024 Nairobi University Courses and Cluster Points 2025 Nairobi Univeslty Certificate Courses and Their Cluster Points Nairobi Univeslty Degree Courses and Their Cluster Points Nairobi Univeslty Diploma Courses and Their Cluster Points Nenap KUCCPS Scholarships in Trades 2023 Nenap KUCCPS Scholarships in Trades 2023 Nenap KUCCPS Scholarships in Trades 2024 Nenap KUCCPS Scholarships in Trades 2025 Ngo Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2023 NGO Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2023 NGO Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2023 Ngo Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2023 Ngo Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2024 NGO Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2024 Ngo Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2025 NGO Jobs in Kenya for Form Four Leavers 2025 Nursing Course With a C Nursing Course With a C+ Nursing Course With a C- Nursing Course With a D Nursing Course With a D+ Nursing Course With a D- Nursing Course With an E Official Website of KUCCPS Opening Date for KUCCPS 2025 Page Navigation Pan Africa Christian University Cluster Points Pan Africa Christian University Cluster Points 2023 Pan Africa Christian University Cluster Points 2023 Pan Africa Christian University Cluster Points 2024 Pan Africa Christian University Cluster Points 2025 Pioneer International University Cluster Points Pioneer International University Cluster Points 2023 Pioneer International University Cluster Points 2023 Pioneer International University Cluster Points 2024 Pioneer International University Cluster Points 2025 Points of Joining University 2023 Points of Joining University 2025 Presbyterian University of East Africa Cluster Points Presbyterian University of East Africa Cluster Points 2023 Presbyterian University of East Africa Cluster Points 2023 Presbyterian University of East Africa Cluster Points 2024 Presbyterian University of East Africa Cluster Points 2025 Private Colleges in Nairobi Private Colleges in Nairobi 2023 Private Colleges in Nairobi 2023 Private Colleges in Nairobi 2024 Private Colleges in Nairobi 2025 Private University Constituent Cluster Pointss Private University Constituent Cluster Pointss 2023 Private University Constituent Cluster Pointss 2023 Private University Constituent Cluster Pointss 2024 Private University Constituent Cluster Pointss 2025 Problems With KUCCPS Transactions Procedure for Universty Application Under Kups Procedure for Universty Application Under Kups 2023 Procedure for Universty Application Under Kups 2023 Procedure for Universty Application Under Kups 2024 Procedure for Universty Application Under Kups 2025 Public Colleges in Kenya Public Colleges in Kenya 2023 Public Colleges in Kenya 2023 Public Colleges in Kenya 2024 Public Colleges in Kenya 2025 Pursue Certificate in Lab Technology at KUCCPS Pwani University 2025 Intake Pwani University Cluster Points – Pu – Cluster Points Pwani University Cluster Points – Pu – Cluster Points 2023 Pwani University Cluster Points – Pu – Cluster Points 2023 Pwani University Cluster Points – Pu – Cluster Points 2024 Pwani University Cluster Points – Pu – Cluster Points 2025 Regina Pacis University Cluster Points – Cuea – Regina Pacis University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2023 Regina Pacis University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2023 Regina Pacis University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2024 Regina Pacis University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2025 Registered Colleges in Kenya by Higher Ministry of Education Registered Colleges in Kenya by Higher Ministry of Education 2023 Registered Colleges in Kenya by Higher Ministry of Education 2023 Registered Colleges in Kenya by Higher Ministry of Education 2024 Registered Colleges in Kenya by Higher Ministry of Education 2025 Revise My University Selection Revision of Courses Revision of Courses 2023 Revision of Courses 2023 Revision of Courses 2024 Revision of Courses 2025 Revision of University Courses Riara University Cluster Points Riara University Cluster Points 2023 Riara University Cluster Points 2023 Riara University Cluster Points 2024 Riara University Cluster Points 2025 Rongo University 2025 Intake Rongo University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points Rongo University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2023 Rongo University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2023 Rongo University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2024 Rongo University Cluster Points – Mu – Cluster Points 2025 Safaricom Announces How to Reverse M-pesa Transactions by Sms Safaricom Announces How to Reverse M-pesa Transactions by Sms 2023 Safaricom Announces How to Reverse M-pesa Transactions by Sms 2023 Safaricom Announces How to Reverse M-pesa Transactions by Sms 2024 Safaricom Announces How to Reverse M-pesa Transactions by Sms 2025 Safaricom Casual Jobs Safaricom Casual Jobs 2023 Safaricom Casual Jobs 2023 Safaricom Casual Jobs 2024 Safaricom Casual Jobs 2025 Safaricom Jobs for 2023 Form 4 Leavers With D+ Safaricom Jobs for 2023 Form 4 Leavers With D+ Safaricom Jobs for 2024 Form 4 Leavers With D+ Safaricom Jobs for 2025 Form 4 Leavers With D+ Safaricom Jobs for Form 4 Leavers With D+ 2023 Safaricom Jobs for Form 4 Leavers With D+ 2023 Safaricom Jobs for Form 4 Leavers With D+ 2024 Safaricom Jobs for Form 4 Leavers With D+ 2025 Scott Theological Cluster Points Cluster Points Scott Theological Cluster Points Cluster Points 2023 Scott Theological Cluster Points Cluster Points 2023 Scott Theological Cluster Points Cluster Points 2024 Scott Theological Cluster Points Cluster Points 2025 Second Revision of Courses Second Selection University KUCCPS Short Courses in Kenya 2023 Short Courses in Kenya 2023 Short Courses in Kenya 2024 Short Courses in Kenya 2025 Short Courses in Kenya Institute of Management Short Courses in Kenya Institute of Management 2023 Short Courses in Kenya Institute of Management 2023 Short Courses in Kenya Institute of Management 2024 Short Courses in Kenya Institute of Management 2025 Short Marketable Courses in Kenya Short Marketable Courses in Kenya 2023 Short Marketable Courses in Kenya 2023 Short Marketable Courses in Kenya 2024 Short Marketable Courses in Kenya 2025 Show Me Index of Unplaced Students Show Me Index of Unplaced Students 2023 Show Me Index of Unplaced Students 2023 Show Me Index of Unplaced Students 2024 Show Me Index of Unplaced Students 2025 South Eastern Kenya University 2025 Intake South Eastern Kenya University Cluster Points South Eastern Kenya University Cluster Points 2023 South Eastern Kenya University Cluster Points 2023 South Eastern Kenya University Cluster Points 2024 South Eastern Kenya University Cluster Points 2025 Sponsership in Kenya 2023 Sponsership in Kenya 2023 Sponsership in Kenya 2024 Sponsership in Kenya 2025 St. Paul’s University Cluster Points St. Paul’s University Cluster Points 2023 St. Paul’s University Cluster Points 2023 St. Paul’s University Cluster Points 2024 St. Paul’s University Cluster Points 2025 Strathmore University Cluster Points Strathmore University Cluster Points 2023 Strathmore University Cluster Points 2023 Strathmore University Cluster Points 2024 Strathmore University Cluster Points 2025 Student’s Portal – Login Student’s Portal – Login 2023 Student’s Portal – Login 2023 Student’s Portal – Login 2024 Student’s Portal – Login 2025 Taita Taveta University 2025 Intake Taita Taveta University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points Taita Taveta University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2023 Taita Taveta University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2023 Taita Taveta University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2024 Taita Taveta University Cluster Points – Jkuat – Cluster Points 2025 Tangaza University Cluster Points – Cuea – Tangaza University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2023 Tangaza University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2023 Tangaza University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2024 Tangaza University Cluster Points – Cuea – 2025 Technical University of Kenya 2025 Intake Technical University of Kenya Cluster Points – Tuk – Cluster Points Technical University of Kenya Cluster Points – Tuk – Cluster Points 2023 Technical University of Kenya Cluster Points – Tuk – Cluster Points 2023 Technical University of Kenya Cluster Points – Tuk – Cluster Points 2024 Technical University of Kenya Cluster Points – Tuk – Cluster Points 2025 Technical University of Kenya Diploma Courses Technical University of Kenya Diploma Courses 2023 Technical University of Kenya Diploma Courses 2023 Technical University of Kenya Diploma Courses 2024 Technical University of Kenya Diploma Courses 2025 Technical University of Mombasa 2025 Intake Technical University of Mombasa Cluster Points – Tum – Cluster Points Technical University of Mombasa Cluster Points – Tum – Cluster Points 2023 Technical University of Mombasa Cluster Points – Tum – Cluster Points 2023 Technical University of Mombasa Cluster Points – Tum – Cluster Points 2024 Technical University of Mombasa Cluster Points – Tum – Cluster Points 2025 The East African University Cluster Points The East African University Cluster Points 2023 The East African University Cluster Points 2023 The East African University Cluster Points 2024 The East African University Cluster Points 2025 Top 10 Hardest Courses in the World Top 10 Hardest Courses in the World 2023 Top 10 Hardest Courses in the World 2023 Top 10 Hardest Courses in the World 2024 Top 10 Hardest Courses in the World 2025 Top 10 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Careers Top 10 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Careers 2023 Top 10 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Careers 2023 Top 10 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Careers 2024 Top 10 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Careers 2025 Top 20 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Top 20 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Top 20 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Top 20 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2024 Top 20 Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Top Marketable Courses to Do With a D- Top Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya Top Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Top Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2023 Top Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2024 Top Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2025 Top Ten Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya Top Ten Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Top Ten Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2023 Top Ten Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2024 Top Ten Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya 2025 Tuk Courses ,clusture Points Tuko News Kenya Today Tum Cluster Points Tum Cluster Points 2023 Tum Cluster Points 2023 Tum Cluster Points 2024 Tum Cluster Points 2025 Tum Univeslty Certificate Courses and Their Cluster Points Tum Univeslty Degree Courses and Their Cluster Points Tum Univeslty Diploma Courses and Their Cluster Points Umma University Cluster Points Umma University Cluster Points 2023 Umma University Cluster Points 2023 Umma University Cluster Points 2024 Umma University Cluster Points 2025 United States International University Cluster Points United States International University Cluster Points 2023 United States International University Cluster Points 2023 United States International University Cluster Points 2024 United States International University Cluster Points 2025 Universities Codes in Kenya Universities in Kenya and Where They Are Found University and College Intake 2023 University and College Intake 2023 University and College Intake 2024 University and College Intake 2025 University Course Codes in Kenya University Course Codes in Kenya 2023 University Course Codes in Kenya 2023 University Course Codes in Kenya 2024 University Course Codes in Kenya 2025 University Intake University Intake in Kenya 2023 University Intake in Kenya 2023 University Intake in Kenya 2024 University Intake in Kenya 2025 University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Cluster Points University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Cluster Points 2023 University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Cluster Points 2023 University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Cluster Points 2024 University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Cluster Points 2025 University of Eldoret 2025 Intake University of Eldoret Cluster Points University of Eldoret Cluster Points 2023 University of Eldoret Cluster Points 2023 University of Eldoret Cluster Points 2024 University of Eldoret Cluster Points 2025 University of Kabianga 2025 Intake University of Kabianga Cluster Points University of Kabianga Cluster Points 2023 University of Kabianga Cluster Points 2023 University of Kabianga Cluster Points 2024 University of Kabianga Cluster Points 2025 University of Nairobi Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points University of Nairobi Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2023 University of Nairobi Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2023 University of Nairobi Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2024 University of Nairobi Cluster Points – Uon – Cluster Points 2025 University Placements 2025 University Placements 2025 KUCCPS University Revise Corses University Second Revision 2023 University Second Revision 2023 University Second Revision 2024 University Second Revision 2025 University Selection KUCCPS University/college Intake 2023 University/college Intake 2023 University/college Intake 2024 University/college Intake 2025 Unmarketable Courses in Kenya Unmarketable Courses in Kenya 2023 Unmarketable Courses in Kenya 2023 Unmarketable Courses in Kenya 2024 Unmarketable Courses in Kenya 2025 Unplaced Candidates KUCCPS Unversity Placement KUCCPS 2023 Unversity Placement KUCCPS 2023 Unversity Placement KUCCPS 2024 Unversity Placement KUCCPS 2025 Uon Cluster Point 2023 Intake Uon Cluster Point 2023 Intake Uon Cluster Point 2024 Intake Uon Cluster Point 2025 Intake Usa Sponsers That Support Education in Africa Uzima University Cluster Points – Cu Uzima University Cluster Points – Cu 2023 Uzima University Cluster Points – Cu 2023 Uzima University Cluster Points – Cu 2024 Uzima University Cluster Points – Cu 2025 Website of KUCCPS Website of KUCCPS 2023 Website of KUCCPS 2023 Website of KUCCPS 2024 Website of KUCCPS 2025 Website of KUCCPS Official Website What Does It’s Take for One to Pursue Biohemistry in Kmtc Colleges What Is the Best Course to Take With a D Plain What Is the Maximum Mpesa Balance? What Is the Maximum Mpesa Balance? 2023 What Is the Maximum Mpesa Balance? 2023 What Is the Maximum Mpesa Balance? 2024 What Is the Maximum Mpesa Balance? 2025 What Next for a D+ Student in Kenya What to Study With D+ Mean Grade What Will Be the Day of the Opening of the KUCCPS Portal for Intake of 2023 Candidates What Will Be the Day of the Opening of the KUCCPS Portal for Intake of 2023 Candidates What Will Be the Day of the Opening of the KUCCPS Portal for Intake of 2024 Candidates What Will Be the Day of the Opening of the KUCCPS Portal for Intake of 2025 Candidates What Will Be the Day of the Opening of the KUCCPS Portal for Intake of Kcse 2023 Candidates What Will Be the Day of the Opening of the KUCCPS Portal for Intake of Kcse 2023 Candidates What Will Be the Day of the Opening of the KUCCPS Portal for Intake of Kcse 2024 Candidates What Will Be the Day of the Opening of the KUCCPS Portal for Intake of Kcse 2025 Candidates When Are KASNEB Results Being Released When Are KASNEB Results Being Released 2023 When Are KASNEB Results Being Released 2023 When Are KASNEB Results Being Released 2024 When Are KASNEB Results Being Released 2025 When Is Revision for University Application for 2023 Candidates Starting? When Is Revision for University Application for 2023 Candidates Starting? When Is Revision for University Application for 2024 Candidates Starting? When Is Revision for University Application for 2025 Candidates Starting? When Is the Deadline for Application of KUCCPS Courses When Is the Deadline for First Revision by KUCCPS When Is the Next Revision for University Applicants? When Is the Registration of Kcse 2024 University Going to Start? When to Apply for Kenya Universities-2023 When to Apply for Kenya Universities-2023 When to Apply for Kenya Universities-2024 When to Apply for Kenya Universities-2025 When to Start First Rivision of Courses When to Start First Rivision of Courses 2023 When to Start First Rivision of Courses 2023 When to Start First Rivision of Courses 2024 When to Start First Rivision of Courses 2025 When to Start First Rivision of Courses KUCCPS When to Start First Rivision of Courses KUCCPS 2023 When to Start First Rivision of Courses KUCCPS 2023 When to Start First Rivision of Courses KUCCPS 2024 When to Start First Rivision of Courses KUCCPS 2025 When Will Be Second Revision of KUCCPS When Will I Be Able to Login to KUCCPS When Will KUpccs Be Open for Courses to Be Chosen by Last Years Candidates? When Will the 1st Revision Take Place? When Will the 2nd Revision Take Place? When Will the First Revision Take Place? When Will the Second Revision Take Place? When Will University Application Start on 2023 in Kenya When Will University Application Start on 2023 in Kenya When Will University Application Start on 2024 in Kenya When Will University Application Start on 2025 in Kenya Which Course Have I Been Selected to Study and in Which University? Which Courses Can You Do With a D in a College Which Courses Can You Do With a D in a College 2023 Which Courses Can You Do With a D in a College 2023 Which Courses Can You Do With a D in a College 2024 Which Courses Can You Do With a D in a College 2025 Which Subject Are Included in Cluster Point Calculation? 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List 2023/2024 Moi University Admission letter 2023/2024 Moi University Admission List 2023/2024 Mount Kenya University Admission Letter 2023/2024 Mount Kenya University Admission List 2023/2024 Multimedia University Of Kenya Admission Letter 2023/2024 Nairobi Institute of Business Studies Admission Letter 2023/2024 Nairobi Institute of Technology Admission Letter 2023/2024 Nakuru Training Institute Admission Letter 2023/2024 Nakuru Training Institute Admission List 2023/2024 Nkabune Technical Training Institute Admission Letter 2023/2024 Nkabune Technical Training Institute Admission List 2023/2024 Pan Africa Christian University Admission Letter 2023/2024 PC Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute Admission Letter 2023/2024 PC Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute Admission List 2023/2024 Pioneers Training Institute Admission Letter 2023/2024 Presbyterian University of East Africa Admission Letter 2023/2024 Presbyterian University of East Africa Admission List 2023/2024 Quick Links 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The University Of Eldoret Admission Letter 2023/2024 The University Of Eldoret Admission List 2023/2024 Tom Mboya Labour College Admission Letter 2023/2024 Tom Mboya Labour College Admission List 2023/2024 United States International University Africa Admission Letter 2023/2024 United States International University Africa Admission List 2023/2024 University Admissions 2023/2024 University of Eastern Africa Baraton Admission Letter 2023/2024 University of Eastern Africa Baraton Admission List 2023/2024 University Of Kabianga Admission Letter 2023/2024 University Of Kabianga Admission List 2023/2024 University Of Nairobi Admission Letter 2023/2024 University Of Nairobi Admission List 2023/2024 Uon Admission Letters Uzima University College Admission Letter 2023/2024 Uzima University College Admission List 2023/2024 Vision Institute of Professionals Admission Letter 2023/2024 Vision Institute of Professionals Admission List 2023/2024 Zetech University Admission Letter 2023/2024 Zetech University Admission List 2023/2024 KUCCPS KUCCPS Admission Letters KUCCPS Courses KUCCPS Institutions Portal KUCCPS Latest News KUCCPS List of Placed Students 2023 KUCCPS News KUCCPS Placement Results KUCCPS Transfer Announcement: Second Revision of Choices for 2023 Announcement: Second Revision of Choices for 2024 Announcement: Second Revision of Choices for 2025 Are KUCCPS Admission Letters Out? 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