Aug 22, Human Rights Prize


International Prizes » Human Rights Prizes » Education Prizes


Human Rights Prize: The French Republic’s Human Rights Prize, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” presented by the Prime Minister of the French government, is now open to applications.

This prize created is to awarded for individual or collective action on the ground, irrespective of nationality or borders, undertaken in France or abroad.

Non-governmental organizations, irrespective of nationality or borders, should present a field mission or project undertaken in France or abroad concerning one of two themes.

Theme 1: Poverty, impoverishment and human rights in a financial and economic crisis.

Theme 2: New information and communication technologies (NICT) and human rights.

Five prize winners will share a total award of €75,000 granted by the Prime Minister.

The application form in French must include:

a) an application letter presented and signed by the president or legal representative of the operating NGO;

b) an application stating in detail the aim and description of the work undertaken or project submitted. It must include a precise budget (with an equivalent sum shown preferably in euros);

c) a presentation of the operating NGO (status, work conducted, etc.);

d) address and bank details of the NGO.

For more information and application, see: Human Rights Prize

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