I have a friend who writes books and stories, and has self-published one.
I write comic books. I haven’t published any because I’m just not ready to, and I still want to improve them.
Well we were talking about our writing, and she goes “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Comic books aren’t even real books and any untalented hack could make one.”
When I asked her what made her say that, she goes “I’m a published professional, and I just know better than you, honey. Don’t even try to publish, no one will want your shit writing. Trust me, I know good writing because I’m a published author.”
Wanted to be like; Bitch you SELF PUBLISHED one book and sold a grand total of five fucking copies! Get outta here!
Edit; for all of you asking if she’s still my friend, no she is definitely not! This was the final straw in a long string of incidents like this. I just decided enough is enough, and I didn’t feel like putting up with her crap anymore.