Nov 14, Call for Proposals: Reducing Violence against Sex Workers in Zimbabwe and Mozambique


Call for Proposals: Reducing Violence against Sex Workers in Zimbabwe and Mozambique

Aidsfonds is inviting organisations led by sex workers to apply before 6th of December 2023. Aidsfonds is looking to fund 2 -3 organisations in Mozambique and 1 organisation in Zimbabwe for the period 1 January- 31 December 2024. The total available amount under this call is 140.000 euro for 2024, including €90,000 for Mozambique and €50,000 for Zimbabwe. Each application can consist of a minimum of 20.000 euro (small grants) and a maximum of 50.000 euro. Extension of the grant until mid-2026 is possible depending on the progress made.

This call for proposals is specifically for organisations based in Zimbabwe and/or Mozambique, that work towards better health and rights for sex workers.

What work can be done under this call?

Sex worker-led movement building, service delivery, advocacy and working with key stakeholders Hands Off aims to tackle structural barriers to HIV prevention and services to sex workers, reducing violence against sex workers. Applications may include movement building, organisational capacity strengthening and (peer-based) service delivery activities, such as community-led services, health services, and psychosocial and legal services.

Activities to create an enabling environment through advocacy and campaigning and addressing stigma and discrimination are included in this call, as well as partnerships with and training of law enforcement officers. The call does not include activities to rehabilitate sex workers.

Eligibility criteria

In order to be eligible to apply under this grant, your organisation has to meet the following criteria:

  • Your organisation is led by members of the sex worker community.- Organisations which are not sex worker-led are (only) considered when:
  • They are hosting community-led organisations
  • They are a network of community-led organisations and serving sex workers
  • Your organisation is a not-for-profit organisation engaged in HIV and Sexual and

    Reproductive Health and Rights in Zimbabwe or Mozambique for at least 6 months
  • Your organisation can operate at community, national and regional level.

    Who cannot apply?

  • Organisations who are not led by members of the sex workers community. Taking into account the exceptions mentioned under the eligibility criteria.
  • Organisations from outside the Southern African region; they can also not take the role of

    hosting organisations.
  • Proposals by individuals or by political or government institutions will not be considered.
  • Proposals by private or profitable organisations, companies, institutions will not be

  • Only one application per organisation is accepted for this call. Organisations can be involved in more than one application e.g. as applicant (max 1) and as a host in the application of other organisations (more than 1).

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Call for Proposals: Reducing Violence against Sex Workers in Zimbabwe and Mozambique

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