Feb 10, Rapid Response Mechanism Grant in Ghana


Rapid Response Mechanism Grant in Ghana

The Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) is a discretionary grant facility which will be used for swift support to reform initiatives of public sector beneficiaries. Grants from the Mechanism can be used to support alignment of existing reforms or for new policy reform initiatives aimed at improving the business enabling environment for the oil palm and cashew value chains.

Specifically, grants from the Mechanism can be used for contracting experts to review or contribute to policies and reforms, to provide input to the design of public support programs, to capacitate working groups responsible for policy development and review or carry out studies in preparation of forthcoming policies, reforms and support programs.

Indicative grant size, counterpart contribution

This grant offers up to GHS3 million per grant to MDAs. RRM applicants will be required to make in-kind counterpart contributions toward program implementation.

Priority Activities

RRM will prioritize funding for the following:

  • Programs that align and streamline existing duplicated policies in the oil palm and cashew value chains
  • Programs that align old policies to current government industrialisation agenda
  • Development of special policy initiatives on cashew processing, including elements toward their implementation.
  • Peer exchanges to relevant countries for lessons learnt toward developing new policy initiatives for the cashew and oil palm value chains
  • Programs that build the capacity of sector working groups to develop sector-informed inputs for policy reforms

    The following are highly recommended:

  • Joint applications from MDAs that comprehensively tackle a range of (related) policy issues
  • Applications that include elements towards policy implementation (piloting) and make a clear case on how uptake and sustainability of the programs will be assured

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Rapid Response Mechanism Grant in Ghana

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