What can one do to stop thinking about a perception one has about themselves and how can they just stop caring about their looks in general (more in comments below)?

Is it possible to just stop caring about my looks? Cause it hurts me so much.

This is a reply I made to someone on a post about this same thing pretty much but it sums it all up:

I care way too much (about my looks). It’s literally all I think about. (Main problem I have right now is body dysmorphia. Help me plsssss);

I’m insecure about my eyes right now because days ago I looked in the mirror and they looked red ish. Since then I’ve been almost trapped in this perceptions that they’re red.

Even though when I look in the mirror and take selfies I see that they aren’t, but my mind keeps thinking about it the whole day. Pls tell me there’s something I can do to cope with this .

I just wish I could forget about it completely and stop caring. It just doesn’t seem likely though

Pls I’m literally BEGGING for help I hate living like this.

And one more thing: do you think this perception I have in my mind about my eyes can actually cause my eyes to be red in real life? Can my mind be that powerful to physically change my appearance? I hope not. I’m hoping this is just a stupid thought.

Thank you for reading btw!