ITU Equals in Tech Awards for Gender Equality and Mainstreaming in Technology
The EQUALS Global Partnership is now seeking nominations for the 2023 EQUALS in Tech Awards. We want to hear about initiatives, projects, movements, organizations and institutions around the world working to bridge the gender digital divide.
Every year, EQUALS invites nominations from committed and creative initiatives aiming to give women and girls equal access to the Internet, the necessary digital skills, and career opportunities in the tech sector. The Awards are a recognition from a global, multisectoral group of partners who share a commitment to gender equality in the digital age. Winners join a strong community of support and expand their networks.
EQUALS is seeking nominations for initiatives both large and small, from around the world, in the following award categories:
The call for nominations is open to all individuals and organizations, regardless of their languages and nationalities, who wish to submit projects aimed at advancing gender equality using ICTs. Complete and submit the nomination form below. It is available in six languages:
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; ITU Equals in Tech Awards for Gender Equality and Mainstreaming in Technology