Aug 1, Trócaire Develop Strategies for Training, Roll Out, Implementation and Monitoring of Community-based Natural Resource Assessment and Management and Agroecology Jobs in South Sudan


Trócaire Develop Strategies for Training, Roll Out, Implementation and Monitoring of Community-based Natural Resource Assessment and Management and Agroecology Jobs in South Sudan

Organisational Profile

  • Trócaire is the development and humanitarian agency of the Irish Catholic Church. For 50 years, Trócaire has been working in partnership with local organisations in Asia, Africa, Central America and the Middle East with an aim of achieving its core approaches which include defending human rights, achieving food and livelihood security, climate and environmental justice, ensuring women’s and girls’ protection, voice and influence, saving lives and protecting human dignity and mobilizing the public to achieve global justice. With our partners we work with some of the world’s most marginalised population, supporting communities for long-term change.
  • Trócaire has had presence in South Kordofan, Sudan since 2011 reaching an average of 200,000 people with humanitarian aid annually. Trócaire works in partnership with local organizations and authorities in the region with a focus on improving access to quality health, nutrition, and food security as well as financial inclusion of the vulnerable groups. Currently, Trócaire works with three local organisations in areas of health, agriculture, nutrition, and food security, with natural resources management and economic empowerment.

    Background and Rationale of the Project

  • Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan state1 was a conflict zone between the Government of Sudan and Sudan People Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM) between 2011 and 2016. As a result, the region with a current population of close to three million people including the IDPS displaced by the current conflict in Sudan has been lagging in development and therefore characterized by extreme remoteness with little to no communication and transport infrastructure. The ongoing unrest in Sudan coupled with the economic impact of Covid 19 has resulted to a big population of returnees and IDPs from government-controlled parts of Sudan coming into the region, which is deemed to be relatively peaceful now. This has increased the pressure on the already meagre resources. The community in Nuba practice a range of productive activities for their livelihood including livestock rearing, farming, foraging, and hunting; however, agriculture is the main stay.

    Develop a contextualized agro-ecology implementation strategy for the SKN region of Sudan and roll out trainings to partner staff and SOA agricultural extension agents. Methodology for the development of Agro Ecology implementation strategy:

  • Review and use the FAO ten elements of Agroecology and FAO TAPE tools, the agro-ecology manual of CTP South Sudan, and the Seirra Leone agro-ecology manual as references.
  • Consult with relevant stakeholders in SKN and various experts in Trocaire country teams.
  • Develop a skeleton training guide
  • Deliver in house and practical trainings to partners and SOA Agricultural Extension staffs.
  • Incorporate any feedback and observation into the training guide and finalize for publication or for printing.
  • Develop an implementation strategy

    Develop a contextualized community based natural resource assessment and management training and implementation guide for the SKN region of Sudan and roll out trainings to partner staff and SOA agricultural extension agents. Methodology:

  • The consultant uses CTP CBNRM, Seira Leone CBNRM manual as reference.
  • In corporate key PRA and other interactive and contextualized technologies and tools for the assessment, identification and mapping of natural resources.
  • Consult with relevant stakeholders in SKN and various experts in Trocaire country teams.
  • Carry out or facilitate practical NRM assessment, mapping and management action plans within two communities together with key stakeholders, such as the NRM committee, partners staff, and SOA staff.
  • Capture and address key observations and feedback obtained during the practical sessions and finalize the training guides for printing and publications.
  • Develop the training and implementation strategy jointly with the implementing

    Review and enhance the existing Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework including indicators, data collection tools, as well as a data plans, to assess and track the progress of farmers in adopting agroecology practices and implementing Natural Resource Management (NRM) in targeted households and wider communities. Activities to be carried out This assignment will be done through a mix of remote engagements with the technical teams within various Trocaire and two field visit trips to SKN, Sudan to carry out the actual assignments. The following is the logical flow of the engagement and the activities:
  • The first remote engagement of the consultant will involve.
  • inception meeting and review of the work plans,
  • desk review of the resources available and development of skeleton training guides for agroecology principles and practices, and the Community based Natural resources Management. These guides will be reviewed by Trocaire teams and upon agreements will be used for training of the technical team.
  • The consultant will also develop a schedule for the training of the implementing partner’s staff and the SoA technical staff on both Agroecology and the CBNRM.
  • Develop the CBNRM mapping checklist and data collection tool.

    e. Develop a guide on CBRNM actions planning for the Community Natural Resources management committees

    How to Apply

    Applicants are requested to submit the following:

  • A letter of interest, stating why you consider yourself/your firm suitable for the assignment.
  • Brief methodology outlining the approach you will take to deliver the assignment effectively, on time and with attention to quality of results.
  • Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of all other costs related to the assignment.
  • Personal CV(s) of technical personnel proposed for this project, highlighting qualifications and experience in similar projects.
  • Work references – contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees (firms for whom you’ve produced similar assignments).
  • Two samples of similar work produced on similar assignments by the person/team proposed by your company for this assignment.

    Interested consultants should submit a proposal marked “Agroecology consultancy in Sudan- South Kordofan State” by email to [email protected] copying [email protected]

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