Advice on hair removal, considering waxing


So I personally struggle with really thick, dark, fast growing body hair. It’s been endlessly frustrating for me to keep up with shaving since it really doesn’t feel worth it.

I’ll shave and the very next day I’ll have stubble, or as soon as I get even a slight chill honestly. I’d hate having to shave every day since it’s such a chore and my skin gets really irritated from shaving too often.

I’m just looking for a bit of advice here since I’m considering trying out waxing.

Is there anyone on here with similar body hair problems to me who can tell me about their experience with waxing?

I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to pain, but it seems like something I could get used to. I’m just worried that the results from the waxing, much like shaving, just won’t last long at all.

I’d love to be able to wear shorts this summer, but it’s not something I can do more than one day every four or five since I start to get stubble. I love how my legs feel and look without hair, but its just hard work for me at this point.

Please let me know what waxing is like! Maybe any tips or advice you have too!