What are you personally doing in your daily life to fight against inequality and social injustice and if nothing then why not?


My entire life has been horrible, I was born deformed, abused by my mother until I managed to escape, bullied constantly because of my deformed looks in school, developed severe PTSD due to a horrifically abusive ex who drunkenly maimed me in public (after me telling people I was being abused for months before that) so now I have horrific facial scars. Every so often children will literally point at me on tbe street and scream. This led to me being unable to leave my home for years and became a hoarder.

Not a single person ever stood up for me. Not my brother, father, friends, girlfriends, police, teachers, doctors, nurses. Not a single person.

My entire life was wasted from the beginning due to how I was born deformed and now I live in horrible nightmare cycle where I’m too much of a coward to kill myself.

Why on Earth would I ever stand up and fight for someone else? No one ever showed me that courtesy and a bunch of privileged people who haven’t grown up deformed don’t get to demand a damn thing from me.