Dec 20, Tearfund JISRA Country Coordinator Jobs in Nigeria


Tearfund JISRA Country Coordinator Jobs in Nigeria

Main Purpose of the Job

The Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) is a partnership of 50 civil society organisations based in Nigeria, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda (with supporting lobby and advocacy in Europe and the USA). This international, interreligious partnership is implementing a five-year programme (2021-2025) in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to further peaceful and just societies where all enjoy Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB).

The basis of the programme is JISRA’s conviction that Freedom of Religion and Belief and interfaith dialogue are essential and integral to the realisation of peaceful and just societies. In addition, diverse religious actors, including women and youth, can and need to play an important role in this process as change makers. JISRA believes their voices must be heard.

Tearfund’s Christian culture

We believe that prayer and discernment is fundamental to Tearfund achieving its mission of restoring relationships, ending extreme poverty and transforming lives. As a Tearfund staff member you are expected to:

  • Engage with Tearfund Prays and the Prayer hub
  • Lead or participate in spiritual sessions of prayer and biblical reflection within your group
  • Be committed to Tearfund’s Mission, Values and Beliefs statement and to be actively working and living in accordance with Tearfund’s Christian beliefs and theology of mission
  • Maintain your own spiritual development, discover your gifts/callings and grow in discipleship
  • At the same time and JISRA being an interfaith partnership, the Country Coordinator is expected to be faith sensitive.

    Organisational requirements

  • All staff are expected to live out Tearfund’s values as they represent Tearfund externally
  • All post-holders are expected to fulfil their personal objectives set by their line manager, contribute to their team’s overall objectives, take responsibility for reviewing their ongoing personal development and maintain an awareness of Tearfund’s strategy.
  • All Tearfund staff share responsibility to promote and maintain a strong safeguarding culture, including identifying the key actions they should take given their role and responsibilities.

    Key Responsibilities

    Programme Strategy

  • Ensure JISRA project strategies and activities are implemented according to the plan and budget set in the proposal and revised annually, ensure Tearfund’s purpose, values, and the programme objectives are fulfilled through the JISRA Project
  • Responsible for coordination, effective implementation of key strategies, and carrying out of evaluation of the JISRA project with all partners
  • Ensure donor requirements are met and that strategies are executed in line with acceptable quality standards.
  • Develop and Implement strategy to promote interfaith dialogue and peace.

    Capacity Building

  • Facilitate capacity building for religious actors and leaders to address the blurred distinctions between culture and religion
  • Work to strengthening the capacity of faith actors to carry out advocacy on FoRB issues
  • Facilitate dialogue for religious leaders and communities on the religious doctrines regarding women’s position
  • Organising linking and learning events, as well as annual reflection workshops with a wider array of stakeholders to fact-check the results/reflect on previous year and develop annual plans for the upcoming year.
  • Facilitate learning for all JISRA partners and stakeholders on Gender, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Freedom of religion and belief, non-violence communication & intermediation, and engagement of youth and women in peace building.
  • Build partner capacity in implementing the project activities including strengthening of Grass root level Community Based Organisations (CBOs) or Faith Based Organisations (FBOs) of any faith.
  • Consolidate research findings and lessons learned during the project implementation, and share it with Tearfund and JISRA members.
  • Facilitate participatory research to identify the root causes of religious extremism in Nigeria with a focus on historical narratives

    Project / Support function management

  • Work closely with all JISRA partners in Nigeria for the successful implementation of the JISRA programme in (activity schedules / plans) and subsequent donor reporting, in accordance with external donor requirements.
  • Collates the annual plans and budgets of the local partners and in-country consortium partners, as well as the annual financial and narrative reports, approved by the Executive and Supervisory Body.
  • Lead participatory and inclusive risk management across all JISRA partners
  • Responsible for monitoring all partner projects and ensuring they are in line with the contract agreements. Facilitate local partners in their M&E and reporting through training and coaching where necessary
  • Induct and regularly advise project and partner staff based on monitoring outcomes.
  • Provide technical advice and assistance to the implementing partner organisations
  • Ensure all partners have systems in place to measure indicators as detailed in the proposal and log-frame
  • Ensure timely submission of all reports to required standards to Tearfund and lead agency

    Team Coordination

  • Coordinate the JISRA Nigeria Consortium to ensure synergies and collaboration between local and consortium partners, weather contracted by Tearfund or by another Consortium Partner
  • Chair executive body meetings and facilitate joint decision making, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard.
  • Support the Executive Body to foster collaboration between partners (for example, those working in the same region, or advocating for similar issues at (sub)national level, or exchange of knowledge products, etc.
  • Represent the JISRA consortium at global consortium level, present views, achievements and challenges from Nigeria to the wider consortium across the different countries.
  • Contribute to create a sustainable work environment of mutual respect across partners that enables them individually and collectively to strive to achieve JISRA Programme Purpose.
  • Support the development and modelling of a team culture characterised by a shared understanding of Tearfund’s vision, JISRA programme objective, and commitment to a shared values across members
  • Forge synergies between partners, particular those working on similar topics and/or similar areas

    Corporate policy and compliance

  • Maintain appropriate compliance systems and procedures as prescribed in accordance with standard Tearfund compliance policies and donor requirements.
  • Ensure that policies, commitments regarding the safeguarding, protection of children and vulnerable adults, and the prevention of fraud and bribery are consistently applied.
  • Ensure compliance of all projects to Tearfund’s Global Process System (GPS) for the implementation of project proposals, reporting, monitoring, evaluation, audit, learning, project completion and for compliance with donor terms and conditions.

    Networking and External representation

  • Build positive working relationships with project stakeholders including community leaders and members, government authorities, other related stakeholders to build local community acceptance of Tearfund.
  • Develop nurtures and manages relationships with Partners in agreement with the project framework.
  • Facilitate regular meetings between partners to ensure project activities are on track and to share learning to increase overall improvement of project implementation
  • Facilitate regular meetings with Partners, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders
  • Facilitate linkages and networks within and/or between Faith based organisations
  • Maintain constructive relationships with the relevant coordinating bodies, and represent Tearfund at formal meetings.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Tearfund JISRA Country Coordinator Jobs in Nigeria

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